Page 14 of Savior

My whole body sagged with both shame and relief as she reached down and plucked the arrow from Leo’s body. She covered the wound with her hand, and a soft light emitted from her palm. After a few moments, she pulled her hand away, and I could see that his skin was mended, and that Leo had his very first scar. It made him even more beautiful.

Leo stirred and I placed my hands on his cheeks just as his eyes opened up. “Ansel?” he asked in a weak voice, and more tears flowed as I nodded my head.

“I’m here, my prince.”

Leo’s eyes widened when he saw the other figure standing next to us. Before I could explain who it was, he guessed, “Thayla?”

“It is I,” she replied with a smile.

“You saved me?” When she nodded, Leo climbed to his feet and captured her in a hug before jumping back. “I’m so sorry, I am probably not supposed to touch a goddess.” He dropped to his knees and bowed his head.

Thayla blinked before a quiet chuckle left her lips. I didn’t know that it was possible for a goddess to laugh, but leave it to my lover to make it so. “Please rise, young prince.”

Leo did as she asked, and said, “I’m also sorry that I’ve not spoken to you until now. I did not know about you, but now I’m grateful for everything you’ve given to me.” He looked over at me with a smile and I took his hand. Now that he was safe, all I wanted to do was touch him.

“You’re welcome,” Thayla answered. “And I have brought grand news.” She pointed to the horizon, where the first glimpse of the rising sun could be seen. “Three moons have passed, and Maldor has taken another sacrifice.”

I knew what that meant; the evil god had taken the life of the king and queen in Leo’s place. I studied his face for any sign of sadness or disappointment, but I found none.

“You are no longer in his sights,” Thayla continued. “And you are now the rightful ruler of the kingdom.”

My heart swelled with pride, and I bowed my head to him in a sign of respect. He was now my king, and I would follow him anywhere.

“I’m glad to hear that I’m no longer being hunted,” Leo began, “But I know nothing of being a ruler. And to be honest, I don’t think I want tobea ruler. The kingdom doesn’t even know I exist. Is there anyone else who could take the throne?”

Thayla flashed a knowing smile. “Although you would be a great king, I understand that it is not your desire. Your heart is set on exploring this great land, am I correct?” He answered with an excited nod. “As far as the villagers know, the royal bloodline is broken. It will be on my authority that a new king is appointed. Do you have anyone on your mind?”

“I don’t know many people,” Leo admitted, “But there is one man who has shown me great kindness. He has a good heart and he follows your guidance. His name is Fagen.”

Thayla nodded. “You have chosen well. Fagen has a good soul, and so do his sons. His bloodline will bring honor back to the throne. I will appear to him soon, but first, there is another important task I must tend to.” She looked between Leo and me before adding, "I believe there are two people here who wish to be wed."

My heart raced in my chest. Even though I knew what my future held, I did not foresee it happening so quickly, and my mindstillhad trouble wrapping around this reality. But my heart accepted it easily. Marrying Leo was what I wanted beyond anything else.

I looked at him and before I could even ask, he nodded his head quickly and enthusiastically. I took his hand, intertwining our fingers together, and told Thayla, "We do."

She smiled and spoke, "Vows bound by a goddess can never break. Your love will only grow and flourish over time. So do not take this question lightly; do you both vow to honor and stay true to one another for all time? To protect each other and be your partner's source of happiness, and their strength during times of struggle?"

"Yes," Leo and I both answered without even a moment of hesitation.

Thayla placed a hand on each of our chests before slowly pulling back, drawing a wispy white cloud of mist from both of our bodies. She brought her hands together and the clouds spread out until they touched. “I have joined every part of you; your lifelines, your essence, your very souls. You need one another to survive.” The mist slowly disappeared from view, but a warm presence in my chest remained.

The goddess continued, “Ansel, as I have promised, your mate’s life is now eternal as well. But be clear; I’ve given you this gift in exchange for your continued loyalty and allegiance. You will continue to fight when you are needed to keep my people safe, and to resist Maldor’s reach.”

“It’s an honor to do so,” I agreed with a bow of my head.

“I will fight too,” Leo added, and my chest swelled with pride. “Ansel said that he will teach me how to wield a sword, and I will use it for you.”

“Your sacrifice is accepted with the utmost appreciation,” she replied with a grin before it faltered. “Maldor’ssacrifice will soon increase his strength, and I’m afraid there will be hard days ahead, filled with battles and strife. But there will also be happy days, such as this one. I will appear to you again when it is time to rise up and fight. But for now, go and celebrate your love, and the bond you share. Moments of bliss renew our spirits and give us hope. Always keep hope alive.”

Leo and I bowed our heads, and Thayla’s light slowly dissipated. In just a moment, she was gone. I swooped down on my prince - my king - myhusband, and kissed him deeply, pouring my love and devotion into his mouth.

When we parted, I rested my forehead on his and gazed into his icy blue eyes. They squinted when he yawned, and he quickly apologized.

“Don’t be sorry,” I pleaded. “I know that you are as overjoyed as I am. But we’ve had a long day, and our bodies need rest now.” As much as I wanted to ravage his beautiful body, I knew he had greater needs. I sat in the lush grass between the roots of the tree, and patted the ground. “Please join me.”

Leo sat next to me and asked, “What about our horse?”

“It will stay close,” I assured before I laid back on the grass, bringing him with me. I wrapped him in my arms and breathed deeply, inhaling his natural sweet scent into my lungs. The aroma relaxed me and brought a gentle smile to my lips.