Page 11 of Savior

When the cloth grazed his hard flesh, Leo gasped and his body jerked. I snapped my gaze to his, to gauge his comfort, but found his eyes were closed in pleasure. One simple touch had him melting.

I didn’t want the cloth to block my touch any longer. I twisted the fabric so that water rained down over his cock, and then tossed the fabric into the pail once more.

I closed my fist around his wet flesh, making Leo’s breath catch again. He moaned aloud when I moved my hand along his slick shaft.

“How does that feel?” I asked in a hungry voice.

“So…good,” he panted. “Please don’t stop.”

I stroked him again and smiled at the way his eyelids fluttered. “I’m not stopping until you burst with pleasure.”

I watched in awe as his pink crown popped through my fingers as I pumped his shaft. His flesh was warm beneath mine, and his curls were soft when my palm bumped against them.

Clear droplets escaped his slit, trailing down his cock and further slicking my touch. He whimpered sweetly as I jerked him, whispering my name and rolling his head back onto his shoulders.

“I want…to touch…you too,” he heaved. His eyes did not open as he flapped his hand in front of him until he found his reward.

Leo clenched his fingers around my thick shaft and stroked me at a feverish pace. His thumb clumsily rammed into my sack with every strike, but I loved the sting it caused.

He jerked me quickly, and when his breathing turned to quick, shallow puffs, I wasn’t sure if it was from exhaustion or bliss…until his eyes flew open wide and he cried, “Ansel, I-”

No other words came; just a long, loud groan as his body trembled. His cock pulsed in my hand, and a thick, white stream burst from his tip, splattering up my arm.

The sight was so beautiful, so arousing, that even though Leo’s hand had stilled on my flesh, I too catapulted over the edge of pleasure. I grunted through my teeth and my cock jerked before spilling my seed onto his skin.

We were both silent while we caught our breath, and then Leo looked up at me with a warm, sated smile on his face. “That was the most incredible thing I’ve ever felt.”

“For me as well,” I assured him. “I can’t wait to make you feel incredible in every way.”

He blinked his eyes in confusion. “There are more ways?”

My deep laugh came from my belly. “Yes, my prince, and I will show themallto you. For now, allow me to scrub you off again.”

He chuckled as I wiped his arm and groin clean before doing the same for myself. Just as I tossed the cloth back into the pail, a knock sounded at our door. A worried expression clouded Leo’s face, but I told him, “Everything is fine. Just stay here,” as I pulled on my trousers.

He nodded and waited by the fireplace as I walked to the door. I threw the locking arm and cracked the door just enough to see the innkeeper holding a tray in one hand and a stack of clothing in the other.

“Shall I bring these in?” he offered, probably wanting more coins for delivery, but I shook my head.

“No, I’ll take them.” I took the items from him and said, “You have my thanks,” before closing the door again. Leo hustled over to latch the lock again while I settled our items on one of the beds.

I stripped naked once more, and Leo and I climbed onto the bed together. We fed each other bread and fruit while we talked until our eyes grew too heavy to continue.

When Leo and I were tangled up together beneath the thin wool blanket, my prince gave me a sleepy smile and said, “It’s alright that our love is a secret for now. I have you, and that is all that is important to me.”

“To me as well,” I replied before placing a soft kiss on his forehead. When I pulled back, he was already deep in sleep, and I wasn’t far behind.

Chapter Six


When Leo and I woke up from our slumber, we ate more of the food from the night before and dressed in the clothes that the innkeeper delivered to us. Mine were a bit snug and Leo’s were a bit loose, but they were clean and we were grateful. I folded up our dirty clothes and stored them in a deep pocket within my cloak. I would wash them if we crossed a stream on our journey. I also placed the remaining rations in another pocket.

Since going home was not an option as long as the king's guards and Maldor's followers were still on our tail, I had a destination in mind; a very important place from my past.

But it was too far to walk; especially for my sweet Leo. So, I bartered with another patron of the inn, trading a stack of shillings for his horse. Leo was so excited to own the black and white spotted beauty; especially when I told him that the animal would make our days of exploring and adventures easier.

I knelt on one knee so that Leo could step onto the other one. He swung his leg over the horse's back until he straddled the animal and positioned himself comfortably. I placed my hand on the horse’s back and leapt, managing to lift myself onto its back, settling in behind Leo.