Page 8 of Temptation

“May I take you guys out after your shift ends? You don’t think Brady will be sick of me by then, do you?”

“Definitely not,” I chuckled into his chest. “I don’t think that boy can get enough of you.” For that matter, neither could I, but I kept that tidbit to myself. The bell above the door jingled, signaling a customer, so I jumped away from Hunter, sighing at the loss of his warm presence. “I guess I’d better get back to work.”

“Just as well,” he shrugged with a wink. “I’ve got some monkey business to take care of.”

I snorted a laugh as I headed behind the counter to wait on my first customer. While I prepared the order, I looked over my shoulder to find the pair playing and giggling together, and my heart swelled a little more. Though I tried to fight it, I knew it already belonged to Hunter. I just prayed he took care of it.

Chapter Four


“You’re all set, Mr. Monkey,” I told Brady’s toy gorilla as I clicked the seatbelt into its buckle. The boy insisted on bringing his new toy with us and asked that I make sure he was safe. Honestly, I had the easy part; I watched Lance install Brady’s car seat into the back of my SUV and it looked like a headache.

Lance offered to drivehiscar for our date, but I wanted to provide for him in any way I could. It was the only way I could soothe my lion half, which had been going crazy the past few days.

Since I had met my mate, my instincts had been riding me hard to take and claim what was mine. But that wasn’t what my sweet Lance needed. His heart was guarded and he didn’t give in easily. I had to earn the right to woo him, which made the reward even sweeter. I knew that I had his trust, which was an honor I doubted he gave to many.

I didn’t know the exact reasons for his cautiousness, but I hoped that he would tell me when he felt comfortable. Until then, I would give him space and enjoy our time together.

Having Mr. Monkey secure, I closed the door and opened Lance's for him, receiving a smile as he climbed inside and buckled in. Then I jogged around to the driver's side and started the engine.

"Where are we going?" Brady asked as soon as I pulled out onto the main road.

"I've got a surprise in mind that I think you'll really like," I replied, and he clapped his delight.

I hoped he and Lance liked my pick; I'd never visited the place personally, but had heard it advertised on the radio. It didn't take long to drive into town, and when I pulled into the parking lot of Air Time, a trampoline park, Brady clapped again.

"Oh, wow! I've seen this place in commercials!" he cheered. "I've wanted to come here! Come unbuckle me Daddy, please!"

Lance chuckled as he released his own seatbelt. He leaned over and said, "Thank you for this," before climbing out of the SUV to help his son.

We decided that Mr. Monkey was too big to join us and that he should stay in the car. Brady gave him a quick hug and promised to tell him all about the place when we got done.

We walked inside and the boy's jaw dropped at the sight of the dozens of trampolines that covered the floor and even sprawled part way up the walls. There was a pit filled with foam blocks, another one containing plastic balls, and several basketball hoops hanging on the walls.

"Oh…my…gosh," Brady breathed, his eyes zooming around the room to take it all in, "I want to doeverything!"

"I've got to pay for our tickets first," Lance told him, and my lion half went crazy. Luckily I was able to clear my throat and keep a growl at bay.

"I'll get them," I insisted. Lance shook his head and opened his mouth to argue, but I gave him my best puppy dog expression and added, "Please." It wasn't a question, but an admission of what I desperately needed. It was my duty and honor to provide for himandBrady.

A smile tugged on his lips and he finally agreed with a, "Thank you," and I hurried up to the counter before he could change his mind.

Once I paid for our admission, the man behind the counter placed a wristband on each of us before we removed our shoes. Lance sighed in defeat when he saw that Brady was wearing mismatched socks, but I thought it was cute.

“What should we do first?” I asked Brady once we stored our shoes in a tiny locker.

“I want to jump!” To my surprise and delight, Brady grabbed my hand and dragged me across the room until we entered the trampoline area.

The entire floor was made up of bouncy mats in rectangle shapes, each of them outlined with different brightly colored padding for safety. Brady showed no fear as he marched onto one of the trampolines, pulling me right along with him.

The mat sagged beneath my weight until I bent my knees and jumped, sending both of us into the air as Brady squealed. He held my hand tighter but didn’t look worried as he chanted, “Higher! Higher!”

I jumped again and again, making us soar further into the air as the little boy giggled and cheered his excitement. He clutched his stomach and said that it was tumbling every time we bounced. But when I tried to slow down, he informed me that he liked the tumbling and asked to go higher still.

After several minutes of stomach-tumbling, hair-flopping jumps, I noticed that Brady’s cheeks were rosy and his breathing was heavy, so Ididslow down so that he could take a break.

But, it didn’t last long; once Brady caught his breath, he exclaimed, “Watch how fast I can go!” before zooming off across the trampolines. He ran and jumped over each section of padding. His toe got caught on the edge of one and he tumbled onto his knees, but before I could run to check on him, he was on his feet again, proclaiming that he was fine and on his way across the floor once more.