Page 5 of Temptation

“Thanks.” She gave a shaky wave to Brady before leaving the cafe.

I looked back at Hunter, who also looked like he was about to throw up. “You have a son.”

“Yep,” I answered flatly. His unsavory reaction was exactly what I had expected, and why I knew it was a good idea to stay away from him.

“So you’re involved with someone,” he gathered as Talon once again patted his shoulder, but I shook my head.

“No, it’s just me and Brady.” I smiled down at my blond haired, blue eyed son, who was poking my pocket and trying to figure out what was jingling inside of it. He was a very curious kid.

“Oh, that’s great!” Hunter’s face lit up and his friends beamed. I looked confusedly at them until Brady captured my attention by trying to climb my leg like a tree.

“Carry me, Daddy! Give me a ride!”

“Buddy, I can’t right now; I have to work.”

“Okay, I’ll help you!” Brady reached above his head to the countertop and tried to grab the mugs, but I pushed them away just in time. Not only was he curious, but he also hadlotsof energy.

“I’m afraid you’ll hurt yourself.”

“No I won’t. I’m a great helper!” He blindly swatted at the cups again, nearly knocking one off onto the floor.

“I bet youarea great helper,” Hunter chimed in, and Brady turned toward him to nod proudly. “But I bet you’re even better at playing games.”

“Games?” My son’s eyes widened. “I love games.”

“Me too,” Hunter replied with a heart-stopping smile. “Would you like to play one with me while your dad works?”

“Yes!” Brady zoomed around the countertop while I chewed my lip.

Hunter caught my eye and assured me, “It’s okay. I’ll stay right here with him so you can watch us.” He soothed my fears without me having to voice them. He shot me a wink just as Brady reached his side. “Okay bud, take a seat here next to me. My name is Hunter, by the way. These are my friends Talon and Brandon.”

Brady smiled and waved at all of them; the kid didn’t know anyone as a stranger, which wasn’t always a good thing.

Hunter lifted Brady onto the barstool next to him. “So, for the first game, I’m going to try to guess your age. But you have to tell me if I get it right, deal?”

“Deal,” Brady nodded.

“Okay. My first guess is that you’re…fifteen?”

Brady giggled and shook his head. “No way!”

“Oh, my mistake. Youhaveto be at least twelve though, right?”

My boy snickered again. “You’re getting closer.”

“Eight?” Brady shook his head. “Five?”

“Almost,” Brady, exclaimed, nodding wildly.

“Hmm…could you be four?”

“Yes!” Brady clapped before holding up four fingers. “You got it! I’m this many, but I’malmostfive. Now let me guess how oldyouare.”

“Go for it,” Hunter smiled.

“Hmm…” Brady tapped his chin while he thought. “Thirty.” It was a good guess, and similar to my thoughts, but Hunter shook his head. “Forty?”

“Nope, but you’re going in the right direction.”Damn, he looks great for his age.