He’ll be gone forever.

Tears sting my eyes, and I pinch them shut when the air begins to warm around me. He’s fading from this realm, taking his chill with him.

I’m killing him, and I can’t do a damn thing to stop it because I foolishly took too much of Death’s power. This is what happens when you mess with necromancy. Nothing good ever comes from it.

How is it you managed to kill both of your parents?Those words bounce around my mind, the toxicity of them bleeding into my heart and turning it black.

No, Raven. That’s what she wanted. Don’t let her win.

I’m killing him,I whisper to Joan.

How can you kill something that was already dead?

Semantics. You know what I mean.

The spirit screeches, but the sound is cut off, and she gags. My eyes snap open, widening when I see Draco standing in front of me, holding her throat in his hand. My palm is flush with his chest, and I blink at where our skin is connected.

He’s not wearing a shirt.

Wasn’t he wearing a shirt?

I open my mouth to say his name, but he flexes his forearm, squeezing the spirit’s neck harder. Her form flickers, fading in and out until she has entirely disappeared.

Draco turns around to face me and runs his hands through his long black hair, the light of the lantern illuminating his features.

“Hello, Little Red.” His voice is deep, deeper than I’m used to, and when he stares at me, I see his eyes are almost electric blue. “Thanks for the level-up.” He smirks and glances over my shoulder. “Hello, Brother.”