The man shifts into his hellhound form.

Is he seriously going to leave? Right now?

He tips his head up and releases a bellow, deeper than a wolf’s howl but louder than a growl. The sound echoes through the landscape and I shiver despite myself.

I bring my eyebrows together and glance back at Mateo. He’s blinking rapidly, and his hand comes to rest on top of mine.

“It’s okay, Demi.” His words are broken apart by gasps of pain.

This isn’t right.

He can’t die, he’s fucking immortal.

There are things in the Underworld that can kill supes.

Kerberos had warned us.

I bite my lip hard enough to draw blood and shake my head.

He can’t die.

The asshole can’t die.

Two answering bellows reverberate around us, drawing my attention from Mateo’s graying face to Kerberos.

“What is that?”

Kerberos shifts back. “You said you’d do anything. There is one way I know of to save your mate.”

“Which is?” I snap the question.

“Bargaining with Mazzikin.”


Kerberos’ eyes flash with fire. A bright light emits from behind where I’m kneeling and my spine tingles with unease.

“What do we have here, Kerberos? You brought me treats?”

I glance over my shoulder to see who I’m dealing with. Mazzikin has long, blonde hair and is accompanied by two hellhounds who look a lot like Kerberos. She’s wearing a leather corset and a long skirt with slits up both legs.

“Mazzi, Mateo needs to be healed.” Kerberos ignores her other questions, and stands to go to her side. “Demetria is a hunter and will do anything to save him.”

Mazzikin’s bright eyes land on me. “Will she now?”

My first reaction is to recoil, because nothing good will come from striking a deal with her, then I remember Mateo’s slick blood is covering my hands and continues to seep from his wound.

I nod. “Can you save him?”

Dropping her gaze to Mateo, she tsks. “He has but a minute until the poison destroys him.”

“Mazzikin.” My voice is hard and she narrows her eyes at me. I have her attention so I continue. “Can. You. Save. Him?”

“It will cost you a piece of your soul.”

“Demi, don’t.” Mateo gives my hand a pitiful squeeze, he’s so weak. His eyes flutter closed and he wheezes. Blood trickles out of his mouth.

“What does that mean?”