She glanced over at him.
“Did you want to go home?” he asked her. “Now that things have changed.”
“Not really. Not unless you do. I don’t want to keep you if you have things to do back in Beaver Bend.”
What he really wanted to do was her, but he would keep that thought to himself. “I want to stay and enjoy the weekend with you.”
She glanced down at Travis, like she wanted to say something but wasn’t comfortable saying it in front of him.
“I can’t figure out your relationship to each other,” Travis said. “So I’m just going to ask. What’s up with you two?”
That made Liam laugh. He would let Lilly field that question however she wanted. He was inclined to just say they were friends.
Lilly looked embarrassed, but she told the truth. “He’s my best friend’s dad.”
A very simplified version of the truth.
“Oh. Damn.” Travis grinned. “I never went away for a weekend with my best friend’s mom but I wish I had. She was hot.”
“Missed opportunities are the worst,” Liam told Travis. “Though I’m sure your best friend is glad it never happened.”
“Definitely. So how does your daughter feel about you two hanging out? If you don’t mind me asking, that is. Tattoo artists are like therapists, you know. We hear everything.”
“It’s not my daughter. It’s my son. And when he found out last night he was very unhappy about it. He threatened to call my mother.”
Travis let out a crack of laughter. “I mean, can you blame the guy?”
“I understand where he’s coming from, but Lilly is an adult who can make her own choices.” It didn’t matter that none of it was real. If it was real, Liam did understand why it might make Sullivan uncomfortable, but at the end of the day, it was Lilly’s right to date whoever she wanted. Even if it was him.
“But he texted me today he doesn’t care if we date,” Lilly said.
“He did?” Liam asked, surprised. Sullivan had been pretty pissed off.
“Here.” One-handed she scrolled through her phone and then handed it to him.
He read the text from Sullivan out loud.
I’m sorry I was an asshole last night. You can date whoever you want. In fact, I think you should date whoever you want.
Thank you. So you don’t care if I date your dad?
I don’t care if you date my dad. I promise.
He handed her the phone back. “That’s interesting. I’m impressed with him right now.”
“So then you’re in the clear,” Travis said, wiping at Lilly’s arm with a paper towel. “Go forth and bang without guilt.”
If only that was the evening’s agenda.
Because that sounded like the best use of a Saturday night he’d had in years.
Bang without guilt.
Lilly felt like all afternoon the tattoo artist’s words were ringing in her ears.
Because she had the sneaking suspicion she did want to have Liam…touchher. In some capacity or another. Or in all capacities possible.