Page 10 of Bred for the West

“I know it is and I am happy. You just make me so emotional with the things you say sometimes and I love it. I love you.”

His eyebrows rose but he didn’t speak, only looked shocked, like a deer in the headlights look.

“Wren Rivers, did you just tell me you loved me?”

“I did. But you didn’t. You had a look of horror on your face.”

“Listen, I am sorry, I didn’t mean anything by it. It’s just that those three words are ones I have wanted to hear for a long time. I’m pretty sure I fell in love with you the night we met and you fell asleep in the passenger seat of my truck. You gave up everything for me, to come here and marry me. For god’s sake you answered an ad in a newspaper, and I can’t begin to tell you what that really means to me. I could only hope that one day you would feel for me what I already felt for you. You just caught me off guard. I do love you Mrs. Rivers and we’re going to have a baby.”

Before she could say any more, a knock came at the back door. They both looked at each other and Hudson helped Wren stand up from the toilet. He wrapped her in a gentle hug, kissed her then led her out of the bathroom.

“I’m going to find some crackers.”

“Okay, I’ll see who’s at the door.”


Hudson pulledopen the door but his gaze went right past the person standing at the door and focused on the black truck with dark windows sitting in the driveway. The man standing in front of him had dark glasses on so he couldn’t see his eyes and didn’t really have a clue who he might be.

“Who are you and what are you doing here? I know this isn’t the first time either.”

“Calm down Hudson, you’ll have a heart attack at your young age.”

What the hell. How does he know me?

“Why do you know my name. Buddy you better start talking.”

“Alright, alright. My name is Benson Rivers.”

Confusion wracked Hudson’s brain. He felt Wren walk up behind him, her hand rested in the small of his back. He reached behind him and held her hand.

“That really doesn’t tell me anything. So what, we have the same last name, who cares?”

“Oh, trust me, you will. I’m your third cousin and I’ve come a very long way to Wyoming to claim what’s rightfully mine. This ranch.”

“Over my dead body you will.”

“No death necessary. Why don’t we leave the details to the lawyers.”

“What lawyers?”

What the hell is this guy talking about. I’ve already met the conditions of the will and even ahead of time.

The man who called himself Benson handed Hudson a folded-up stack of papers. When he opened them it was an order to appear at a deposition with the lawyer of his grandfather and it was dated for today?

“Are you kidding, today?”

“Let me see that.”

Wren stepped out from behind Hudson looking very serious. He’d not yet seen that side of her and he had to say it was pretty sexy. Assertive. He liked it a lot.

She quickly looked over each paper included in the packet and looked intently at the man standing in front of them.

“Sir I think it’s time you left. We have nothing further to say and will see you at this deposition. Good day.”

She walked forward, backing the man right out the door and shut it right in his face. Then turned toward Hudson and rested against the front door.

“What in the world is this man trying to do?”