Mads, Kenna, and I glanced at each other. Despite our differences, whether they were contrasting morals or values, we were family. “Deal,” Kenna and I said together.

“Finally,” Kenna breathed, the first natural smile I think I’d seen dancing on her lips.

Fifteen minutes later we pulled up to the shopping plaza, and a wave of nostalgia swept over me. The car rolled past an outdoor café just getting ready to open its doors for lunch. It was there that Ainsley and I ate the week before school started. It was also there that I put a face to the name Brock Taylor.

How long ago that day seemed. And how very ignorant I’d been of my future.

Shaking off the memories, I scoured the streets for a parking spot, a task that at this time on a Saturday was painful. After circling the area for a few minutes, I snagged a spot as an old lady slowly and cautiously pulled out. I whipped the BMW in between the white lines before someone stole it from me. The rich bitches this side of town were merciless when it came to shopping.

“So when does this surprise occur?” I asked, exiting the car and slinging the strap of my cheap canvas bag over my head.

“Soon. I think,” Mads replied, glancing at her phone while Kenna peeked over her shoulder to see who she was texting.

“Which store are we doing damage in first?” I asked, joining them on the sidewalk in front of the car.

Kenna looped her arm through Mads’s and then mine. “Shades, obviously.”

Shadeswas a trendy boutique that sold what I called high-end Cali chic. It had an eclectic collection of boho, vintage-inspired, and artsy. Stuff I never could afford, so I had no reason to shop there, except to humor Ainsley.

“Anyone else noticed that black car following us the whole way here?” Mads asked, eyeing a familiar sleek Town Car as it rolled by with windows so ridiculously tinted you couldn’t see through them.

I waved at the driver, giving the car an acerbic smile. “It’s fine. Brock’s having me tailed.”

Mads blinked, her steps faltering. “Excuse me?”

I shrugged, grateful for the warm fleece hoodie I wore. The brightness of the sun was deceiving. It provided little warmth against the cool November breeze. “You can’t actually be that surprised.”

Wisps of Mads’s facial expression drifted away. “I’m not. I’m just shocked you’re so chill about it.”

“I don’t mind,” I admitted, sparing my protective detail one last glance. “Knowing he’s close by makes me feel better. I think I’ve grown immune to his presence.”

Our feet moved in sync over the sidewalk as we passed by the fountain in the center of the plaza. “Wow. The Josie I first met would have had Brock by his balls for having her followed,” Mads accurately commented.

“Oh, I ripped him a new one, but his motives were good, despite my lack of privacy.” And honestly, I’d been so damn preoccupied lately that I’d sort of forgotten about the detail following me.

“Is he packing?” Kenna inquired, staring at the plates of the car as it came to halt at the stop sign in front of us.

“Do you want me to ask?” I retorted, half-joking.

Shadeswas only a few blocks from where I parked. The door dinged as the three of us stepped inside. A rack of distressed sweaters caught my eye, and I headed in their direction, but only got a few steps before Mads stopped me.

“Your surprise is here,” she informed with a wide grin.

My brows furrowed. “In the store?”

Mads nodded, her silver eyes brightening. She put her hands on my shoulders and spun me around back toward the door.

What the hell is going—?

“Surprise!” Mads called out just as someone walked through the glass door.

The surprise had distinct rainbow hair that looked like it had recently been brightened. The ray of colors blended into one another as a flutter of wind followed her into the store. “Ainsley?” I whispered, wondering if my eyes were manifesting my best friend.

“What the fuck, Jos.” Ainsley grinned, her glossy black lipstick popping against her stark white teeth. “Don’t tell me you’ve already forgotten about me.”

My next breath, I had my arms around her and I didn’t want to let go. Her signature blackberry scent caused my chest to tighten with emotion. “What are you doing here?” Some things never change, and I was so fucking glad she was one of them. I missed everything about her. Her crazy-ass gothic style. Her laugh. Her utter no bullshit.

No one in the world knew me like Ainsley did. She was comfort and ease. Being her friend was effortless. I wasn’t Brock’s girlfriend or the new girl. I wasn’t the target or the victim. I was just Josie.