“Except for my sister,” she snarled.

“Goodnight, Kenna,” he stated, closing the door in her face.

I couldn’t stop the stupid grin.

Kenna huffed, unable to believe she’d been turned away. I guess those little white shorts and lace bralette didn’t do their trick.

Before she ran off down the hall, I stepped out from the bathroom. “At least I know it isn’t my friends that will try and steal my boyfriend. Nope. It’s my sister.”

Kenna whirled. Her eyes were bright and glossy with fresh tears that she quickly swiped at. “Were you spying on me?” she hurled at me with accusation, hurt turning swiftly to anger.

Like she had the right to be upset. That honor was reserved all for me.

“And if I was?” I countered. “You can learn a lot about a person when they don’t know you’re there.”

“It is also called an invasion of privacy,” she hissed before turning her back to me and lightly storming to her room.

I was right behind her. This conversation was not over. “Like you trying to sneak into Brock’s room?” I accused.

She halted after opening her bedroom door and faced me. “What areyoudoing lurking in the bathroom?”

I raised a single brow, crossing my arms over my chest as my lips curved smugly. “I’ll give you one guess,” I replied, my gaze shifting to Brock’s door before returning to her. “I bet he doesn’t close the door in my face.”

She sighed, her eyes rolling. “It’s not what you think. I honestly couldn’t sleep.”

Snorting, I shook my head. “And I could accept that, especially knowing that you were close with him, that you’d been friends, but it is clear to me now that you never just wanted to be his friend, did you?”

Something like anger contorted her features. “I’ll never know now.”

My eyes stayed centered on hers. “And I’m guessing that is my fault.”

“Where else should I put the blame?” She was blunt, her brown eyes jaded.

“You don’t like me all that much, do you, Kenna?” I saw no point in pretending. The lies. The games. The fakeness… those were things of my past.

“You’re my sister.”

“That doesn’t automatically make you like me.”

The thin strap on her lacy bralette slipped down her shoulder, and she tugged it back into place. “No, I guess it doesn’t. It isn’t that I don’t like you, it just feels like I came home and you took over my life.”

I wondered if she would feel like that, and I could even sympathize with how difficult this must be, but what I couldn’t forgive was her lack of respect for my relationship with Brock. She’d crossed a line there. If this was just about Kenna and me, I could work with our differences, accept that we might never be friends, regardless that I still very much wanted that. I just didn’t know how.

My scowl faltered. “I’m sorry you feel that way. I didn’t ask for any of this.”

“And that’s what makes it worse. I did ask for this. I liked my life…before,” she said in a tone that chilled the air between us.

Before I could respond, not that I knew what I would have said, Grayson’s door flew open. He blinked at Kenna and me, eyes droopy with sleep. It was clear that we had woken him up. Guilt wormed its way into my belly, especially when my gaze spotted the scratches along the side of his neck. We were all suffering in some way or another from the events of tonight.

“What the fuck is going on now?” he demanded groggily, rubbing a hand over his eyes as if to clear the last kernels of fogginess.

“Nothing,” Kenna replied quickly, tugging at the end of the cropped bralette that exposed half her flat stomach. “We just couldn’t sleep.”

Thick as shit tension hovered in the air between Kenna and me. Grayson would have to be half asleep not to pick up on it, which he was, but those sleepy brown eyes narrowed and shifted to me.

I remained silent, waiting to see if she would tell him.

She didn’t.