“You deserve it,” he said, noticing my lifted brows. “So what do you we think, Ray? Is Spunky a keeper?”

“I’ll admit, I had my doubts about you, but I guess you’ve found a way to fit into two worlds.” Ray lifted her beer in the air and smiled. “About damn time I got some help in here.”

Grinning, I clinked the neck of my glass bottle with hers.

“Here.” Zeke tossed me something from under the bar. “You’re going to need this.”

I caught the bundle of white and unfolded it to find a Lazy Ray’s shirt like the one Ray wore. “I think I might get all emotional,” I said, faking a sniffle.

“You free tomorrow night?” Ray asked.

“I am now.”

The door chimed behind us, and Ray groaned. “Looks like break time is over. We’ll be getting some late-night stragglers now that the football games are over.”

Shit.I’d been so busy, I’d completely forgotten about Brock. My phone was in my back pocket on silent. I was half afraid to turn around for fear that it would be Brock glowering in the doorway. But it wasn’t Brock standing at the front of the pub.

I exhaled, relieved to see Mads and Kenna. “What are you guys doing here?”

Mads eyed Ray warily. “Just checking in on you.”

“They friends of yours?” Ray asked.

I nodded.

“I’ll let you take care of them. My feet are killing me.” Ray hopped off the stool, taking her beer with her as she dragged herself into the kitchen.

I ushered Mads and Kenna to a table at the far end of the pub. “Okay, tell me what is really going on.”

“Brock is on his way here,” Mads announced. “You haven’t answered any of his texts or calls.”

Son of a biiiitch.“Now?” I shrieked, my eyes darting to the door, half expecting to see him waltzing in. I knew this moment was inevitable, but now that it was nearly upon me, I wasn’t prepared. “I’ve been kind of busy.”

“Why are you working here?” Kenna inquired, her gaze taking in the dimly lit bar like it was a hovel infested with rats. Her nose wrinkled.

“Why does anyone work? Money,” I replied, trying to keep the sarcasm from my tone.

“You realize we’re rich,” she stated without blinking. It wasn’t said with malice. For Kenna, it was just fact.

I grimaced. “My situation is a little complicated.”

She blinked. “It doesn’t have to be.”

“Are you still serving?” Mads butted in, sensing the rising tension between Kenna and me. My sister and I couldn’t be any more different, and it showed the more we got to know each other.

“The kitchen is open for another hour, and then it’s just the bar. Do you guys want something to drink or eat?” I asked, needing to do something other than stand here and wait for Brock to come barreling like the devil himself through the front doors.

Without looking at the menu, Kenna smiled and said sweetly, “I’ll have a beer.”

My lips turned down as I shifted most of my weight to one foot. “Yeah, not happening.”

“You were drinking one,” she dutifully pointed out with what I was recognizing as her signature pout.

“Employee privileges. And I’m not looking to get fired on my first day.” I’d just gotten the fucking job for Christ's sake.

They ended up ordering cokes and an appetizer. I quickly put in their order, grabbed the drinks, and returned to the table. After checking to make sure no one else needed anything, I slumped into a chair across from Mads, a long sigh exhaling from my lips.

Mads took a drink through her straw, eyeing me over her glass. “You look tired.”