“We just want you to feel comfortable here. I know I sound like a broken record, but this is your home.”

“Mom, it’s way too early to break out the mushy stuff,” Grayson mumbled, forking a bite of scrambled eggs. Elise, the Edwards’ cook, was damn magic in the kitchen. Everything she made tasted heavenly.

“Speaking of home,” Brock butted in, drawing Liana’s attention. “I should probably get back to mine.”

“Not so fast,” she said, setting down her coffee. “I talked to your parents this morning before my run. They want you to stay here until they get back from Dubai next week.”

“Next week?” Brock echoed, his brows bunching together. “I didn’t think they were due back until the middle of December.”

“They are cutting their trip short. So, you’ll have Thanksgiving with us. I can’t have you spending the holiday alone. I won’t allow it.”

Brock’s gaze flicked to mine for a brief moment as he weighed his options, and I knew the moment he stopped thinking about staying here as a burden and more of an opportunity. “You know how many holidays I’ve spent alone? Too many.”

A twang hit my chest. He didn’t sound resentful or sad. His voice was just flat, indifferent, and yet, I still couldn’t stop feeling sympathy for the little boy who had to spend so much of his childhood alone.

“Exactly why you’re staying here,” Liana stated firmly. “While the girls are out, Grayson can drive you over to grab whatever you need for school and such. It’s a short week anyway.”

Brock cleared his throat. “Thanks, Mrs. E.”

She smiled. “You’re family, Brock. Just accept it. Especially since you might be marrying my daughter in the future.”

Grayson and I both spit out our drinks, which we happened to reach for at the same time.

Brock froze.

Kenna frowned.

And Liana’s grin only widened as she moved around the counter to leave. “Oh, and tonight, we sleep in our own rooms. Got it?”

My cheeks flamed.Shit.

“Busted,” Grayson laughed, rocking back in his chair, looking like he was enjoying every second of his mom torturing Brock.

“It won’t happen again,” Brock assured Liana.

Her lips curved into a soft smile. “I’m glad she has you.”

I couldn’t believe that just happened. “Does she have hidden cameras I don’t know about?” I asked when she left the kitchen.

Grayson chuckled. “Not that I’m aware of, but she does occasionally peek into your room. I think she just wants to make sure you’re still there.”

Well, shit.