Chapter Fourteen

Breakfast was awkward as fuck.

And it only got worse when I remembered that I promised Mads I would go shopping with her and Kenna today. I had to find a way to get out of it for everyone’s sake. Kenna and I weren’t exactly on speaking terms at the moment. And was it a good idea to go out after the shit with Brock’s car? Other than a few scratches and a cut or two, I literally suffered no injuries thanks to Brock.

I took a bite of my fresh fruit, basically avoiding eye contact with everyone. Why hadn’t I skipped breakfast? Or at least done breakfast in bed? Anything to avoid this uncomfortable weirdness that hung in the air.

Grayson’s fork clattered onto his plate. “Okay, who is going to tell me what the fuck happened last night?” he asked, making a point to look at Brock, Kenna, and then me. “And I’m not talking about Brock’s car. You guys are acting like you got drunk and had a threesome last night.”

No one said anything. Kenna shoved her waffle around on her plate, pretending to be interested in her food. Brock scowled, probably trying to figure out how he would explain his best friend’s other sister making a move on him.

And then there was me. My cheeks turned pink.

“Please, God, tell me you didn’t?” Grayson groaned like he might actually be sick.

“No!” Kenna and I both said at the same time, our eyes snapping up.

“Of course not,” Brock proclaimed, leaning back in his chair.

Neither Chandler nor Liana was in the kitchen, or this conversation never would have unfolded like this. Liana was out for her morning run, and Chandler was at the office. The man didn’t know what weekends were.

“Fine,” Grayson retorted, narrowing his eyes. “Then why are things so damn weird right now? Does it have something to do with the fact that the two of you woke me up with your bickering in the middle of the night?” he directed at Kenna and me.

Kenna opened her mouth, but Grayson held up a finger.

“I don’t want to hear the same bullshit excuse you gave me last night,” he said to her. “None of us slept last night, that’s obvious. What I want to know is what the both of you were arguing about.”

I stabbed a strawberry with my fork, waiting to see if Kenna would say anything. Her silence spoke volumes. She had no intention of telling Grayson what happened. I always had to be the bad guy, but maybe this was the perfect time to clear the air between Kenna and me with Brock and Grayson here.

I angled my head to the side. “Are you going to tell him, or am I?” I asked her, popping the strawberry into my mouth.

Kenna’s lips thinned. “It’s none of his business,” she bit back.

“Kenna,” Grayson rumbled, crossing his arms over his chest. “What isn’t?”

Rolling my eyes, I blurted, “Kenna tried to sneak into Brock’s room last night.” Boom. There, I said it. And it was kind of like a bomb went off in the room.

Chaos descended, everyone speaking at once.

“I can’t believe you just said that,” Kenna whined, giving up any pretense of actually eating her food.

“Son of a bitch,” Grayson hissed, under his breath.

“Here we go,” Brock said dryly, stealing a piece of fruit off my plate.

“Is it not true?” I countered bluntly, glaring pointedly at my sister.

She squirmed under my direct gaze.

“You knew that she came to my room?” Brock asked, his brows pinching together in confusion.

I nodded. “I was on my way there myself,” I explained, brushing behind my ear a loose strand of pink hair that had escaped my messy knot.

“Wait. What?” Grayson blinked, astonishment sparkling in his brown eyes. “I know why Josie was sneaking into Brock’s room. That makes sense, despite that the idea gives me the willies, but why did you go to Brock’s room?” he inquired, pinning Kenna with a frown as he tried to put the pieces together. “It better not be for what I’m thinking, because if it is, that’s pretty fucked up, Kenna. Even for you.”

“I couldn’t sleep, okay,” she huffed, suddenly hating the spotlight. “And that’s the truth.”

“Then make some tea, drink some warm milk, or some shit,” I shot back, aggravation and hurt evident in my tone.