He cupped the side of my cheek in his palm, bringing his face close to mine. “Doesn’t it?” he whispered against my lips in a deliberate dirty move.

My fingers curled into his shirt. “I haven’t forgiven you yet.” But I remembered what Grayson had told me, how he had saved me from Carter at his party.

“Perhaps I could change your mind.” His lips pressed to mine in a soft kiss that was meant to destroy a person. I didn’t think Brock was capable of such tenderness, and it threw me off balance.

“Not fair,” I murmured, my eyes still closed when he ended the kiss.

“I never claimed to play fair.”

Oh, yes. The Elite liked their games. Speaking of… “Don’t you have practice?” I reminded him.

His fingers trailed down my arm to intertwine with my mine. “Yeah, stay and watch. We can grab dinner afterward,” he offered with a wicked grin.

Someone cleared their throat beside us, presumably the driver of the car we were making out on. Brock gave the guy a nod and pulled me away from the car.

“Are you asking me out, Taylor?” I inquired as we walked.

He smirked. “You’ll have to say yes to find out.”

I shook my head, wishing I didn’t have my laptop in my hands. “Only if you promise that the night ends with a milkshake and sex in the back seat of your car.”

He blinked and then promptly laughed. “Firefly, you’re killing me. I’m going to have a boner all through practice thanks to you.”

“Just doing my civic duty to every girl at Elmwood Academy.”

He was leading me away from the parking lot toward the football field. “Is that so?”

“Doesn’t matter. I was joking… about the milkshake,” I said, not done tormenting him. I needed so much therapy.

He shook his head. “Stop. I’m serious, or I won’t make it to practice and Coach will bench me for Friday’s game.”

“And that is bad how?”

“Scouts will be there,” he answered, but something in his tone was so… monotone, as if he didn’t really care about scouts, but was supposed to because that was what everyone expected from him.

I chewed on my lip. “So you want to play professionally or something?” Carter did, but I guess I assumed Brock wasn’t as serious.

“I don’t know,” he admitted, as if he hadn’t thought too hard on the matter, and it made me wonder how much of his life was mapped out for him. “But I’d like to play in college.”

We’d never talked about the future, what his plans were. In truth, Brock and I didn’t do much talking when we were alone, and I realized there was so much I didn’t know about him.

“You’re buying me dinner. And we’re not having sex… in the back of your car,” I added, unable to help myself. Teasing him just became my new favorite obsession.

He groaned. “Enough sex talk. It’s bad enough I think about you naked all day.”

I brightened inside. This side of Brock was more dangerous than when he was scowling at me. This side of him was the part I could fall in love with.

No, Josie. That is not happening.

He left me on the edge of the field to head into the locker room and change. I debated for five minutes, deciding whether or not to stay. It was the offer of dinner that made me stay.

At least, that was what I told myself.

I was surprised by the number of people who hung around to watch the football team practice. This wasn’t even a game, and yet the stands were stuffed with people. I took a seat in the bleachers as the players jogged onto the field, beginning their warmups. Micah waved to me, shooting me a wink before placing his helmet on. Grayson, on the other hand, scowled when his glacial stare landed on me. Fynn gave me a salute, and I returned the gesture with my middle finger. His laugh echoed over the field.

They made it clear who I was there for.

From a few rows below me, Ava and her bitches glared up at me. I smiled sweetly in return.Suck on that, whores.