So original. I stayed in place even as a tight ball formed in my stomach. There were six of them, including Carter, and only one of me. Looking at this bunch of brawny football players stirred a ribbon of fear inside of me. I had no idea if Mom or Steven were home, but since Carter was bringing out the booze, I was guessing no. “Go fuck yourself,” I bit back.

A round of chuckles echoed over the screened-in pool. “Such a dirty mouth. Perhaps I should clean it for you?” Shawn suggested.

Carter reappeared carrying two six-packs of beer and made a sound of disgust in the back of his throat when he noticed me. “Oh, you’re home?” From the glassy look in his hazel eyes, I could tell he had already been drinking.

“I do live here,” I snapped, slowly moving myself to the opposite end of the pool. The temperature-controlled water was growing cold against my skin.

Carter pulled a beer free from the plastic ring, handing the rest to his teammates to pass around. “How can I forget? Your shit is everywhere. But just remember, you might live in this house, but you’re still nothing but trailer trash.”

Shawn chuckled while the others guys winced and exchanged looks. Not all of them were utter assholes. “I don’t know, bro,” Shawn said, leering at me. “She’s looking kind of hot from here. What little I can see? Why don’t you come out and have a drink?” His head angled to the side as he regarded me with a leisurely smirk that made my stomach churn. He held up a can in offering.

Glaring back, I replied, “I’d rather drink my own spit.”

“Be careful what you wish for, sis.” To my growing horror, Carter strutted to the other side of the pool, walking slowly along the edge.

I swallowed, my neck craned up as I glared at my stepbrother. What a righteous ass. I refused to let him intimidate me. Lifting my chin, my fingers reached the edge of the pool not far from his feet. “Just get out of my way,” I said. My teeth clamped together as I fought against the cold snaking into my veins, my teeth threatening to chatter.

Carter looked downright murderous at me. “Get the fuck out of the pool.”

His friend put a hand on Carter’s chest as it heaved. “Okay, hey. She gets the point. You don’t have to be a dick. Besides, I came here to drink.”

Shawn came to stand on the other side of Carter, popping the top on his beer. “Come on, Carter, let her go.”

“I didn’t ask you, Shawn.” Carter only had eyes for me.

Shaking his head, Shawn turned to me and reached down, offering a hand. “Come on. He’s in a shit mood because we had a shit practice today. He’ll get over it after he’s had a few more drinks.”

I stared at the extended hand, every bone in my body telling me not to take the olive branch. These guys, they weren’t allies against my stepbrother. They were his partners in crime. But I wanted out of the damn pool. Ignoring his hand, I lifted myself over the side, wary of Carter and his friends.

One of them gave a low whistle at the full sight of me in my bathing suit. I was never so glad for my choice to wear a one-piece tonight. Flipping them all off, I grabbed the towel I’d left hanging over one of the chairs, but I was too slow.

An arm shot out like a striking serpent, wrapping around my waist and pulling me tight against a broad chest. “Where are you running off to?” Shawn whispered in my ear. “I’m not done with you yet.”

“Let me go, you asshole!” I tried to elbow him in the gut. Bad mistake. The guy had abs of steel, and when that didn’t work, I fought and struggled against his arm, but his grip only tightened. I’d never been accosted before, never found myself in a situation where I felt as unsafe as I did now. I’d be damned before I let any of them touch me.

“Too bad you aren’t my stepsister.” Shawn’s breath reeked of alcohol, choking me. “I’d be a whole a lot nicer to you.” His implication ofnicewas very clear.

“Why don’t you show me, dickhead?” I baited, for good reason, and the arrogant SOB didn’t disappoint, spinning me around to face him.

I forced my lips to curve, encouraging Shawn. The booze made his movements sloppy, which worked in my favor. He grabbed onto my chin and I brought my knee up in between his legs. Bullseye.

“You bitch!” Shawn cursed, shoving me away to clutch and cradle his junk. “What the hell is wrong with you?”

I was beyond livid and shaking with more rage than fright. “What’s wrong with me? What the hell is wrong with you? Don’t fucking touch me again!”

“What are you going to do about it?” Carter sneered.

Maybe it was feeling helpless. Maybe it was genuine fear. Or the anger still streaming in my veins. Maybe it was that these assholes thought this kind of treatment was okay. Maybe it was the laughter. Or the rumors swirling around school. Carter deserved to be punished.

And I was just the girl ballsy enough to do something about it.

Before I had any idea what I was doing, I spun, throwing my hands out in front of me, and shoved Carter as hard as I could. It sent him stumbling backward, over the edge of the pool, straight into the water.

The surprise only lasted a second as I blinked at where he’d disappeared under the surface. And then I was grinning.

Carter surfaced immediately, water dripping over his dark blue eyes. His sandy hair was plastered to his face. “My phone was in my pocket, you psycho bitch,” he seethed, spitting mad.

Time for me to go.