Grayson had on his scary face, and for once, I was glad it wasn’t pointed at me.
Nurse Shelly was not happy about being undermined, and for a second, I thought she might actually dial the principal’s extension. “Fine,” she reluctantly sighed. “Have it your way, but this isn’t a free pass. I expect you to use this time as a study hall.”
Grayson pulled up one of the spare chairs beside me and made himself comfortable.
“What the hell was that?” I whisper-hissed to Grayson.
His bag with his laptop and mine stayed against the wall. “That was me reminding her who I am.”
Grayson played on his phone while I closed my eyes, my body grateful for the rest and the quiet. He seemed to understand what I needed and left me alone, but even that had its drawbacks, because it gave my mind too much time to think—to dwell on what happened. And once the pain relievers kicked in, the throbbing of my ankle no longer distracted me.
Grayson nudged my shoulder, stirring me awake. I must have fallen asleep. “The final bell is going to ring in about ten minutes. Fynn is on his way here to pick you up.”
“He is?” I yawned, stretching my arms out, careful not to move my ankle too much.
He shoved his phone into his back pocket. “Yeah, I texted him while you were snoring.”
“I don’t snore,” I argued, wrinkling my nose.
“Uh-huh. Do you want to see the video?” His hand went back to his pocket as if he was going to pull out his phone again.
I was wide awake now. “So help me God, Grayson. You better not have taken a video of me sleeping.”
A single dark brown brow lifted. “And if I did?”
“I’ll string you up by your balls.”
Grayson snorted, as if the idea was absurd. The door opened just then, and Fynn strolled in, offering me a sympathetic grin. “She’s your problem now,” Grayson told Fynn as he stood up, gathering his things. “You might want to get yourself a new laptop.”
My smile was slow. “Thanks, Grayson. For everything. I mean it.” He might not be the warmest and cuddliest of the bunch, but under the scowls and suspicion was a decent guy… I thought.
He had been for the last few hours, and that had to count for something, even if it was just a temporary thing.
Clearing his throat, Grayson shoved a hand into his messy auburn hair. “Don’t mention it. Seriously, don’t ever mention it again.” He gave Fynn some kind of guy fist bump and pat on the back before leaving.
Fynn’s sparkling green eyes ran over me, and he let out a low whistle. “Wow, you took quite the spill. That looks like it hurts.”
“Ugh. Don’t remind me,” I groaned, sitting up and swinging my legs over the side of the chair.
“You ready to spring this joint?” he asked, an aura of restlessness vibrating off him.
He wasn’t the only one eager to get out of here. “God, yes.”
Fynn helped me to my feet, keeping his arm around me. He was a few inches taller than Grayson, making me feel short. “Good, because we need to get out of here before Brock comes tearing through the halls. He will be furious, and I don’t want to stick around to watch his wrath be unleashed.”
“He doesn’t know?”
“Oh, I’m sure he has heard by now, and once that bell rings, he will come straight here, which is why we need to be gone. You ready?”
I nodded, doing my best to disguise the pain. I couldn’t have him thinking I was a wuss.
We made it through the halls, into the parking lot, and to his car before the bell rang. He shut his door and grinned at me. “Will your mom flip when she finds out what happened?”
“Only if I tell her,” I said with fair warning.
He pressed the start button on the Infiniti, the engine purred to life, and he put the car into reverse. “You don’t plan to?”
“I haven’t decided,” I answered truthfully, resting my head on the back of the cushioned seat. This car took luxury to a new level. The ride was so smooth, it was like driving on a cloud. “Nice car,” I complimented as Fynn turned out of the school parking lot with effortless ease.