“He got banged up pretty good. A few fractured ribs, but he will recover. The doctors say he won’t be able to play football for at least two months.”

I made a noise of disgust in the back of my throat that had my mother arching a brow at me.

“Do you know anything about what happened? Carter refuses to tell his father anything. He claims he didn’t see who attacked him.”

My brows furrowed in confusion. Why would he do that?

“If you know anything, Josephine, I expect you to speak up. This is your brother. Steven is understandably upset, not just about his son’s safety, but what this will cost Carter’s future. He is to be scouted this year.”

Unbelievable. Was that all they cared about? Football? I almost felt sorry for Carter. Almost, but then I remembered what the bastard had done to me. He didn’t deserve my sympathy.

My face must have been given me away. Under Angie’s scrutiny, she guessed who might be involved. “Ifthat boyhad anything to do with this…”

I clamped my mouth shut, refusing to say anything on the matter. Perhaps that was the wrong way to handle the situation, but I didn’t want to outright lie to my mother. Instead, I asked, “When will he be home?”

Angie rocked her chair, turning her eyes to the setting sun. “They are keeping him one more night for observation at Steven’s insistence. Most of his teachers will be emailing his homework while he recovers at home, but I need you to check in with the office at the end of each week.”


I’d rather burn all his assignments.

Chapter Fourteen

Iwas lying in my bed staring at the ceiling when my phone buzzed beside me. Groaning, I let it vibrate a few more times before grabbing it and swiping the answer button. “Hey, Ains. What’s up?”

“First, how are you doing?” she asked, genuine concern in her voice.

“I’m a mess,” I answered honestly. “But I’ll be okay. You don’t have to worry about me.”

“Don’t be stupid. Of course, I’m worried.”

A flood of warmth filled me. Ainsley would always be on my side. “Well, Carter is in the hospital. He has a few cracked ribs and won’t be feeling up to physically assaulting me anytime soon. The doctors are saying it will take six weeks until he is fully healed. Maybe more.” Crossing my fingers. Too bad it wasn’t closer to my birthday, then I wouldn’t have to worry so much about what Carter planned to do to me next. He would have six weeks to plan his retribution.

“I heard,” Ains said. “That’s why I’m calling. I’m sending you something.” From the other side of the phone, I heard her tapping away. A second later, I received a text.

“Hang on, I just got it.” I flipped from my phone app to my text messages and stared at the screen.

It was a video.

A large lump formed in my throat. I was afraid I knew precisely what the video would show.

“Is that what I think it is?” I said, switching the audio to speaker and turning the volume down so as not to be overheard. Carter wasn’t home yet, but I didn’t want the staff, or worse, Angie, to hear.

“It’s from Friday night,” Ainsley confirmed. “You’re on the video.”

Jesus, Mary, and Joseph. There’s a video?

I let out a breath. “Where did you get this?”

“It’s everywhere, Josie.”

Fuck. Which meant everyone had seen it. Everyone but me, that was.

“It shows Carter harassing you and then getting the living shit beat out of him. The camera was strategically placed so you never see the attackers' faces. Convenient, huh?” she said with a twist of respect.

Those Elite boys were smart. I’d give them that. “Yeah,” I agreed, staring at the thumbnail. It was dark, showing someone’s back—that someone being Brock. “How did I not know about this?”

“It just popped up today. I’m guessing whoever made the video didn’t release it until this morning.”