Grabbing my shoes, which I found by the door, I followed out after him.

My eyes adjusted to the light as we rounded his Ranger Rover. No sooner had I shut the car door than Brock had us driving down his driveway and through the gates. The ride was quiet and short. I couldn’t tell if it was his driving that made the trip less than three minutes or if we lived that close to each other. But something changed the second we got in his car. Brock’s guard was back up, and his face clouded.

I couldn’t figure this guy out. Not before coffee.

“Thanks for… not running me over. And the other stuff too,” I said as I opened the door and climbed out.

He said nothing, sunglasses hiding his eyes from me, the one part of him I wanted to see. I got a stiff nod. That was it.

Confused, I shut the door and watched as the black Range Rover peeled down my driveway.


Chapter Eleven

Imade a shitty attempt at sneaking into my house. The party was over, but the evidence was still strewn about the backyard and inside. Empty wineglasses. Twinkle lights still lit in the trees. Used napkins wadded up on the tables. I entered through the patio, wanting to avoid everyone, but the staff was already hard at work, cleaning up the mess. As I headed straight for the stairs, dying for a hot shower, someone cleared their throat, alerting me I’d been busted.

I paused, feeling the anger vibrate off Angie. I didn’t have to turn around to know she was standing behind me, mad as hell.

Regrettably, I faced her.

Cheeks white, mouth pinched, and eyes dark, my mother gripped the mug in her hands tighter. “Do you have any idea what time it is? Where have you been all night?” she clipped out.

I ran a hand over my face, remembering all too clearly why I had left in the first place. My mother had slapped me, and the memory brought on a sharp sting to my cheek. “Does it matter?” I snapped bitterly.


I tipped my chin up. “I was out.”

“Withthat boy,” she said in disgust, eyes shimmering in anger.

So she had seen me come home. My annoyance reared its head. “Are you spying on me now? And yes, I was withthat boy. The one I fucked on your wedding night.” I braced myself for another slap, hands clenched at my sides.

She blinked, sucking in a sharp breath. “You are not to see him again. Is that clear?”

“I’m confused. Isn’t this what you wanted? For me to make influential connections, date the rich boys. Besides, it will be kind of hard to avoid him since we go to school together,” I pointed out, being a smartass. “Or are you sending me back to Public?”

Waving a dismissive hand in the air, she walked toward me, heels clicking on the hallway floor. “Don’t be ridiculous. I meant outside of school. I’ve heard things about him.”

My eyes fell flat. “Why do you care who I hang out with?”

Her mouth tightened in a thin line. “I will not have you sleeping around.”

I snorted. “So you think I’m a slut. Thanks, Mom.”

“I wouldn’t think it if your behavior suggested otherwise.”

“You’ve made your point. Can I go now? It’s been a long night, and I need to shower.”

“You missed the dinner party,” she said, reaching to smooth a stray strand of my hair.

I flinched. “Don’t touch me,” I replied coolly. “Don’t ever touch me.”

Hurt fractured through her eyes. “Josephine, darling. You’re being absurd. You’re my daughter. It might not seem like it, but I’m looking out for you. I only want the best for you, andthat boy, he is not it.”

“I find that hard to believe giving the amount of money his family has.”

“It isn’t his money I object to. It’s his reputation. Steven has told me all about him and his friends. If you had been at the dinner last night, you would have gotten the opportunity to meet some of the most influential heirs.”