Page 10 of An Alpha's Claim

“This will not end up like the last battle. I know what you lost…” Thomas pulled away, and I could feel the control over his emotions slam into place.

“I know it won’t. We will not let it happen again. If this Hunter can give us an edge this time, I have no problem working with her or any other Hunter. Just know that it will be few who have my point of view.” He said, turning to face me once more. He could almost be my twin except for the eyes and the height. I looked at him more like a son than my other brothers because he was the youngest and smallest when he was born. The only one who actually saw me as more of a Father was Hayley.

“Yeah, I know. I appreciate that, but my word is the law whatever they have to say. This is not a democracy in this Pack, and I will ensure every wolf understands that tonight. I will always do what is best for my Pack and my family.” I held his eyes until his shifted away and down.

“I got you, Alpha,” he said. We both turned as a howl filled the night and knew it was time to get things started.

* * *


I could barely see through the smoke as I ran into the field, searching for Dax. The screaming and howls of pain coming all around me had me spinning in circles. “Dax!” I screamed but immediately started to cough. I tripped over a body and looked down to see a partially shifted wolf lying face down in the dirt, rapidly decaying in front of my eyes. I scooted back on my hands and feet only to bump into another body, but this time, it was an entirely shifted wolf staring at me with blank eyes. I looked closer and saw the twisted remains of the wolf that looked to be transforming into something else. “What the hell is going on here!” I stood up and moved through the smoke, searching for the violet eyes that had to be here. I heard the howling and growling coming behind me, and I spun around in place with my blade up and ready. A large wolf with crimson eyes that burned as if they were the gateway to hell growled deep. I narrowed my eyes, preparing myself to take this thing out when it began to shift into a tall figure of a man, but the crimson eyes never left mine.

“You again, Hunter. You should not be involved in this matter of wolves. You have no truce and no loyalty to each other.” The bass-filled voice echoed around me and inside of my mind. The demon seemed confused about why I was still around or trying to help. It had me thinking if this separation of Hunter’s from the supernatural species was all in a grand design.

“You are the one who doesn’t belong here, demon!” I gritted. I tightened my grip on my blade and readied myself for the attack. A hiss of laughter crawled along my skin like a thousand spiders.

“You will fall, along with the wolves, if that is what you wish. I have created myCadejo. My Red Eyed Wolf will destroy them all.” The demon laughed, and I attacked. I went for his neck with my blade. I wasn’t Taria Cross, and I couldn’t kill a demon without a demon blade. Lucky, I had plenty of them. I was close, and I spun on a heel to go right when the demon shifted into the large smokey black wolf and faded into the smoke. My demon blade came down in the spot it was in and slammed into the ground.

“Shit!” I screamed, pulling the blade out. I spun around just as the wolf leaped from the shadows. I knew I wouldn’t have time to get my arm up before the demon caught me in its jaws. “No!”


“Holy! Oh….oh my…shit!” I jumped up from the bed and slid to the floor as I tried and failed to catch my breath.


I looked around for what the noise could be when I figured out what it was making it. “Damn,” I said, shaking my head. I blinked a few times before pulling myself to my feet and looking for my phone. I was still naked but sated and feeling good. “Hello?” I said, wiping my eyes.

“Vana! Are you sleep? Well, if you are, you need to get up. I don’t care what you say, Devana. I am coming to help you. I don’t know if I trust these shifters to have your back.”

“Dali! Wait, what time is it?” I said, looking at the clock. “Shit…listen, I have to go. Don’t come here. I am good. Everything will be fine, just trust me. Everything is good, plus we don’t need mom and dad mad at you as well. One of us has to stay in their good graces.” I said as I moved around the room. I disconnected the call as I began to pull my clothes on. I shook my head in agitation with Dax. He could have woken me up, but I knew it was because he didn’t think I should be there. He wanted me as a Mate. He claimed me as his Mate, but he didn’t trust me, and I didn’t blame him.

The fact that I was a Hunter would make everything about this partnership harder. The fact that I possessed a book that told of his past and how my people did nothing to help his people. I would try to right that wrong starting here. The vision came crashing back into my mind, and I saw pieces that I overlooked while I was inside the vision. Whatever attack that was in my vision is going to happen soon. It wasn’t here on this land but not too far away from it. I knew most of his Pack lived on this property, but I was sure some didn’t. I promised to help protect his Pack, and I promised myself to protect Dax. I would keep both promises, even if that meant I had to save him from myself in the process. I made sure to have all my weapons secured before I moved to the windows. Dax probably had someone downstairs waiting for me, but they wouldn’t get the chance to stop me. I opened the window and jumped out.

Ilooked around at my Pack and could sense each shifter’s anticipation, fear and anxiousness. I stood in the center of the pit along with my Beta and brothers so everyone would know that we would protect them.

“I am sure all of you know that we have a Hunter on our lands,” I said. I was connecting eyes with each member to gauge who would show to be a problem.

“A Hunter! We don’t need a Hunter to help. We can deal with whatever issue on our own!” The murmurs and mumbles of “hell yeah,” and “damn straight” followed Braxton’s statement. I knew it was him that spoke. I turned to pin my gaze on the black bear shifter who stood with his massive, fisted hands. His Mate Diana looked at me with pleading eyes to not throw them out of the Pack. I wouldn’t do anything like that, but Braxton wasn’t about to start some shit in my meeting.

“Sit down, Braxton. That decision is not up to you. You found a home here with your Mate and cubs. I don’t ask for much except that you follow Pack law and my commands. So when I say we have a Hunter here, that means they were invited, and they are here to help with the problem.” I stared at Braxton for a minute before he sat down with a nod.

“Yes, Alpha,” he grunted. I didn’t miss the touch on the shoulder that Lindell gave Braxton. I didn’t need to say a thing because I knew Dimitri saw it as well. Something was up with those two, but I didn’t know what it was yet. I understood Braxton to a certain extent because his Sleuth of Bear family was all but decimated, and the Hunter in charge of that state did nothing.

“Good. I knew everyone’s feelings about the Hunters very well. All of you shifters know me and how I feel about them, but times are changing. There has been a shift in this world, and we all feel it. Some of us saw it up close and personal. Evil has come, and it is coming for every being on this earth. Now, something is coming for our Pack and others around this country, and our True Alpha has asked me, and by asking me, he is asking this Pack to be the ones to stop it. Quinn, our True Alpha, has connected us with a Hunter because not only will we need to handle rogue wolves but a demon as well.” I looked around at the shocked faces, and some faces with panic etched into them. I looked over to Thomas, and he took a step forward, holding out a hand to calm the Pack so we could get this done. I could feel the energy of Thomas, like a soothing breeze that soothed the soul. The Pack began to ease, and I saw when it was safe to continue.

“Alpha, why would this Hunter help us at all? I mean, they normally just stand by and do nothing. Are they only here because of the demon? Did they bring the demon to us?” I saw Nessa standing with her arms folded. She looked afraid but eager to fight if called to do so.

“No, Nessa, this demon was not brought here by the Hunter. Our task is to find out what this demon is trying to do and stop the shit. But, first, we have to put this shifter to bed before he does any more damage.”

“But…some are saying he is the True Alpha. I have heard from other shifters in different states that there is another True Alpha. Is this the one we are calling the rogue?” Nessa asked. I looked at my brothers and Dimitri before answering Nessa.

“When and where have you heard this information?” I asked. Nessa looked around before meeting my eyes, and she looked away.

“I have spoken to other friends from different Packs around the nation. I didn’t think it was a big deal because when would we really see the True Alpha, anyway? Plus, I didn’t take them seriously. I just thought it was Pack politics or something. I mean, how long has it been since an actual True Alpha has lived among us.” She said, dropping her arms to her side.

“I have heard rumblings as well, Alpha. I mean, just questions about who this Alpha is and whether we are sure he is the real deal. Not to mention the whole purity of his children is a question because they are half Witch. How could he actually be a True Wolf Alpha when his Mate is not even a shifter?” William said.