Page 24 of An Alpha's Claim

“You’re back? Is she…she is good, right?”

“My Mate is well, brother. I am not speaking to you as your brother at the moment.”

“Then tell me what you need, Alpha.”Jarod could joke around and be a loner when he wanted, but when it was time for War, I would let no one else plan my battles.

“I need my Zeta. I need my general. William is awake, and I want fucking answers. I’m done fucking around and giving these wolves the benefit of the doubt. Find the traitors and get me answers to take this War to that ROGUE who thinks he is an Alpha.”


I tried not to look at the damage done to my land once again as I moved up the stone steps and entered my home. I didn’t look around or note who was there. Dali stood at the door leading to the room where Devana was staying, but I bypassed that to put her in my bed where she belonged. I laid her down gently, wanting to take the time to clean her up and make sure her body was completely healed, but I knew time was tight. I wanted her to rest as much as she could until I needed her to wake. She is now my Bonded Mate and will be Luna to this Pack. So when I went to War, she had to be by my side.

“She’s…she is healed?” I heard the catch in Dali’s voice, but I had no time to soothe her either.

“My Mate lives, but she is exhausted,” I said, turning to look at the woman. She resembled Devana, but her eyes weren’t that cat-like shape, and her hair was long and pulled into a tight ponytail. She closed her eyes and swallowed hard before standing taller as she visibly calmed herself.

“There is nothing I could do to repay you for saving her life.”

“I don’t need anything from you. If you weren’t here, I still would have done it. If she hated me, I still would have chosen to do it. I am not now or ever looking for repayment for making sure my Mate lived.” I moved forward, but she stepped back, still looking me in the eye as she put one arm across her chest.

“It doesn’t matter why you did it, but the fact that you did. As a Hunter from House Okar, you have my word we will forever ally with you and yours.” I only heard a vow like that spoken once before, and it had been broken. However, I could sense that this…this time may differ from the last.

“Stay with her until we have no more time to rest,” I nodded and moved past her, and left the room. I could feel my wolf’s hesitation of leaving my Mate vulnerable, but I knew her sister would die before anything happened to her. I looked around and spotted my two enforcers that moved to stand in front of the closed doors. As Alpha, everything they sensed, saw, heard, or smelled, I would know all those things as well. The enforcers were the eyes and ears of my Pack and were loyal to me and tied to this land.

* * *

When I hitthe ground floor, the first thing I wanted to do was rip Peter’s throat out. I scanned over the broken and burned furniture to see another Witch in my home. The growl left my lips before I could stop it. Right now, I trusted no one, especially a Witch I didn’t fucking know.

“Hold up, Dax, she has nothing to do with Peter or his family. Quinn sent Journee to help us out. How he knew to do that, I have no clue,” Dimitri stated. He moved to get in my path, clearly trying to protect this female, which was unusual for him. Dimitri protected those who couldn’t defend themselves, but someone Dimitri didn’t know, and a Witch had my brows going up. His eyes narrowed at me, but he looked away, not trying to show that he was challenging me. That was deliberate because so many lower-ranking wolves were around and other shifters I didn’t know. I knew his ass would have something to say about my conclusion. He knew me just as well as my brothers what I was saying without words. He was interested in a Witch that his Mother hadn’t chosen. With everything that is going on, I needed that momentary distraction. It helped to calm my anger enough to think logically and figure out where I needed to start. I knew killing Peter at this moment wasn’t the right move.

“Did you confirm that story?” I asked as I stepped around my Beta.

“We were all going to meet in your office to discuss the next steps, Alpha.” I laughed because he was on one right now. He knew that I caught on to his attraction, which got even better when I saw the small boy holding the Witch’s hand tightly.

“Where is Thomas?”

“Making sure our prisoners are secure while we figure out what needs to happen next,” Dimitri stated. The Witch stood up and faced me, and that was when I caught a scent that I had earlier. I was too far into my wolf and Devana’s changing to really put two and two together. The female shifter who sat next to the Witch was the one who I saw outside. Her lavender eyes caught mine as her scent and age pressed against me. She wasn’t an Alpha or Beta. She was something else that is rare in these times. I knew this scent as if it were my own family, and I had to see if I was correct about who and what this wolf could be.

“I am the Alpha of the Rayne Pack, but you may call me Dax. I get from my Beta that our True Alpha has sent you here. Why?” I could tell the Witch was nervous, but she stood tall and held her head up. She didn’t meet my eyes but focused on a point directly over my shoulder.

“From what I was told is that I would be needed. My set of skills and abilities will help you now and more likely in the future.”

“And he knew all this?” It wasn’t that I was questioning Quinn and what he did, but I wanted to know the reasoning. Why this Witch? Her eyes shifted slightly, and she stared into mine. I knew it wasn’t in any form of a challenge but for me to see the truth in her eyes.

“He asked for a Witch to go to be on the safe side. His wife and my Circle leader said that I would be needed, and my place is here. Since the Premier, or you may call her Queen of Witches Council, divined it here I am. I would have come either way just because I owe them everything.” Her eyes shifted again, but this time they darted down to the boy. His dark brown eyes weren’t looking at me, but he was watching Dimitri.

“Thank you for coming, Journee. I feel that this Warlock has done more damage to my land than I believed. I don’t know why I couldn’t sense it, but I need to rectify it immediately. The first thing I would ask is if you could ward this house against everything. After if you could start on the property. I will have my enforcers escort you while you set those wards for safety.”

“I think I have a pretty good guess as to why no one sensed what was being done, but I need to make sure I am correct before I say anything else. I have already started on this house, and that will be done soon. If I could speak with the Hunter, that would help with the wards for demon attacks.”

“I don’t have a problem with that. I will let Dali know that you would like to speak with her. Until then, please continue in protecting this house.”

“Not a problem,” she nodded. I turned to Dimitri and caught his quick glance. I knew he would take care of that while I spoke to the wolf who shared the same blood as someone who died over five years ago. To my knowledge, he and one other were the last of that bloodline, or so we thought.

Iwasn’t entirely sure that I could or should trust her, but I figured he read the situation when Alex came into the room.

“Dax, this is Maeze. She brought a group of female shifters along with pups for safety. The others are down with the others, but I kept three enforcers there just to be on the safe side.” Alex stated. I looked his way, and he switched to mental speech when I caught his eye.

“Is she what I believe she is? She also scents of Stiles bloodline, but that shouldn’t be possible right?”