Page 14 of An Alpha's Claim

“That is exactly what I am doing. You want the white wolf’s violet eyes and his cursed bloodline dead, and that is exactly what you will have.”

“This Hunter is formidable, but we are more powerful. Her demon blades mean nothing to us, but her eyes mean everything. You have my power, Aeron and the Hunter knows that I am with you. She will think it easy to hurt us, but she is wrong. This Hunter isn’t like the rest but is a seer. Get me her eyes, wolf, and you will gain another gift indeed. Bring me those jeweled eyes and make sure that Hunter diessss.”

The hissing echoed in my thoughts as the face of that Hunter flashed in my mind.

“I will take care of her, Abadozui. After that, the Hunter eyes will be mine, and the eyes of Dax Rayne shall be yours.”I could feel the surge of power burning through my veins as my wolf paced and growled for the blood of my enemies. This power needed to be fed, and it always required the blood of an Alpha.

“Gooddd…goood. It’s time to feed now. You will need the strength when fighting this wolf, Aeron. Now feed well tonight.”I felt the demon fade, but I knew it wouldn’t be far away.

“Keys. We may encounter a Hunter when taking this Pack.”

“Hunters, do not get involved in Pack business, Alpha.”

“Yeah,they normally do not, but somehow this Hunter is involved, and she knows we are coming.” I stopped because I knew we were far enough away from the others. I looked down at Keys, who stood five foot seven inches with a stocky frame and mahogany skin. His yellow wolf’s eyes burned in the darkness of this night.

“What do we need to do? How do we need to fight this Hunter? I have never encountered a Hunter before. As a rule, they don’t fuck with us, and we don’t fuck with them.”

“You are right about that. Hunters used to Hunt things like us Keys. Hunters are strong and know details about every sup’s weakness.”

“Well, too bad for the Hunter that she doesn’t know you don’t have a weakness.” His white teeth flashed in the night as my crimson eyes began to glow.

“Yeah, you’re right, Keys. Too bad for the Hunter I will not have a weakness.” Keys frowned at the low growl but never had the chance to scream as I devoured him in bite after bite.

* * *


Aeron didn’t know that I could see what he could see each time he used my blood. If he didn’t realize that, it meant he did not know what type of wolf I am. I pulled myself up and swayed at the blood loss. It didn’t last long as my shifter blood restored itself just as fast as an Alpha wolf could. It took everything inside of me to hide my power from the demon riding inside of his body, and I wasn’t sure if I could much longer. I stood up and felt for the wall as I made my way to the only door in the room. Even though I shouldn’t have a problem seeing anything in the dark, this room was unnatural. The darkness seemed to seep through the walls as if it was alive. I felt the knob of the door and pushed through, shielding my eyes from the sudden light. I had to get to the other female shifters and the children because this might be the only moment we had to escape. I would have left this Pack long before now if it weren’t for the others. I couldn’t leave those who want nothing to do with this madness with a rogue wolf claiming that he is the True Alpha.

I knew he was not the True Alpha, and when he conned his way into the Pack, that was giving me a safe haven until I grew stronger and caught up on the current events. I only needed a few more days of rest before traveling to find the True Alpha, but I knew I couldn’t leave them once he came. Once he started talking all that bullshit about purity and hate, I knew he was trouble. My wolf and I knew this creature was no Alpha, and we felt it deep in our bones. It definitely was not a True Alpha because the True Alpha blood runs deep in my veins. This beast was not a Savir. That bloodline alone carries the gene to be the one True Alpha, and my Father and Mother were bitten by the very first. They weren’t Alphas nor Betas, but something else altogether, making me unique and something that shouldn’t exist. The daughter of a Zeta and Gamma wolf, making me the only of my kind. I should have never left the human world to roam as my wolf until another True Alpha rose. I was just so damn tired, and it seemed as if we were in a time of peace, but I was wrong. Many things have happened, and maybe I could’ve prevented it, but it was too late for that now.

Once I felt the disturbance of a full demon walking on earth, I knew I had roamed far too long. I was weak, lost in my animal form, and did not know things had changed so much. As I pushed through the sweaty bodies of wolves, amping themselves up for the fight to come, I forced those thoughts out of my head. I had to get the others ready because this will be their only chance to escape this hell. My strength returned, and I knew I could fight my way out of here, but I could not take all of these wolves who wanted to go with me. Too many would die, and I wasn’t about to have that shit happen. I looked at these wolves covered in blood, smelling of hate and rage, and just shook my head as I moved through the fools. They did not know that this Pack would not go down without a fucking fight. The Rayne Pack had a Hunter on their side. I felt the hesitance in both Aeron and the demon. This Rayne Pack may just be the ones that could help me end this nightmare for these wolves Aeron has kidnapped.

After telling Dax about the first vision, I had of his Pack. He stared at me in anger. His violet eyes glowed brightly at the horrors that his Pack would face if we didn’t stop this shit right here, and right damn now. I watched as he visibly reigned back his wolf as his face began to ripple. He was on the verge of a transformation and unable to control his shift. That for an Alpha shouldn’t happen, but with the knowledge thrown in your face that you would be the one to cause the pain and death, I could understand it. I didn’t think before I reached out and placed both hands on his face, making him focus on me.

“We will not let that happen. We will stop the bastard, and I will send that demon straight back to Hell,” I promised. Dax didn’t pull away from my touch as I expected, but he seemed to get a handle on his emotions.

“I would never harm anyone who doesn’t deserve it. I…that is impossible.”

“Yes, normally, yes, it would be impossible, but this demon is nothing nice. It wants your species erased from existence. I don’t know why, and I don’t know the endgame, but I do know we will not let it happen,” I said as I dropped my hands from his face. I watched him as he ran his large hands through his jet-black hair and growled.

“Okay…okay, we will stop this from happening. We need to move quickly and get things set in place,” he said as he stood. I pushed myself up and swung my legs to the side of the bed. I stood up, feeling slightly shaky, but I managed it. I looked up, and Dax was standing in front of me, looking down so intensely that I caught my breath. I hated that my body instantly responded to his scent and closeness. I blinked a few times and made my way to step around him when he caught my arm.


“Oh no, no, no Devana. I want everything. I want to hear it all because I know you still hold things back from me, and I will not have anything like that between us.” I didn’t even realize that he was pushing backward until my calves hit the mattress.

“Daxton, we don’t…”

“You like to use my given name because you think it puts distance between this Mate bond, but it doesn’t. I know you feel it, just like I feel that you are still hiding things from me, and I will not let that shit ride. Not with everything happening. You feel it’s fast, maybe too soon or that this wolf Mating thing doesn’t apply to you, but baby, you got that shit wrong.”

“No, no, it isn’t that, Dax! We don’t have time for this shit right now. We have other things that need…” My words were cut off when I felt his hands grab me around the waist, and he pulled me to him. He leaned down, and his smooth skin rubbed against my cheek as his scent made my eyes slide shut.

“I am the Alpha, and if I say we have time, Mate. We have time. Now let me know what keeps those shadows of doubt in your eyes and the smell of deceit anytime I get close to you.” I shook at his low rumble with a slight growl. I could feel my heart pounding and hear it in my ears as his words sank deeply into my heart and soul.

“What…you’re feeling…it isn’t real, Dax. It’s a gift of mine that I try to…” I could feel his breath on my neck as he breathed in my scent.

“What other gifts do you possess?” He asked. His voice was so rough, deep, and sensual. It crawled along my skin and over my body, making me wet without a touch.