Page 38 of An Alpha's Claim

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I felt myself being lifted, and I knew Dax was carrying me in his arms. I could barely open my eyes to see who was still alive and who we have lost. I was drained, but I knew everything wasn’t said and done. There wasn’t just one demon riding along, but many, and their plans hadn’t changed. Everything was meant to happen the way it should, but I knew that it was only the beginning for this family.

“Devana! Give her to me!” I knew the voice even as I slipped in and out of consciousness. My mother was a force, but she may have just met her match with Dax. I could feel that he wasn’t about to let me go no matter who was asking, but I also knew he would go out of his way to smoothing some things over. I knew she was grieving for our father, and she just wanted her remaining family close.

“Mother, please just let Dax get her somewhere safe. Then you can look her over for yourself. Plus, I don’t think even you could take his big ass down,” Dali said. My sister always had my back even though she got on my last nerve, but I wouldn’t have it any other way. I had to pull it together because I needed to let them know what I saw and what would come. The shit that happened in the last few days didn’t seem to be finished with any of us.

“Tyshria, I know we all have a lot to talk about, but let me get Devana cleaned up and rested,” Dax said with much respect, but I think everyone heard the finality of the statement. I wanted to help. I wanted to see everyone to make sure we saved who we could, but my energy was gone, and I tried my hardest to cling to each conversation.

“I think maybe you are correct, Rayne. Rayne Pack, you are welcomed into our home.”

I knew she was worried when she invited non-Hunters into our home. That hadn’t been done in over one hundred years. I knew I was going in and out, so I tried to push against Dax’s chest, but he held tight, and his warmth and scent had me giving in.

“Rest, Mate. We will have time to explain everything to your mother. Just rest.” His deep, soothing voice had my eyes sliding shut.

Irolled over, opened my eyes, and noticed that I was not in Dax’s home. I knew the room instantly as I took in the scents and furniture in the room. The soft gold and cream bedding and the smell of the home had everything come crashing back to me. I knew it was time to get up and explain what happened and what was to come later. I wasn’t sure how my mother would react to the fact that I am a shifter now, but I wouldn’t change what happened for anything, even family. I honestly wasn’t sure how the death of our Father was going to affect her or what I could do to atone for it. If only I could have seen this from the beginning, everyone would have been prepared and not caught slipping. I let out a sigh, knowing it was time to face the music and face the other Hunters. My choice could effectively change the way all Hunters would look at me. As I swung my legs to the side of the bed, I knew there wasn’t anything I could do about that shit. After last night, there was a reason I became what I am, and I would be the bridge to bring both sides together. Hunters and shifters are being attacked, and they are willing to use our long-time hatred of each other to take us down. I knew that the first thing I had to do was see if my mother and the House of Okar would back me on this, or would they turn away?

I felt Dax before the door opened, and I pushed to my feet as he slipped inside of my room. I just noticed that I was washed and wearing only a white tee shirt that was way too big for me. I knew it was his, and it automatically made me feel safe and…at home. I had no clue how he could get clean clothes here so fast, but I was not complaining.

“It’s about time you woke up. I feel like you slept so I had to deal with all the ‘why the hell did you change my daughter’ questions,” Dax grunted as he moved closer to me. I couldn’t help the smile that formed across my face because I could see my mom cussing him out no matter what or who he was. That woman rarely held her tongue, and that shit got passed right down to Dali.

“Maybe I did. I mean, I didn’t want to get in the middle of grown folk’s business,” I laughed. He was close, and his scent had me catching my breath, but his violet eyes pinned me to the spot. I watched as he removed his black tee-shirt and tossed it to the chair that sat in the corner. My eyes followed the tattoos that marked his body and had me licking my lips.

“You are not so young, Devana,” he chuckled. I mean, he was right, but I was not as old as him and my mother.

“Young enough,” I sighed as he grabbed my hips and pulled me closer. As I looked into his eyes, I couldn’t believe that I once didn’t believe in destiny or fate. I once thought that would mean that some sort of higher being predetermines everything you do without free will. Now I understand that we always have a choice of how we want to live our lives. It’s just that it’s always a happier road if we are willing to do what is needed. The thought of not having a choice made me insane and made me hate the gifts I was born with, that is…until Dax.

I believe in destiny and fate because that would mean my Mate was chosen to be my perfect half. It would mean all the others never worked because it just wasn’t time for it to happen. Maybe neither one of us was ready, but now….

“You’re overthinking. No one is trying to hurt our Pack, family or trying to kill us. I think it’s time for those lessons,” Dax growled into my ear. I knew my eyes rolled as the heat of his breath tickled my neck and his hands gripped tighter.

“I need to speak with my mother. I should…I should get this over…”

“No need. We can do all that later. Your sister and mother are preparing for the Hunter meeting about this situation. So right now, all you need to do is rest and heal. I am here to make sure all that will happen.”

“Wait…okay, I get why they are calling the meeting, but the Pack we need…”

“Our Pack is and will be fine. My brothers are there, and they understand what needs to be done here. So again, are you ready for these lessons because I know I need to claim you? Again. I need to make sure that you are okay and…” I put my finger to his lips as I reached between us to grab at his length. I knew the feeling he was having because my wolf was whining about feeling his bite once more. Honestly, I’m not going to complain about that, especially when he likes to remind me who’s the Alpha in the relationship every now and then.

After all, I seem to forget my place as his other half, his Mate, his Luna. I can be just as bold and Alpha with what I want as well. Everything inside of me wanted to test his dominance by pushing his buttons and clashing with him head-on. I knew he liked it, but him being an Alpha, he couldn’t help but react. I could feel the Alpha inside me, but I couldn’t front like I didn’t crave his dominance. It was a drug, and I’m addicted. I knew that everything wasn’t solved, and there was so much I still needed to learn, and that we had to learn about each other. We had time to go through it all, but he was right about now. I needed this, and so did he. I wasn’t about to waste this moment we had because I knew all too soon this small peace would be over, and all hell would break loose once again.

“Okay, Devana. I can see the wolf peeking and testing me. I got you sexy,” he growled, staring into my eyes. I knew what that did to an Alpha, but now I could feel how the wolf responded to a challenge. I knew it was different for others because he grew even harder in my hand. Dax looked at me with lustful violet eyes that burned with the knowledge he knew I was his. I was his Mate. Before I could stroke him again, Dax stepped back. He looked me over from head to toe as I began to pant. I had no clue what his ass was doing to me, but his scent became stronger as he slowly smiled. I couldn’t help but admire his body as he looked at me, rubbing my thighs together. I knew he could smell my heat, which made me almost moan at the knowledge. His body was so built it should be a fucking sin just to look this damn sexy.

I’m a skilled Hunter, and I reigned in my lust for his ass. My medium-length hair was still slightly wet and beginning to curl as usual. His hand reached out and grabbed the back of my neck as he lifted the hem of the tee-shirt I was wearing. I did really leave little to the imagination. At this point, I was happy that I wasn’t decked out in Hunter gear because that shit would have been in my way. His nose flared as his lips pressed into a thin line.

“Already wet for me, Devana?”

“You and I both know you want to tear this into shreds. Why are you stalling? I thought I needed your so-called lessons,” I point out, only to have him grinning at me. His eyes flared brighter, and the violet shade seemed to burn a line of heat over my skin. He smiled when my wetness began to run down my leg. He had no fucking remorse.

“You’re mine,” he possessively growls. “At least now I know you like that pull on your hair. Every time I tug…” Dax drew in a long breath and licked his thick lips. “You get even wetter.”

“I know,” I moaned. “Which was why I didn’t. I can’t tell you everything. You should be able to figure that out on your own, A-L-P-H-A.” I bit off.

“Get naked and on your knees, Mate,” He growled. I controlled the urge to follow his orders as he let me go and stood back. I would not fall to my knees, not yet anyway. I guess he knew exactly what I thought because Dax’s lips curved upward in amusement. “My Mate likes the fight. I wouldn’t have my Luna any other way.”

“Just a little,” I confess before stepping forward to wrap my arms around him. I could feel him pressed against me and his length digging into my stomach. I tilted my head to the side when I looked up to catch his eyes. “You mad I didn’t just fall at your feet, Mate?”