Page 37 of An Alpha's Claim

“Dax!” Devana screamed as she kicked Brandon so hard, he flew into another wolf. “Dax? What…let me see!” She growled, but I didn’t want her to touch it.

“No! No! it’s too late. Get everyone out of here!”

“No, hell no! I am not leaving.” She cried as she pushed my hands to the side. I looked up and past her to see Brandon and the other wolf climbing to their feet, and I saw their eyes all turn crimson as they howled.

“Now you see the power of what souls can do! One more species that will come to the end of its existence,” Aeron and the demon laughed. “I now control your Pack and you Alpha,” he spat like it was a curse. “Didn’t you wonder why I didn’t kill them? Hunter, don’t you understand what is happening here? Others have failed where I will succeed. Wipeout wolf shifters and Hunters alike,” the distorted voices screamed. “Wolves kill Daxton Rayne and his Mate!” He ordered.

“NO!” I roared as I fought the tainted blood that was trying to take hold.

“Dax, we have to move!”

“Devana, get out of here NOW!”

“You didn’t leave me, and I will not leave you!” Devana shouted as every shifter began to charge us.

Ispoke in a barely used language, but what I learned in the journal that Cassandra had written. My hands began to glow a mint green as I chanted. I knew time was short, But I had to try. Dax did not leave me to die but did everything he could to save me. I knew that something like this wasn’t meant to be done, but I wouldn’t want to share my soul with anyone else.

“Devana! Move! They’re coming!” I didn’t even reply as I stuck both hands inside of his wounds and pushed with everything I had inside of me. I gritted my teeth at the burning pain his mixed blood caused, but I knew it had to be done. I felt the wolves closer and heard Dali screaming as she took shots that missed. I knew Dali didn’t miss. I knew she was trying to warn them away. She was not about to harm innocent people even if they were being used. “Devana!” Dax growled as his eyes burned an intense violet that slowly bled into the mint green of my soul. I pulled out my hand in time to turn in place, catching the clawed hand coming at me. I bent it backward as I stood up and kicked out. I sent the wolf flying, but it wasn’t dead. I moved in the middle of the crowd that came at us, trying to lead them away from a screaming Dax. A mixture of violet light spilled from his mouth and eyes, burning anyone who got close. It even kept Aeron at bay, but he soon turned those crimson eyes to me. The sneer on his lips and slitted eyes made my skin crawl.

“I’m coming, Devana!” I heard the brothers shout. I flicked my eyes to Aeron as he sent a wave of fire in their direction, keeping them firmly on the other side of the river. I ducked and came up with my left palm, grabbed Brandon’s chin, and threw him headfirst into three other wolves.

“Stay back!” I growled, and I knew my voice took on a commanding tone. I went low and rolled to the right, sweeping out and catching another wolf in the back of the knees. I backed away as the wolves all stopped to look at me, and Aeron made his way to the front.

“The things I could do with the eyes of a seer. I could effectively hide from any Hunter with a gift such as that. Times up, Hunter, you lose.” I knew that the screaming of my Mate had stopped, but I don’t think any else knew. I smiled.

“The lies demons tell themselves is real. I don’t think so.” I grinned as Dax howled.

* * *


I could feel the blood burning out of my system as I sat up. There is so much pain still, but that shit did not matter. Devana was fighting alone, and I refused to let that fucking demon touch her again. I could feel her Hunter’s soul twine around my own as I moved. I shifted into my wolf and howled as the last of the demon blood faded out of my system. I moved when they all turned toward me as one. They all came at me as I dodged left then right of their attacks without harming them. There was still a chance we could save them, so I would not kill them until then. Still, their numbers were a problem because they weren’t going down. I would not kill my Pack and add more souls to the count. Dodging them was getting harder and harder, and I did get clawed a few times. It didn’t matter to me now as the gift from Devana kept the blood from taking hold. It still was causing me damage because of the blood loss I continued to endure.

“Please keep running while I attend to what is more important because they will keep this shit up for as long as it takes,” Aeron growled. I had to find a way to take them down without life-threatening injuries. I dodged the attacks coming from my Pack and the rogues. Those I wanted to kill but needed to answer their crimes and tell the supernatural world all about it. Brandon was in front of me now, and I knew he could take more damage than the rest. I bit down on the back of his neck and threw him at the others. This move quickly created an open space.

“Dax, down!” Devana screamed as a shining bright light lit up the space between us. Aeron jumped back but launched a blast of fire in her direction. Devana had already moved out of the way. I saw Dali in a shooting stance on the other side and noticed she waited to use the Moonlit bullets until our Pack was out of the way. This move didn’t kill them, but it blinded them and still hurt to a degree.

“Still refuse to harm these clowns? Are you so protective with your Pack that you would refuse to harm them even though they are attacking you?” Aeron said, confused and angry. He was never an Alpha, and he thought of himself as a True Alpha. He was a fucking joke.

“Aeron!” Devana shouted. He turned away from me as she formed a sign with her hand and pushed a white light in his direction. That blasted his ass away from her and gave me a chance to get closer to Devana. I leaped over the down Pack and landed next to a heaving Devana. “What the fuck?” She panted, and I looked back to see the wolves all suddenly stood up and still. I looked from left to right. I began to growl because Pack members or not, I would not let them hurt my Mate. If I had to take everyone down, I would do it as their Alpha because I knew not one of mine would lay a finger on what was mine. None of them stepped forward, and strangely enough, they stepped back. They made more space between them and us which made absolutely no sense. Aeron stepped through the crowd covered in blood, with piercing crimson eyes staring daggers at Devana. “Did that hurt, bitch?” She said, spitting out blood. I moved to keep her hidden from their gazes, but Aeron just smiled.

“That little stunt will cost you. You did damage which I will need souls to repair. You protected them so far but how about now,” Aeron growled. Brandon and Simon marched forward with red glazed-over eyes and turned to each other. “No! You can’t fight your own battles, you piece of shit!” Devana roared in anger at the sight. My eyes widened at the scene of brutality they were dishing out to each other. It almost made me lose it. Only Devana’s hand gripping my fur tightly held me together. I had to stop this before more gets killed, and he feeds on their souls. The instinct to protect engulfed me as the words of my father filtered through my mind.“As a leader, you must protect all who need protection, even if it is from themselves. As an Alpha, you must protect your Pack at all costs.”

I howled as I never did before because I was their Alpha, and no one commands them except our God, the True Alpha, and me. I was the one put in charge of their lives and the one they trust above all. I felt Devana’s energy inside of me, and her hand dropped from my fur. The power I put forth filled her enough that she was able to shift once more. My howl and the light that powered from my eyes bathed over Aeron and the fighting shifters. A bright light emerged from within me, blinding everyone as it covered them in my protection.

“No, we killed all of you! Your line was severed!” Aeron shouted. I knew Aeron was no longer there or in control and that the demon was speaking. He shifted into his massive wolf, and still, he had the wings. He covered himself from the light with his wings, but it was pointless. He was right, though, about my line. I knew we came from theAenocyon dirus,but the ability was lost hundreds of years ago, and now we know why. The last was killed without passing down the knowledge of how it was done. After a moment, the light started dispersing little by little. I felt completely different. I stood on both legs, just like in my third form. My clawed hands become more prominent and my ears much longer. My fur shined bright white with mint green symbols that I could feel moving on my forehead. They went down my body, emitting a comfortable and warm aura around me. I knew the feeling, and it was my Mate. She was all around me and inside of me. I looked to where she stood, but she wasn’t there.

“Our soul is one. To take this form, I think…”

“We had to save each other to become…”

“One.”We both stated, and my head snapped up

“This is impossible! This…” The demon screamed. The voices sounded as if they were trying to flee. I raised my hand, calmly looking at it and how he changed. I moved, and the demon backed away, letting the wolves conceal him. “Kill…”

I didn’t give Aeron a chance to finish his sentence before I was up in his face. Aeron breathed Hellfire directly at my face. I lifted my hand and pushed through the fire, grabbing his mouth and crushing it shut. The rows of sharp teeth pierced through his jaws, but the demon kept his wings moving, still trying to free itself. I didn’t realize I began chanting until I felt the words coming from Devana. I let the words flow as I used my other claw to slash at the right-wing, tearing it apart before releasing him to fall back to the ground. I never lost contact as the chant went on, but I continued to pierce him with my claws. I pinned him with such brutal force that the surrounding ground cracked as I pushed deeper. I saw the crimson start to bleed away, and Aeron’s dark gray eyes were staring back at me. I knew the fight wasn’t over for Aeron, but the demon wasn’t gone. I pulled my hand out of his chest and placed it on his head. We spoke the last of the chant as one.

“We will make you suffer for every life you stole, and every soul destroyed. There is no place for you here,Abadozui.Now you will burn.” We said as screams filled the night, and then all went quiet. Aeron took his final breath as his body slumped to the ground.