Page 36 of An Alpha's Claim

Devana smiled as she looked away from him and up to the sky. I saw her eyes go hard and knew this little moment had to end. Some of my Pack members didn’t make it away with Max and the others, but they were still alive. I sent the message to follow Kendrick and get to safety on the other side of the river.

“Exactly! I need you to tell her to make sure everyone is in the river. The river will protect everyone long enough for us to finish this.”

“The river?”

“Yes! Now go!” Devana shoved the wolf in the direction he needed to go as I turned to stare up at the sky. Aeron descended slowly from the sky and onto the ash-covered ground. The crimson of his eyes gleamed as he saw the burned and burning bodies of his Pack. Some turned to piles of dust, and some were still standing like crops. Others were still alive and were still screaming as they burned and fell to the ground. The demon looked at the dead without remorse or regret. He walked through the corpses as he began to suck in the souls of the dead.

“We have to stop this bastard!” Devana growled. There was a moment of silence as the demon-filled himself with souls of wolves and Hunters who had fallen.

“Still not enough! War is what we need to take this world, and tonight will mark the start of it. Hunters and wolves are notoriously known to hate each other. Who was to blame neither will believe it was their people who did it, thus leading to Warrrr!”

The voice sounded as if it were over one demon. It sounded like many. Aeron’s remaining Pack was baffled at the atrocity and cruelty. I saw the understanding dawning in their eyes as they genuinely saw what they had been following. “All worthless in body, but the soul is another matter altogether. The power of a Hunter’s soul and the strength from the Packs soul was all I needed to take you out for good. Peter and his family were worthless, but this just gave me a better opportunity to devour the Dire Wolf myself.” The demon growled in our direction, and I stepped out and in front of Devana. I looked at his Pack, who were still alive as they pushed to their feet and gritted their teeth. They all turned to face their hatred at Aeron as the one in human form began to shift into their wolves. Aeron stood still. The wolf from Aeron’s Pack jumped to attack him, to which Aeron swung his wing, creating a strong wind current stopping his attacker before biting him mid-air, tearing out his throat. I saw him pull back to launch another breath of blazing flames at the rest of his Pack. He caught some in the path of the flame, but some still managed to evade the fire.

“Devana, what can we do?”

“Demon blades won’t work. If they did, he would have been killed already.” Devana pointed to the ground, and I saw a blade that laid there covered in blood. My wolves were trying to leave the scene, but some stopped beside Devana and me.

“Alpha, we can help end this.” Brandon, one of my enforcers, stated. He was flanked by another two of my enforcers who eyed the demon.

“Nothing you have will stop me in this form, not a demon blade or the stench of that Holy water. At least not for much longer,” it hissed, looking directly at us.

“Brandon, get the hell out of here and get the rest of the Pack safe. You need to make it back to Malic and contact Quinn!” Brandon stared at me for a moment but bowed his head and lowered his raging eyes.

“Got it, Alpha!” I could tell he was battling the decision to leave, but the command made it all but impossible.

“Dax, he is going to attack! We have to hold them off so they can get out of here!” Devana said as she shifted and ran after the demon. I didn’t waste another moment as I shifted and followed. I caught up to her when that bastard spoke again.

“The Hunter turned wolf. You want to save your new Pack?” The voice of Aeron and the demon growled. We launched ourselves at his wings, but he flew higher toward the retreating Pack with incredible speed.

“He is coming!” Brandon shouted. He screamed for the others to move faster, and I knew I had to give them time. I leaped again and shifted into the third form going straight for his ass. Devana ran on the ground dodging his wolves, but they moved out of her way. I saw Aeron getting closer and in range of attacking. I didn’t think he would drop and spin around to breathe his fire toward Devana and me. As he breathed the Hellfire, he used his leathery smokey gray wings to create a wind current directing it right at us! I let my height pull me down to the ground, and I grabbed Devana and rolled us over. We hit the ground near the river. We were further away from everyone else. I felt Devana twist, and she rolled us both into the water. We sank below the water as the flames came over us, but they didn’t reach us. They seemed to try but bounced off the surface of the water. We came up both gasping for air and both in our human forms. Aeron wasn’t anywhere in our sight.

“Shit! He should not have control over this fire on this earth. Only Hell Hounds have that ability, or so I thought,” Devana said as we pulled ourselves out of the water. I turned to make sure the others made it when I saw him attacking them with his claws one by one. He was on the ground now using his massive, clawed hands to take members of my Pack and his own down in one movement.

“Devana!” I shouted before taking off. I knew she was on my heels, and as soon as I made it within a few feet of him, he spun. I lashed out with my clawed hand, pulling him toward me as I used my other and rammed it into its chest. I felt his heart, and I pulled as I roared in his face. I could see the slitted eyes that burned crimson narrow as he tried pulling my arm out of my socket. Then his wings snapped out, and he began to flip them taking me into the air with him.

“Now, time for another snack.” Aeron was still present in the body, but he was fully invested now. He believed in what he was saying and the lies told to him by this demon. He flapped his wings taking us higher into the sky.

“Naw, not tonight,” I said with one last yank as I removed his heart. I watched as his eyes went wide and his grip loosened, and I fell from the sky. As I fell, I twisted in the air and saw the ground approaching rapidly. I hit hard but landed on my feet. I jumped out of the crater I created and caught Devana as she rushed me.

“It’s not over! I feel it! The demon isn’t through.”

Her mental exhaustion was showing. She wasn’t used to fighting in this form. Her tolerance was very low for all this, but she wasn’t backing down. I didn’t bother to answer mentally because it would take her more energy to hear it.

“I know, but it bought us time. Is everyone okay? Did they make it?” I asked, looking around.

“They are fine. Just a few scratches but nothing that would infect them.”

“Good. Scratches we can handle. Now, where the fuck is he, or maybe he is dead? I know the demon didn’t let him die,” I growled. Then I heard the brush of wings, and we both spun around.

“Just scratches. I will wait here and enjoy the action!” Aeron said with a deranged smile. Devana turned away just as I did to see our Pack swaying strangely. The members of Aeron Pack that he cut down were getting to their feet as well, but something wasn’t right with them.

“We need to get to them!” We moved and headed to the Pack, and then I saw Devana starting to drag behind. I looked back, seeing her wolf form beginning to shrink as she shifted back into human form. She didn’t stop running, and I was out of a shirt for her. It didn’t seem to matter as she stopped long enough to rip clothes from a down Hunter to wrap around her body. I never stopped moving.

“Hey! Brandon! Simon! Are you okay?” I asked, getting closer. I saw Jarod jumping over the river to help another Pack member who had fallen to their knees. I noticed neither wolf responded when I suddenly felt my torso scratched severely. For a moment, I was surprised and couldn’t believe it. I lowered my head and saw blood dripping from Brandon’s clawed hand. It was covered in my blood.

“Dax! Don’t let them touch you! Don’t touch them!” Devana shouted. I heard Dali saying the same thing, but Brandon stared at me with a blank expression.

“Wha…what the fuck? Brandon!” I said in a shaken voice. My body felt off, and I knew something was trying to invade it.