Page 25 of An Alpha's Claim

“Nothing is impossible. Shani smells the same, and we know she is his daughter.”

“Maeze, how were you caught, and why didn’t you escape long before?” I watched as her brows raised in surprise as she darted a quick glance at Alex, then back to me.

“I refused to leave the defenseless behind. When I figured out what was happening, I couldn’t leave the pups and females that weren’t fighters behind. They would have been abused, used, or worse. They could have been killed. I couldn’t save them all no matter how hard I tried.”

“For you as a Zetagamma, I wouldn’t think you could leave anyone behind.” Her eyes narrowed at the mention of what she is because such a thing didn’t exist, or it was so rare you rarely came across it. “You have information on the rogue and his Pack. I want to know everything you do and if you would work with my Zeta to prepare for War.”

“You just trust me to help? You don’t believe I could be a trojan horse?” She folded her arms across her chest as her eyes hardened. Her energy felt so raw and powerful. It was almost as if she were an Alpha, but I knew instinctively that was not her wolf’s nature.

“What I do know of your bloodline trust is not an issue for me. You serve our True Alpha even if you have not met him. That shit is good enough for me.” I stared down at the female as she searched my eyes before looking down and away.

“Then everything I sensed through Aeron’s visions was correct. I was right in coming here. I will help you and your Pack in any way that I can. He…Aeron must be destroyed. The demon is possessing him…” She shook her head in disgust. “Aeron is nothing but a pawn in this game of chess that he will lose. He can’t take any more of us with him. His soul is lost, and I refuse to let him bring down any more innocents with him.”

“All his bullshit ends here,” I said. I looked at my brother, and he nodded as I turned away. I wanted to find out what Jarod got out of William. I felt his mental touch as Maeze spoke, informing me that he had already gotten something out of the wolf. There were more shifters on this land that I couldn’t trust, and that was going to end now.

* * *

I mademy way toward the house that made it through all the violence that held the wounded. I could feel the fear coming from the home in waves. I knew Jarod was in full battle mode and did whatever he thought was necessary to get the information we needed. The door flew open, and I saw a partially shifted, Jayla, struggling with an enforcer.

“Let her go, Ezra.”


“Ezra! Let her go and find out what Jarod will need from you,” I ordered. At my voice, Jayla froze. Ezra dropped the female, and she fell onto all fours as she shifted. I didn’t command her to stop; I knew Jayla would be in pain if I forcibly stopped her shift. She howled out a mournful sound as Ezra took a significant step back.

“Dax, I don’t know if even you will be able to fix this.” The rumbling words from my enforcer had me looking up. He met my eyes for a second and looked past me. It didn’t matter because I saw the anger, betrayal and rage he was holding back.

“I am the Alpha of this Pack, Ezra. I will fix it. Now go.”

“I got you, Alpha,” Ezra grunted. He wanted someone’s head for whatever Jarod pulled out of William. Jayla’s howls began to transform into whines and whimpers of a lost wolf. It was as if she were a pup.

“Alpha. I…I didn’t know he…I…”

“You need to go to the house, find your pup, and hold her close. I don’t know what he has done to the full extent, but I know you had nothing to do with it. That being said, when this is over, we will speak again. You will be the first to know what my judgment will be for your Mate.”

“Yes, Alpha.”

There was nothing else I could give her until I knew what happened. Whatever it was, he will be judged by Pack Laws, including exile for his family. All wolves know the consequences of breaking Pack laws, and it wasn’t anything that could change it. Not even me as the Alpha of this Pack. The only one who could wipe that slate clean would be Quinn, the True Alpha. The door opened again before I could go through, and Ezra came out with Jamel behind him. The two brothers were identical, except Jamel was a foot shorter with one pale blue eye and the other brown. Ezra stood nearly my height with deep dark brown eyes that seemed to glow as if blue flames flickered behind his irises. I felt Jarod enter my thoughts as he told me about Tucker, Wayne and Dustin. It was more information-sharing, but I felt his shock before he spoke.

“Brother, I need you to confirm this. He has trap doors in his mind I cannot bypass. If this is true…”

“I will break through the traps.”

I refocused on my enforcers and nodded at them, ensuring they saw I meant what I was about to say. “Take them without harm. I will deal with whoever Jarod has sent you to get..”

“Yes, Alpha,” they said at the same time. They both moved in opposite directions, like the passing of the wind. I didn’t need to look to know that they both were already out of sight. I stepped into the house and immediately saw William pinned to the wall with silver spikes in each palm and with Jarod’s shifted hand wrapped tightly around his throat. William’s bloodshot eyes seemed to notice me as I shut the door. He still looked as if he had some defiance, but I watched all that drain away once he met my eyes.

“William, William, William. I hope the thoughts running through my brother’s mind are not true because that is a death sentence for you and your family,” I growled. I felt my body shifting and growing taller than my six feet and seven inches in height. Jarod hadn’t moved or twitched as I shifted, and I knew the power of it weighed heavily on him as well. I saw when William began to crack under pressure, and his mind broke. Every secret he kept and other things he didn’t know came pouring out of his mind. I reached with one massive, clawed hand and placed it on top of his head as Jarod moved away.

“A…Alpha…I…Alpha, please. I didn’t…” I flexed my hand, and he screamed as conversations, memories, and the hidden instructions in his mind flashed in my thoughts as if they were my own.

* * *


I knew I was dreaming or having another vision, but it looked like I had this one before. The vision moved and shifted around untilthe shadows became clearer. I stood in a large open wooded area where motor homes made a circle around something. This time I wasn’t in human form, but wolf form. I was looking up into the night sky on all fours, but it seemed familiar and different. I took a step forward, and I could see the shifters inside of a circle. Some were in wolf form like I was, and others were still human. One man stood taller than the rest, and when I saw his face, I knew it was Aeron. I wrinkled my nose at the scents filling my nostrils and knew precisely what fragrance I was smelling.

Along with the scent of death, loss, loneliness and demon came another one that was also familiar. I felt as if I should know what it was, but this vision had me feeling all over the place. I knew it was because I was in my wolf form and wasn’t used to it yet. I didn’t understand how to control all of my senses, but…maybe it would help me figure out what was different. Something was familiar about this area that I didn’t feel before, but it still holds a heavyweight of evil surrounding it. The closer I got to the circle and other wolves, the more I began to understand the words being spoken. I already knew who it was and what lies Aeron and this demon would speak.