Page 20 of An Alpha's Claim

“Leo! Fuck this!” Malic roared as he smoothly shifted and charged at the demon wolf.

“Malic! Wait, I need…” I screamed, but it was too late. He was moving, and I knew it would snatch his soul and kill him if he reached the barrier. I launched myself at the giant dark red wolf while pulling out a silver-lined blade. I managed to stab him in the flank, but I knew it wouldn’t kill him, only slow him down. Malic howled out in pain, but my forward motion had me falling to the ground and sliding along the grass directly into the barrier. I said the last few words as I pulled out my pistol and slammed hard into the blood barrier. It made my vision fade, but I was glad to have been taught to shoot while blindfolded. I pulled the trigger as blood filled my mouth while howls and screams ripped through the night.

Ireached my property, and everything was in chaos. Homes were burning, and screams in the distance rang in my ears. None of it mattered at this moment because all I could scent was the blood of my Mate. The foul smell of demons saturated this entire place as the voices of my Pack, brothers and Beta filled my mind. I couldn’t answer them due to the rage and anger I felt. I was about to lose my Mate before I even had the chance to claim her as mine. If I had, she would have been able to draw on our Mating Bond for healing. I knew Hunters were better at healing than average humans. But that was just it, Hunters were still human, so if she was severely wounded enough, she could still die. I felt my property had a split or some kind of barrier dividing it in two. I couldn’t reach Thomas or Remi. I couldn’t feel the wards placed around my home, so I knew exactly what was cut off from me. The scent of another familiar presence brought a growl to my lips as I moved through the fires that burned newly built homes down to the ground. I saw dead or wounded Pack members scattered everywhere, but I didn’t have time to stop. I turned my head, and my eyes locked on a pair of glowing lavender eyes that did not belong to my Pack. I saw her dip her head in submission as she crouched protectively in front of other female shifters and cubs. This female wasn’t an Alpha nor Beta, but she gave off those vibes to me. As an Alpha, I should have known what she was, but I didn’t have time to focus on the female.

I shifted into my human form in one fluid movement just as a light flashed and burned bright. I shielded my eyes but kept it moving toward the scent of my Mate.

“Alpha!” Dimitri’s voice slammed into my thoughts. I focused on his thoughts as I pushed into his consciousness so I could see what he saw at that moment. It wasn’t what I thought or who I thought he would have been looking at right now.

“Where is Devana?” I growled. I was close as I moved through the thick smoke that surrounded everything.

“They will get in the house! The pups! The cubs!” I could feel Dimitri’s rage at not getting to those who needed him. He was Beta, and all children trusted in him just as much as their Alpha to protect them.

“She did it!”

“I am here, Dimitri. Save them. I will deal with this fucking demon and all of his followers. The light died just as suddenly as it appeared, and I saw my Mate choking on her blood with more running from her nose, eyes and ears. Malic held a badly wounded Leodora across his lap while an open wound appeared on the side of his stomach. Aeron stood watching my Hunter as if she was a prize or something with distaste. Her eyes never left his as the demon wolf took a step. I was there in a second and backhanding the rogue Alpha away from my Mate. I looked down and saw those eyes flash green to brown to gray. The look of happiness and fear crossed her face as I leaned over and scooped her into my arms. The still alive wolves began to move after her, but they weren’t getting the chance. I took her small pistol from bloody fingers and aimed. When I hit the Alpha, some of the further away wolves had already runoff.

“Those magic bullets won’t do shit to a True Alpha Daxton Rayne,” Aeron said, pushing to his feet. I didn’t respond to his bullshit. I fired, aiming directly at his chest. I didn’t stop there but moved slightly and shooting at each wolf who dared to fucking stand up. I did not know how many bullets were left, but I fired until it locked back. The bright light from each shot knocked down every wolf who thought they could come for my Pack or me. I knew he was coming. I could smell his foul stench, but I didn’t have time to deal with him. I had no clue how to kill a demon without my Hunter. That knowledge came crashing down around me when I heard a shriek from behind me. The brightness of whatever type of bullets she had in her gun had already died out, and Aeron was coming toward me. He shifted into a dark gray and black wolf with crimson red eyes as he moved. I didn’t expect the wings that unfurrowed from his sides. I felt something brush my arm as Dali ran past me with two swords held high. The screaming wasn’t just screaming but a spell in a language I could never learn. Devana coughed, and I looked down to see her eyes wide as she watched her sister run toward the demon.

“Dali!” Her crocked cry and her hand reaching to her sister had me moving. I don’t know the reason, but if I didn’t, Dali would surely die. I made it to her side as she finished the chant, as the demon started backing away with a snarl. Dali’s two swords glowed white as gold symbols shone brightly, and she slammed both together. I didn’t have time to think or figure out how I knew this had to be done; I just did it. I grabbed Dali by the waist as the ripple of gold light shot out. I threw Dali back in the direction she came and leaped into the air, away from the light as it exploded. The sound was like a bomb had been dropped as the golden-white fire burned, began to eat away everything in its path.

* * *

“Dax!What in the fuck was that?” Max said as he held a dazed Dali. Her face was snuggled into his neck as she tried to lift her head.

“It…it didn’t kill it…it’s strong…this won’t stop…Devana…where is…” Dali could barely keep her eyes open, but I couldn’t focus on anything at the moment while Devana hung limp in my arms. I laid her down and searched her body, but I could find any wounds, but her light brown skin was getting pale.

“Devana! Tell me what I need to do! I just got your ass, so you can’t…Devana!” I leaned down, placing my ear to her chest as if I needed to do any of that shit. I could hear shit hundreds of feet away, but I needed to listen to her heartbeat. “Devana!”

“Dax she…”

“NO!” I roared at Max, who took a step back. My growl must have given Dali what she needed to open her eyes and focus.

“Devana. Oh God, no! Devana! She hit that thing, but…” I looked up and started CPR to see Dali’s watery gaze on me.

“What! What do I need to do?” I heard the weakness in my voice, and I couldn’t give a shit. I could hear and feel the pain of my Pack, and I did not give a shit.

“She is your Mate. Your bond should have…” I knew the violet of my eyes burned, and the grief was written in every line on my face. “Do it! Do that shit right fucking now! Save my sister! She wouldn’t be here if it weren’t for you, and she wouldn’t have gotten hurt!”

“This is my fault. If I wouldn’t have…” Malic said, coming up beside me. The dark circles and blood staining his side made him look as if he had just escaped a horror movie. There wasn’t time to think or consider that she could hate me forever doing this without her consent. I couldn’t do this how it is meant to be done. I knew she was my Mate, and she wanted my bite, but I knew doing this in this state would change everything. I looked down, and everything else faded into the background. Nothing else mattered at this point. Either our Mating bond was strong enough to withstand this, or it wasn’t. I would live with her hate, but I will not live without her. I leaned my head back and let my canines lengthen and bite down into Devana’s shoulder until I hit bone.

* * *


I knew that I was dying, but I couldn’t let that demon steal another soul, especially not Dax’s brother. That spell the demon cast would have taken any soul, but not one of a Hunter. I could see now how it got so many to follow him as he took Pack after Pack. The demon started with taking souls and letting the others in the Pack see the power. I knew for sure that I would not have that problem, and I would still have my soul. I also knew that there was a possibility that I wouldn’t have my life. That didn’t matter, but it was what we do, and I would do it again if that meant I saved someone else of that kind of fate. I couldn’t tell if I passed out or where I was, but it was entirely black, all except that faint light in the distance. I felt as if every organ in my body was liquifying. I wasn’t expecting to have a vision or see slightly further ahead in the future, but I was glad when the vision came. The darkness became suddenly light as different visions moved through my mind at a speed I wasn’t accustomed to having. As I watched, the pain faded somewhat, and the screaming and crying of the others drifted away. I saw glimpses of each of the Rayne brothers in different situations, but one thing remained the same in each one. A demon was always present in every one of them.

“Devana Adria Okar…it is now time for you to choose.”

“Who…who are you?”

I could feel a power I had never felt in my life. It was almost close to my feeling when I met Michael Vaughn for the first time. He was a Vampire King, but this power feels slightly different. It felt older, wild, and predatory. I knew that I was dying, but I wasn’t expecting to hear voices or see soft light. Everything around me was dark except the light in the distance, which felt like the moon. My thoughts were scattered, and I couldn’t make sense of how something felt like moonlight.

“What you feel is my power, and what you sense as moonlight is your Mate.”

The voice spoke again. It was deep and almost a growl of words. As the words of the voice sank in, I began to look around.

“Dax? No, he can’t be here. He has to live!”