Will settled onto the couch and crossed one ankle over his knee. “How are you going to get her back?”
“Did Rissa send you?”
“Maybe,” Travis said at the same time Will said, “No.” He whipped his attention to Travis, who’d leaned against the doorjamb. “Maybe? You’re the worst at keeping secrets.”
“I am not, or you’d know Shay is pregnant.”
Silence rained down in the office, all while Travis’s face grew redder and redder.
“You weren’t supposed to tell us that, were you?” Lee asked, fighting back a laugh.
Travis cleared his throat. “It would be great if you could pretend to be super excited in a couple of weeks when we make the official announcement.”
“Yeah, because Will’ssogreat at acting,” Lee said, finally letting his laughter out.
“Hey, you’re no Emmy-award winner,” Will said, chuckling too. Once the two of them had quieted, Will focused on Lee again. “Seriously, brother. We know she’s really important to you. What are you going to do?”
“I’m formulating a plan right now,” Lee said. “A…loose plan.”
“You’ve got nothing,” Travis said.
“No,” Lee protested. “I have something. I just need a little bit of help from my two favorite brothers.” He grinned at them and gestured Travis toward the couch. “Sit. If I’m going to bare my soul to you, I’m not doing it while you hover over me.”