William Cooper opened his front door, expecting to find Travis or Lee standing there. He got both of his brothers, each of them holding something Will would wear in just a few minutes. “Morning,” he said, suddenly overwhelmed with love and gratitude for the two men in front of him. The three of them had been through so much in their lives, and while Will got the angriest with them the easiest, he also loved them deeply. He turned away and cleared his throat before he could start weeping.
He'd been so emotional this week, and he knew why. Everything he’d waited for and wanted for so long was happening. Today.
In two hours, he’d be married, and in four, he and Gretchen would be on their way to Galveston. He’d planned a couple of days there on the beach, and then he and Gretchen would set sail on a ten-night cruise that would take them down to South America and back.
Will absolutely could not wait. He loved his farm life, and Gretchen swore up one side of their conversations and down the other that she couldn’t wait to live in this cabin, on this land, with him. He’d told her countless times that he’d move in with her after they got married, because she had a cute little house with all those wreaths for the front door.
They’d also talked about moving to Short Tail, where her father lived. Reggie, her dad, had been alone for a few years now, and he had a big, beautiful piece of land that Will could help him care for. In all honesty, Will believed he and Gretchen would end up there eventually. Probably sooner rather than later, as Reggie’s health wasn’t great, and he and Gretchen spent two or three evenings with her dad already.
“You ready?” Lee asked.
“Yes,” Will said without elaboration.
“Gretchen’s at the farmhouse,” Travis said, closing the door behind him. “Shay’s there with her and Mama. Her dad’s currently being educated on all the finer points of running a dairy farm by Daddy.”
Will turned and looked at Travis, sure he was joking. He grinned like the Cheshire Cat, which meant he wasn’t.
“Daddy,” Will said, shaking his head.
Lee smiled too. “They’re fine,’ he said. “Reggie likes Daddy.”
“The aisle is set,” Travis added, draping the garment bag he carried over the back of Will’s couch. “Reggie said he was going to practice before the wedding.”
“It’s smooth?” Will asked. He’d been out to the new barn that morning too, and the flooring hadn’t been done yet. What had been done certainly wasn’t level or without things that could trip up the older gentleman, and he’d left it with his trust that the ceremonial suppliers knew what they were doing.
“Not a single seam,” Lee said. “It’s going to be amazing.” He gave Will an encouraging smile, his happiness beaming from him in a way Will hadn’t seen before. Rosalie Reynolds had such a big part to play in Lee’s transformation, and Will’s heart expanded once again, this time to make room for her because of her influence on his older brother.
“You’ve got to relax,” Travis said, his smile slipping. “Why is it that Lee and I are happier than you are?”
“I’m happy,” Will said, switching his gaze from Lee to Travis. “Just worried.”
“About what?” Travis asked, moving into the kitchen. “The truffles are done. Your bride is here. Her dad is going to be able to walk her down the aisle, which is beautiful and utterly smooth. You don’t have to work for the next eleven days.” He opened the fridge and took out the milk Will had there. He uncapped it and met Will’s eyes. “Seriously, Will, cheer up.”
“I’m happy,” Will said again, this time the words almost a growl, especially when Travis tipped the glass bottle back and drank right from it.
“Will.” Lee approached and put both hands on his shoulders. “There is nothing for you to worry about today. Nothing.”
Will looked into his brother’s eyes, feeling his own courage and faith strengthen. Lee had always been able to reassure Will, and since he’d been so busy on the farm, with Gretchen, or with his parents or her dad, Will had grown a bit distant these past few months.
He nodded now and said, “Okay.” He drew in a breath, and finally, the anticipation and excitement he’d felt previously about this wedding—his wedding—could flow through him.
He smiled, and Lee’s mouth curved up too. “There you are. I see you now, brother.”
Lee had always been able toseehim, and Will drew him into a hug. “Thank you, Lee.”
“Hey, I want in on this,” Travis said, spreading his arms around both Lee and Will. The three of them laughed, with Travis always the loudest of them.
“All right,” Lee said as the huddle broke up. “Let’s get you dressed and over to the barn. You don’t want to be late to your own wedding.”
* * *
Gretchen Bellows reachedup to re-secure her veil in her hair. She hardly felt like herself amidst all the fabric currently wrapped around her body and flowing in stiff waves that looked like silky layers. She felt exotic and beautiful—and ready.
Shayla Cooper had been nothing but helpful today, providing the sister Gretchen had never had. Her brother’s wife, Missy, had been in town for two days, and she’d been an absolute Godsend to Gretchen. She’d brought Daddy to the Coopers, and she’d gone back to Sweet Water Taffy to get the truffles after that.
Then, she’d helped Chrissy come into the brides’ room so she could participate in helping Gretchen get dressed and ready to marry her son. Gretchen loved Will’s mother with the same fierceness with which she’d loved her own mother. They were so much alike, at least in Gretchen’s mind, and there was nothing she liked more than hugging Chrissy.