Daddy nodded, and Mama took a bite of her pizza. Lee tugged on Rosalie’s hand, and they went out into the hall together.
“You haven’t been home?” she asked.
“Daddy couldn’t stay last night.” He kept walking down the hall, no real destination in mind. “Trav is going to stay tonight. She’ll be home soon.”
“Lee, I’m so sorry,” Rosalie said. “I canfeelyour stress.”
He wanted to tell her that was just another reason he hadn’t called her. He didn’t. “Are we okay, Rose?”
“I suppose,” she said. “But Lee, either you want to include me in your life, or you don’t.”
“I do,” he insisted.
“You told Martha.”
“Because of Ford.”
Rosalie didn’t say anything, and she wouldn’t look in Lee’s direction. “Listen,” he said. “I don’t know what she said to you, and I really am sorry. I was going to call you tonight. I really was.”
They reached the corner, and he turned right to lead them further from the patient rooms. He’d been all over this floor in the past day and a half. A lobby where he’d never seen anyone waited ahead, and he figured he could sit there awhile with his girlfriend.
“She said you worry for the world,” Rosalie said.
Lee didn’t know how to respond to that. They arrived in the sitting area with a couple of couches and a lot of single chairs. He sat on the couch, glad when Rosalie crowded in beside him. “I don’t worry for the world, Rose. Just my family.”
“And who worries about you?” she asked.
Lee looked at her, finding her expression open and unassuming. “I don’t need anyone to worry for me.”
“Yes, you do,” she said, giving him an arched eyebrow. “Everyone needs one person to worry for them. You can’t let your pride get in the way of letting someone care foryou, Lee.”
Lee gave her another shy smile. “Maybe you could worry for me.”
“Maybe I could,” she said. They breathed in and out together. “You’ll tell me about things in the future? I can’t imagine this is the last time your mama is going to be ill.”
Lee couldn’t hold the weight of her eyes, and he dropped his to study the floor. “I want you to be involved in my life,” he said. “I want to be involved in yours.” He squared his shoulders, trying to find another well of strength inside. He couldn’t, not really. “I’m so tired, Rose.” Maybe he could do as she said. Maybe he didn’t have to carry everything. Maybe he could let her worry about things for him for a while. Just five minutes would be beneficial.
“Let me take you home,” she whispered.
“I don’t see how that’s possible,” he said, lifting his eyes to look at her. “My truck is here.”
“You can’t borrow a farm truck or something?”
Lee could, absolutely. “I don’t want to make you drive me home, and then drive back to your daughter.” He shook his head. “No, I’m fine.”
“You’re not fine.”
“But I will be,” he said, smiling at her. “As soon as you kiss me.”
Rosalie blinked, her gorgeous eyes broadcasting her surprise. “You think you’re so smooth,” she said.
“I miss you,” he whispered, his smile faltering.
“You’ll call me and tell me what’s going on from now on,” she said, not asking as she let her eyes drift closed as she leaned toward him.
“Yes, ma’am.” Lee kissed her, keeping the union slow and sweet. He’d told the truth in all aspects. Hehadmissed her the past couple of days, and hewasgoing to call her that night. Now, he could only hope that he didn’t mess up like this again.
* * *