Daddy’s fingers only shook for the first second while he helped Travis get the cufflinks in place. With that done, there was nothing left to do or say.
“It’s time, Trav,” Will said, and the four of them stepped in closer to each other, the group hug happening spontaneously.
“I love you guys,” Travis said. “Thank you for bein’ here. I know it’s not easy for anyone.”
“We’re fine,” Lee said, desperately wishing that were true. He could pretend for Travis. He could.
“I’ll get Mama,” Daddy said.
“Gretchen will let Shay know when you’re ready,” Will said.
Lee didn’t have a job, so he just followed everyone out of the room, his spirits high because of the good thing he’d done with the cufflinks. He offered his arm to Rosalie, and they went across the lane to the tent where the ceremony would take place.
Travis and Shay weren’t having anyone walk down the aisle in front of her. Her daddy was escorting her, and apparently she had some sisters and sisters-in-law that could cause problems, so she’d opted to simply not have a wedding party.
Lee smiled at Miss Mildred and Jenni-Lynn as he went toward the front row behind Rissa and Spence. They went all the way to the end of the first row, and he was glad he wouldn’t be front and center.
Will and Gretchen sat next to him, and Cherry had disappeared somewhere. Mama and Daddy sat on the other side of the aisle, right on the edge, and Trav stood at the altar. Everything dripped flowers and ribbons, from the pillars in this tent to the tables and chairs in the two adjoining tents. The catering company had set up in the fourth and final tent, and Lee hadn’t checked in there to see if everything had been covered in dusky rose and forest green. Travis wore the colors on his lapel, as did Lee. Rosalie and every other woman had pink and purple flowers on their wrist. Hers actually matched her dress perfectly, and Lee took a moment to soak in the curves of her legs as she crossed them under that sexy dress.
He’d barely started to feel like everyone had stopped staring at him when country music came blasting through the speakers someone had rigged in the corners of the tent. Travis started to laugh, and Lee wasn’t sure if he should watch his brother or turn to ogle the bride as she waltzed down the aisle.
It was more of a line dance, besides.
Everyone stood and started to clap, as if they were all at a weekend dance. Lee had no idea what to do, because he didn’tclapat a wedding. He stood there, straight-faced, while Shay danced down the aisle—alone—toward Travis.
He received her into his arms, the two of them laughing together. Lee could tell that they’d shut everyone else out. This was their day, and they could only see one another. He glanced at Rosalie, who had both hands pressed over her heart, her face radiating emotions Lee couldn’t even fathom.
“They’re so wonderful together,” she said as the crowd started to settle down. Lee took his seat along with most everyone else. She smoothed her skirt and leaned closer to him. “I have to admit, I feel better seeing you stand there, still and silent, at your own brother’s wedding.”
Lee jerked his head toward her. “I…” He had no excuse, that was what he had.
Rosalie looped her arm through his again and leaned against his bicep. “I’m teasing, Lee.”
The ceremony started, and Lee did his best to focus on Trav and Shay. It was hard with Rosalie so close, the scent of her skin, her hair, and her perfume filling the air around him. When the pastor announced Trav and Shay husband and wife, Lee was the first to whistle through his teeth and bring his hands together in a single, loud, booming clap.
He looked at Rosalie, his eyebrows raised as if to say,Good enough?
She blinked and then burst into laughter, all while clapping appropriately with the rest of the wedding guests.
* * *
Hours later,Lee was ready to shut himself in a dark, padded room for the next two weeks. He didn’t people very well, and certainly not for so long. Night had fallen hours ago, and he’d left Ford at Mama’s so he could take Rosalie home.
The closer he got to her house, the more nervous he became. “Is Autumn home?” he asked.
“Yes,” she said in the darkness, only the glow from the dashboard lighting her features. “My nanny came today. They’ll probably both be asleep on the couch.” The hint of a smile came his way, and Lee nodded.
He couldn’t think of anything else to say that wasn’t about Martha, so when he only had a couple more turns before they’d arrive at Rosalie’s house, he took a breath and steeled himself to speak. “My wife and I broke up after she cheated on me,” he said. “Turned out she didn’t like the farm life as much as she’d claimed to, and she found someone else more exciting.”
“No,” Rosalie said, her voice made mostly of shocked air. “Lee, I’m so sorry.” Her hand covered his, and Lee turned his over so their palms pressed together.
“We’re actually better apart,” he said. “We get along great. Co-parent and all of that.”
“That’s good, I suppose,” Rosalie said. “Still. That leaves a wound.”
She had no idea, so Lee said nothing. He made the last turn, and her house came into view. The porch lights illuminated the front door, and he’d feel like he was on a stage, under a spotlight, if he kissed her there.
Don’t do it, his mind screamed at him. All of the pork tenderloin and smoked salmon he’d eaten at Travis’s ritzy wedding dinner threatened to make a reappearance as he parked in the driveway. He didn’t want to open the door and let the rest of the world in, but Rosalie had to get out.