Page 72 of Grumpy Cowboy

“Yeah,” Will said slowly. “Go on.”

“She looked at you—however briefly, because you scampered away—the way Shay looks at Trav. The way Mama looks at Daddy. She loves you too, Will.”

“I’m not in love with her,” Will said, but the words came out flat and without life.

“Liar,” Lee and Travis said together, and a grin spread across Travis’s face. This was how the Cooper brothers talked. They didn’t let each other get away with anything.

“It doesn’t matter,” Will said, most of the fight leaving him. “I’m not going to talk to her, so unless she shows up at the farm begging me to be with her, it’s over.” He cleared his throat and looked at Lee. “Who’s got you sighing and flustered?”

Lee narrowed his eyes and looked between Travis and Will. Travis pressed his palms together and batted his eyelashes. “I won’t tease you.”

“I met this woman at Ford’s math night,” he said. “Rosalie Reynolds?” He mumbled the name, and Travis looked at Will.

“Did you get that?”

“I did not,” Will said.

“Rosalie Reynolds,” Lee barked. “She’s this super-smart, super-attractive, way-out-of-my-league game developer. There’s no way I can ask her. We don’t run in the same circles at all.”

Travis’s mind spit all kinds of ideas at him, but it was Will who said, “This is easy, Lee. She was at Ford’s math night? Why?”

“She did a demo on this math facts video game.”

“Did you buy the game for Ford?” Will asked.

“No,” Lee said. “It was—” His brain obviously caught up to his mouth, because he once again cut off, his eyebrows flying toward the ceiling.

“Buy the game for Ford,” Will said. “Then, you’ll have a reason to contact her. Next thing you know, you have the woman’s number.”

“Then you’ll ask her to the wedding,” Travis said, grinning at Lee.

“This isn’t that easy,” Lee said, but the wheels were obviously spinning in his mind.

“All right,” Travis said, plucking Will’s phone from his hand as he had it out again. “Now, let’s talk about how you’re going to make up with Gretchen…”

“Travis,” Will growled. “I was texting with one of our cowboys about his vacation days.”

“Come on, bro,” Travis said. “This is way more important than that.”

“I agree with Trav,” Lee said. “You shouldn’t walk away from her just because a few things got hard while she rebuilt her shop.”

“That’s not why I walked away,” Will said.

“You’re who she wants,” Lee said, and when he spoke in his older-brother, caring tone, Travis usually sat up and listened.

Will did too, and he looked past Travis as they arrived at the check-out counter to order his tuxedo. “You think so?”

“I know so,” Lee said. “You’re just like Trav—you get too far inside your head. You’ve invented all these reasons you can’t be together, none of which Gretchen has actually said.”

Travis nodded in an overdramatic way, and Will sighed. “Fine,” he said. “So how do I get her back?”

Travis took his credit card back from the salesman. “I have a few ideas,” he said. “Actually, these come from Shay, but she’s going to be so proud of me for finding a way to suggest them today.” He beamed at his brothers, but for some reason, they didn’t smile back.