Page 71 of Grumpy Cowboy

Travis shrugged out of the jacket and handed it to the man, who couldn’t seem to get away from them fast enough. That was probably a good thing, as Travis was about to lose his mind.

“You know what?” Lee asked. “I take that back. I know what’s wrong with me, and that’s that I don’t want to go to this stupid wedding—no offense, Trav—alone.” He looked from Travis to Will. “I need a date.”

Will put away his phone and exchanged a look with Travis that comprised a whole conversation. “Yeah? Who are you going to ask?”

“I don’t know,” Lee mumbled, but his face grew redder every half-second.

Travis’s first inclination was to tease him, but he bit that back when he saw Will shake his head just once. “You can bring someone,” he said instead. “I won’t tell Shay you said the wedding was stupid.”

Lee flashed a smile. “You know what I mean. I don’t really think it’s stupid. I’m the stupid one who’s thinking about it every second, and it’s not for two more months.”

Six weeks, but Travis wasn’t going to correct him.

“Someone on the app?” Will asked, his voice much cooler than Trav’s would’ve been.

“No,” Lee barked, getting to his feet and looking around like the three of them were planning to rob this tuxedo shop. “I’m not using the app anymore.”

Will frowned. “Who’d you meet then?”

Travis waited silently, because it was an excellent question. Lee left the farm less than Will, who hadn’t been off of it in a week.

Lee cleared his throat. “I think you should talk to Gretchen.”

“Yes,” Travis said, jumping in to agree. “I think that’s an excellent idea.”

“How did this get on me so fast?” Will asked. “You’re just deflecting, because you don’t want to tell us who you’re sweet on.”

“I’m not sweet on her,” Lee said with plenty of disgust, as if liking a woman was the worst thing a man could do. “I’ve only met her once, that’s all.”

“Bet you can’t stop thinking about her,” Travis said, shooting a look at Will. He started to open his mouth, but Travis cut him off with, “Just like Will can’t sleep, because he lays awake in bed, thinking about Gretchen.”

Will turned his blue-green daggers toward Travis.

“Or how he hasn’t gone running one day this week,” Travis said, deciding if he was going to die today, it better happen at the hands of one of his brothers as he called them out. “Because even running with everything he has doesn’t drive Gretchen from his mind.”

“Stop it,” Will growled.

“He’s right,” Lee said. “I haven’t seen you running.”

“I’m just taking a break,” Will said. “I’ve already got the alarm set for Monday morning.”

“Show me,” Travis demanded, and Will gripped his phone tighter.

“Listen,” he said, his face turning pale a moment later. “I mean—this is none of your business.”

“Yeah, like when you sold me out in front of everyone about my behavior when me and Shay were split.”

“This is different,” Will said. “You had a misunderstanding. Gretchen doesn’t—she can’t—she…I’m not good enough for her.”

“You saw her at the re-opening,” Travis said. “I know you did, and how much she brightened when she saw you.”

Will leaned forward, anger streaming from him. “I’m not talking about this here,” he hissed, his voice so menacing that Travis shrank back.

Will straightened and looked left and right. He seemed to gather himself back together and smooth the emotion from his face. “Let’s help Lee. I’m beyond help.”

“You are not,” Lee said. “I saw her last Saturday too, Will.” His voice came out much gentler. “She looked at you the way—” He went mute and cut a look at Travis.

“Go on,” Travis said, because he really wanted to know what Lee would say too.