Page 3 of Grumpy Cowboy

They couldn’t just make the cows wait to be milked, no matter what day of the week it was.

“I’m gonna head out,” Will said about ten-thirty, his exhaustion all the way down in his soul.

“We are too,” Trav said, smothering his own yawn. “See you at home.”

“Yep.” Will would arrive first, because he didn’t have a fiancée to drop off and kiss goodnight before he made the drive back to the farm.

Will didn’t mind being at the cabin alone. He sometimes thought he’d like to live alone all the time.And you will, he thought.Soon enough.

Trav and Shay had set a May wedding date, and that was only five months from now. Will probably wouldn’t like living alone then.

He opened the door to his truck and slid inside, realizing far too late that he’d set his caramel apple on the seat. He felt it smear across his backside, and he leapt out of the truck, a roar gathering in his throat.

“No,” he managed to say, and the sticky, gooey, now-baked apple fell to the ground. “Stupid…who hands out caramel and chocolate in a heat wave?”

And better question: Who puts an apple pie apple on their front seat and then forgets about it?

Will looked down at the lump of fruit and dessert on the ground, and then gingerly touched the back of his shorts. No matter how he sliced it, he was going to have to ride home in white chocolate, caramel, and cinnamon. A lot of cinnamon.

“This is so stupid,” he growled to the night air. “Who tells someone to put a caramel apple in their truck?” He turned, wondering if anyone had seen him slide into his dessert, though it sure seemed like everyone else was all-in for staying at the beach bash until the clock struck midnight.

Will couldn’t wait to get away.

Footsteps approached, and then Gretchen herself appeared. She extended a wad of paper towels toward him, saying, “These are wet wipes, Will. Maybe they’ll help enough so you can get home.”

Pure embarrassment and strong humiliation filled Will from top to bottom. He couldn’t make himself step forward and take the wet wipes from the woman he’d just insulted and insinuated that his idiocy was her fault.