Ginger got up and hugged Emma, and then she went. Emma sighed and leaned back into her pillows, her thoughts wandering through the next few days of getting the cabin ready for her daughter, packing the things she had here, and trying to keep up with her work on the ranch.

She didn’t see Ted in the stables the next morning or evening. They didn’t walk down the lane hand-in-hand. She left on Saturday morning with a Styrofoam cup of coffee in one hand and her purse in the other.

Ginger gave her a hug, and Jess told her to drive safe. Hannah and Michelle promised to have lunch ready when she got back, and Emma cast a glance at the Annex when she walked to her car. She wished Ted were sitting on the front steps, the four dogs who had adopted him surrounding him.

He wasn’t.

She hadn’t been able to work up the courage to text him or go next door and talk to him.

“Maybe he just needs time,” she told herself as she went over the bridge and left the ranch. She knew exactly what that felt like, and he’d given her a pass several times from having to explain anything to him.

“And now he knows,” she said. He’d said he didn’t care, that it didn’t matter that she had a daughter with Robert Knight. But his silence said otherwise.

Emma sighed, and she knew the sound of love when she heard it. She dismissed the notion immediately—she was not in love with Ted. She sure did miss him, though, and the hole he’d left in her life gaped, grew wider, and got harder with every day that passed.