Emma nodded, but she didn’t volunteer anything.

“He said he thought you probably knew the guy, and that you’re afraid of him,” Ginger said. “And we want to help you.” A beep came over the line, and Ginger’s voice was less echoy when she said, “It’s just me, Em. No one else is listening, and I just want you to know that no matter what it is, we’re here for you.”

“I know that,” Emma said, her tears welling up again. She had not let them fall in all the time she’d been driving.

“Ted is ultra-concerned about you. He said he can’t help it, and Nate explained that he was a lawyer, and very used to working with victims, being their advocate, and getting justice for them.”

Emma nodded, though Ginger couldn’t see her. She had the very real feeling that Ted wouldn’t fight for her if he knew what she’d done.

In this case,she’dstolen something from Robert Knight.Hewas the victim, not her.

“I need a couple of days,” Emma finally said, her voice high-pitched and filled with emotion. “I’m sorry, Ginger. I know you’re already behind on so many things. Could you take care of my foals for me? Just for a couple of days.” She was supposed to be off this weekend anyway, and maybe she could take the next five days and find her center.

Recommit to what she needed to do.


“Ted said he’d do it,” Ginger said. “It’s no problem. Please stay in touch, though. I’m really worried about you.”

“I know,” Emma said. “Love you, Ginger.”

“I love you, Emma.”

“We love you,” everyone chorused, and Emma hung up and finally let her tears fall