Page 9 of Summer Wedding

“I’m feeling great,” Jonathon replied. “I can’t wait to make April my wife and start a family with her.”

Jack slapped him on the back. “We’re thrilled you’re joining our family.”

Jonathon sent me a look.

“Speaking of family, Uncle Reed, what’s going on with you and Erika? Did you steal a kiss when you walked her back to her cabin last night?”

I felt my face heat and was glad for my beard to hide it. I was a little too old to be blushing like a schoolgirl.

“Nothing’s going on.”

“But you like her?” Jonathon pressed.

“Yeah, I do.”

“You should ask her out. She can be your date for the wedding,” Mark suggested.

“She’s a great woman,” Jack added. “She’s had a rough life. She had a shitty childhood and things were pretty bad when we got divorced, but she’s really changed her life since then.”

“I, um, suggested that we spend more time together,” I admitted, not sharing that we’d kissed. “But she turned me down. She says she doesn’t want to upset April.”

“April would be thrilled if you guys got together,” Jonathon told me. “We were talking about it last night. We think you’re perfect for each other.”

“Well, we’ll need to convince her of that.”

Jonathon took out his phone and started texting furiously. I shook my head. These kids were always on their phones.

We turned in our loaner golf clubs and headed back to the resort. As we exited the parking lot and walked along the edge of the wooded area, someone suddenly ran out from the trail. It was Erika and April coming back from their run. They were dressed almost identically in shorts and tanks, looking so much alike no one would doubt that they were mother and daughter.

My eyes trailed appreciatively over the long length of Erika’s toned legs, before checking out the soft swell of her breasts beneath her tank. With her hair pulled back in a ponytail, she didn’t look too much older than April.

“Hey sweetie!” April trilled, rushing over to greet Jonathon. He tried to hug her, but she stepped back. “I’m all sweaty. Mom put me through my paces.”

Erika smiled. “I’m sweaty too. It’s hot outside.”

I stepped closer to Erika, like a moth drawn to a flame. “Good morning. How was your run?”

Her face was impassive, but her eyes looked wary.

“It was great, thank you.”

She called to her daughter, “I’m going to head back to my cabin. Let me know if you need anything.”

“Okay Mom, thanks. I will,” April responded. “Thanks for the run, it was great.”

“I’ll walk with you,” I told Erika, pointing towards the path that led to the cabin area.

She opened her mouth to object, and I reminded her, “My cabin is close to yours.”

Jonathon gave me a ‘thumbs up’ behind Erika’s back and mouthed, “Good luck.”

“What are your plans for today?” I asked Erika as we headed towards our section of cabins.

There was a slight pause as she chose her words.

“Take a shower. Then I’m going to grab some lunch and check out the pool.”

“May I join you?”