Page 31 of Summer Wedding

Erika pushed up from the table and began pacing. I already knew her well enough to know that she used physical activity to help her work things through, so I continued to eat my lemon chicken while she paced. Her lips were moving, as if she was talking to herself. She returned to the table a full three minutes later, looking a little bit calmer. It was fascinating to watch.

“Are you saying you want us to date?” she asked.

“I’m saying I want forever with you Erika, but yes, that would start with dating. Unless you want to move in with me right now?”

Her head snapped up, her face so appalled that I burst out laughing.

“Relax. I was kidding. All I’m asking is that you don’t shut me out, that you don’t let external bullshit get in the way of what we both want. Let’s spend some time getting to know each other better and when the time is right, when we both feel ready, we can take the next step.”

Of course I was ready right now, but I kept that to myself. Instead, I reached across the table and wrapped her small hand in mine.

“I’ve waited my whole life to meet someone like you. I’ve never been in love before. It scares the hell out of me, but it also feels right. I get it if you’re not there yet, but if you also see a future with us, we owe it to ourselves to explore what looks like.”

When she didn’t answer I added, “Take a chance Erika. Take a chance on me, take a chance on a relationship, and most importantly, take a chance on yourself.”

She stared at me for a long moment before she finally nodded. “Okay.”

“Really?” My heart lifted in my chest.

She gave me a smile that loosened up the tightness I’d felt in my chest ever since she’d run off yesterday morning.

“But I think I’d better increase my health insurance coverage if I’m going to spend more time with you.”

“I think you’ll be fine now. We’ll both be fine. You only get injured when you’re trying to avoid me.”

“That’s not technically true. I didn’t even know you when you hit me with your car.”

“I didn’t hit you,” I reminded her. “You hit my car with your body, remember?”

She rolled her eyes. I strode around the table and pulled her up to standing.

“How about you show me your bedroom?”

Her smile turned coy.

“You bring me Chinese takeout and you think that means you’re going to get lucky?” she asked.

“I already am lucky, angel. I’ve got you.”

Epilogue – Erika

“Welcome to MountainRidge Resort.”

I smiled at the clerk as Reed gave his name.