Page 21 of Summer Wedding

“How do you feel if you think about breaking up with him? How would it be if you never saw him again?”

“That would be devastating. We broke up once for three weeks and it almost killed both of us.”

“Knowing all of that, does marrying him feel like a mistake?”


“Are you sure? Because I’ve got a car here. We can be gone in ten minutes if you need a getaway ride. You can hide out at my place. I’ll even let you have the couch.”

She laughed, then came to a stop. I ran a few steps past her before I realized it. April walked closer and pulled me into a sweaty hug.

“Thanks Mom, that really helps.”

“I’m glad.”

She pulled back and gave me a fond smile that warmed my heart. “I’m so happy you’re here.”

“Me too honey. I love you, you know.”

“Right back at you, Mom.”

We started running again, a little slower now, heading back to the lodge area.

“So do you like Reed?” she asked. “I mean, I assume that you do if you spent the whole night with him?”

I decided to be honest.

“I do like him, a lot,” I admitted. “But it’s just a vacation thing. Things would never work out with us. We’re not a good match.”

“Why not?”

“He’s a rich and successful finance guy, and I’m a formerly homeless drug addict who completely fucked up her first marriage.”

April stopped running again and gave me a stern look.

“Mom! You’re a successful alcohol and drug counselor and a person who’s been through hell and come back stronger. You deserve all the love in the world, and he seems really into you. Jonathon and Renee said they’ve never seen him so smitten before. Please, don’t push Reed away based on superficial differences. If it feels right, if you like him as much as he likes you, then you should go for it. And if Reed’s not the right guy for you, find someone else who makes you happy. You deserve that.”

“Thanks. That’s good advice.”

“Of course it is,” she said smugly. “Now let’s get our heartrates back up and sweat out the rest of my nerves so I’ll feel calm when I get married.”


Iwoke up alone. Iwasn’t really surprised. Erika had wanted to leave last night, but then I’d distracted her with another round of vigorous lovemaking. We’d both fallen into an exhausted sleep afterward. It had been heaven sleeping with her wrapped in my arms.