Page 22 of No Bad Deed

He shot a glance at Santos as if waiting for another outburst or confirmation that we were doing the deed, then back to me again when the man in question wisely kept his lips zipped.

“Not him.” I stuck a thumb out to point at Santos. “He’s aiming to get his junk named Gilbert; it has to have passed from blue to purple by now,” I joked, earning a smile from the doc, one that he quickly tried to hide when Santos made a noise of disgust. “So far, just Marco and Vanni, but I’ll wear Tony down eventually,” I kept on. Doc didn’t even seem a bit surprised at the fact that I was involved with them all. He knew what was up, had probably known before I had.

“I’m going to strongly suggest that you not use birth control yet, but condoms aren’t failsafe. I’d like to get your appointment done with the gynecologist first, then see your body heal more from your malnutrition and injuries before we mess with your hormones. At this stage, a pregnancy might be more detrimental to your health than a contraceptive.” He perused something on his screen before moving back to the former topic. “Did you have any pain or bleeding when engaging in intercourse? And how is your cycle? Regular yet?”

I hedged at both questions, wondering if I should have kicked Santos out after all. “Um, my period is still hit or miss, and there hasn’t been any blood after sex.”

“But there has been pain or discomfort,” he pressed, and Santos lost his cool.

“What the fuck, Eden! You didn’t say anything. And Vanni is—”

“Shut up, Santos!” I stopped him in his tracks. He didn’t need to be spouting off about Vanni’s dick. “I kept quiet when it was your turn.”

“Mr. DeLuca, I’ll have to insist that you step out if you keep interrupting.” Doc was nothing if not stern when he wanted to be, and Santos sat back, but I knew we’d be discussing this further later.

“Nothing bad. I would have stopped if need be,” I informed the doc while staring Santos down, ready to get the appointment over with. “But the birth control is going to be an issue since condoms can break. Besides, Marco keeps talking about knocking me up, and I’m starting to think he’s serious,” I mused, only to have Santos get up and stalk to the wall by the door to stare at me dead on. He was well and truly pissed, but at least he was respecting my request for silence to the T. Even Doc raised his brows at that revelation. Men. Just when you thought you had them pegged...literally, in Vanni’s case. I kept my snicker to myself, highly doubting it would be appreciated. It wasn’t like I could explain anyway, not after I’d snapped at Santos for talking about his dick. They all might have something to say if I popped off about sticking a vibrator up his ass.

“Miss Mor—Eden,” he corrected, getting a glare at the formality and drawing my attention back to the conversation that I wasn’t interested in having. “Generally, it wouldn’t be my place, but if I need to speak with him…” He left off, waiting for me to say yay or nay.

“He’s just fucking with me.” I winced at my choice of words, deciding that awkward might just be a new state of being. “Marco made it clear that it’s a discussion for later. Can we wrap this up before I say anything else, please?” Thankfully, he took me at my word that it was all copacetic.

“For the time being, I’m going to give you a fairly new type of contraceptive. It’s a gel that’s applied like spermicide, and it lasts about an hour. It can be used alone, but to be on the safe side, use condoms. And if you have any concerns or need these boys lectured, you just let me know. I’ll have the nurse collect you for the tests and get you referred to a colleague.” He excused himself after closing the laptop. I got the drift that he wasn’t all too pleased with me, but at least he’d stopped pressing to interfere.