Page 8 of Lark

Chapter Six

Crash Course

“Gentlemen, I’ve read over your answers on your sexual experience. I have tailored plans to each of you. Four, get in this chair over here.” I docilely go over to the chair he specifies, a vinyl piece with some type of soft fabric attached instead of the usual paper runner a normal exam table would have. I climb on as the guys watch. I stiffly allow Marcus to manipulate my limbs. My arms are taken out slightly and secured. A band goes under my breasts across my chest until it’s snug, while my feet are placed in stirrups with supporting leather straps behind my knees that are somehow attached underneath me. The feet are drawn up and out to be slightly above and next to my hips. It’s putting a bit of a strain on them, but nothing terrible. My eyes close in embarrassment until a ratcheting sound starts, and they fly open at the sound. The straps tighten on my knees and pull them outward until I wince with the strain. One click back and I relax a little until a portion of table drops out from under my ass leaving me feeling the cool air and five gazes on my nether regions. I don’t have much time to process this before the top flips down and my head tips back making my mouth parallel to my neck. This can’t be a good thing. Marcus leaves me like that, much to my furious embarrassment, and turns to the staring men. The baby birds are not improved upon from this angle. Hey, they were staring already, so that makes them fair game in my book.

“Line up over here, lean over the pommel, and reach for the grips on the other side.” At his direction, I see that I missed a contraption. From my position, I can see exactly what’s going on, and while the guys' backs are to me, they can’t see that I’m watching.

I feel eyes on me, and I turn to find Apollo is watching me observe them. The fucker winks at me. That's when I notice he has a slim tube in his hand, and he's coming toward me with it. "Just a small amount of lubricant for prep." I hold my tongue at his explanation even when he presses it into my vagina and depresses the plunger. Ignoring the weirdo once he's finished, I turn my attention back to what’s happening across from me.

There is a shorter adjustable pommel horse, like you see in gymnastics, with two handles in front of it. Rex is up first, and he leans over it, but apparently, it’s too tall for what Marcus wants, so he lowers it with hydraulics and extends the handles. This causes Rex to bend over further and squat down until I can see his asshole and balls hanging between his legs. Marcus taps the inside of his feet, and Rex spreads them further, giving me a better view and, presumably, Marcus better access.

“Soon, you’ll be doing this for each other. For the first few sessions I will do it.” He wheels over a tray filled with different-sized silicone butt plugs, a pump bottle of lube, and a box of what look like finger-sized condoms. Must have been what he was working on at the counter. I notice he slips the finger condoms on his first two fingers and thumb. Now knowing what the pommel is for, anticipation builds as I watch the proceedings. I can’t deny I’m getting turned on already, which is probably the point, despite my trepidation. Marcus pumps some lube between his fingers and rubs it between them. He slicks his thumb around Rex’s anus, and Rex flinches his cheeks together.

“Keep them spread!”

With that, he kicks Rex’s feet further apart, making him squat down deeper and effectively keeping him spread open. Oh, god. I can feel my own ass tingling in anticipation. Marcus sits on a rolling stool and places his thumb back on Rex’s hole, slowly rubbing in circles, probing just a little. Suddenly, as if he's run out of patience, he switches it up and slides his forefinger in to the first knuckle working it around. Slowly, it disappears to the second and hits the base of the third knuckle. He pushes in and out a few times then begins hooking it to come in and out in a twisting motion that makes Rex groan. Fuck, my cunt is throbbing, who knew I would enjoy watching so much? Marcus withdraws and then presses forward with both middle and forefinger together causing Rex to groan again, but I'm not sure if it's in pleasure or pain. He repeats the same motions as before except this time when he’s done, he tilts his arm for more leverage and really digs forward. Rex gasps, and now it’s a pleasurable moan; I recognize it. Noticing he’s getting hard, I realize Marcus must be manipulating his prostate.

Rex is panting by the time Marcus removes his fingers. He selects a plug about the length of his fingers but a little thicker than the two of them together at the base. He coats it liberally in lube and breaches Rex’s ass with one hand braced on his lower back. As it slides up and reaches its widest point, Rex grunts, and his balls draw up. With what looks like a pop, his muscle gives. The plug sinks home and settles in, the flange-like rim keeping it in place. There’s a small ring attached to the end, and Marcus gives it a couple quick tugs to check its snugness, I'm guessing, garnering a flinch from Rex. He must be satisfied with it as he pats him on the ass and turns to Emmett as though saying, “You’re next.”

I might enjoy this one on purpose. Sketchy angel boy is smokin' in the raw, all gilded ivory and angles. Down, girl Rex gingerly stands up and avoids meeting my eyes when he notices me watching. Instead, he awkwardly walks to stand next to Braeden. I feel a little sorry for him now since I think he's bitten off more than he'd anticipated with this assignment. Maybe you shouldn't have lied to your girlfriend about being a reporter.

I start paying attention again as Emmett assumes the position and gets the pommel horse adjusted for him as well. Marcus immediately starts him out in the deeper squat, and this time he goes for a glove. I’m nervous for him, and I don’t even like him that much. I see he’s already half hard, must be from watching Rex. That was kind of hot. Marcus doesn’t bother with the thumb, going straight for the first finger routine, then the second with barely any time in between. He digs those fingers down into Emmett and does the same thing as he did to Rex, getting a moan and an instant woody in return. On his way to exiting Emmett’s ass, Marcus scissors his fingers out to the sides in a vee motion causing Emmett to groan.

The plug Marcus selects this time is at least half the size and width of the one Rex received, and its tip is more blunt and wide. Marcus lubes it up and starts pressing inward, and Emmett starts rapidly breathing immediately. Marcus continues to push until Emmett’s hole is spread wide before it contracts after the widest point disappears, letting the plug settle in. He gets the ass pat and stands up, taking his place next to Rex. He doesn’t make eye contact with anyone either.

I can actually feel my outer lips getting slick, and the fact that I'm turned on initiates a wave of shame to course through me. It's hard to hold on to the feeling though, and I let it go.

Marcus leaves Emmett to approach Braeden, and I’m not really sure how I feel about watching. I’m curious, but I also feel like a bit of a perv. I know he likes guys, that's never been a secret. It also makes me wonder if Marcus or Apollo are getting turned on by this too. My wandering thoughts are brought back to the current events as Braeden is quickly in position, and Marcus has a new glove on. Guess my ex-boyfriend is the anal virgin here, well, besides the little bit I'd done with him.

Marcus dips in one lubed finger, then two, and finally three into his hole. Braeden stiffens at the third, eventually relaxing after some stretching. His cock twitches as soon as Marcus starts that digging, and I think he may be getting off from it by the movement of his hips.

Did I mention that my best friend is hung? I’ve only seen dicks that big in porn and maybe not even there. Though I haven't watched much either, so there's that to consider. My attention returns to Braeden as Marcus pulls back until the tip of his thumb can meet up with the other three fingers and slides back in. Braeden finally grunts and continues to do so as Marcus bends his thumb and pops it in and out going in a circle. When he’s done, he gets a very large plug out. I wince in sympathy.

It appears to be about five inches long and shaped like an oversized egg. The indent at the bottom, that the tight ring of muscle grips, is almost as wide. Marcus starts with the blunt tip, and I can see that Braeden is breathing deep and trying to relax his ass. His pucker is breached and begins to expand, continuing to do so until Marcus reaches to spread his cheeks further with his other hand. He pushes with a twisting motion and then stops at the widest portion. I want to protest the treatment, but Braeden lets out a long low sound before his ring relaxes, and the plug slides home.

He rests for a moment, and I don’t blame him. When he stands and sees me watching, his cheeks darken, and he looks ashamed. I try to smile at him to let him know he shouldn’t be. It wasn’t his choice, and I shouldn't have watched. I'll have to discuss how we want to handle this later because I don't want it damaging our friendship.


Marcus, ever the dictator, gestures the guys over to me. Now, I’m really nervous, and I can feel my own fluids running down my ass crack announcing to everyone just how turned on the scene has gotten me. It's my turn to blush in shame. Although, I shouldn’t be worried, as these guys are about to be balls deep in me. Apollo has been quiet the entire time, and I'm afraid to look and see what he's been up to now that I remember he's in the room. Ostrich, I'll be an ostrich. Safer that way.

“Three, I want you up here at her head. One, on your knees, in front of her pussy, Two, you’ll be assisting me and getting your next size.” Looks like Emmett’s gonna get stretched today. That can’t be good for me. “Four, since you declined to answer most of the questions from Dr. Martins, we will be doing a rigorous crash course.” The dick, I think he’s enjoying this for sure now. “Two, bring me the tray. These are pre-loaded syringes of lube. They’re thin, so they don't hold much, and you'll need to apply multiple applications." Fucker, you're gonna regret this. "Three, put your dick in her mouth and start pumping, don’t go past her throat yet.”

Oh, god, I’m going to have my best friend’s dick in my mouth. I meet his eyes and nod my permission. He looks excited and miserable at the same time, if that’s possible. It’s an odd combination, anyway. I stick out my tongue to wet his dick with it before he slides in, almost hitting my throat right away before backing up. I almost laugh at how many 'just the tip' jokes I could make since, with his length, that's all that is fitting in my mouth. Laughing with his cock in my mouth might be bad though. I'll save the jokes for later— if there's a later to be had out of this place.

He continues moving in and out shallowly, with my mouth stretched wide around his girth, in a slow languorous pace while I suck on him. I focus on not getting him with my teeth until my attention, and from what I can tell, his too, is drawn to what’s happening below my waist. I feel a squirt of cold on my ass then an intrusion that leaks more coldness as it pushes in. It withdraws, only to happen several more times.

Under Marcus’ instruction, my anus is probed by a thin flexible tube with a harder bulbous tip, and what feels like some kind of rod inside the tube. Once it reaches past a depth of several inches, I begin to worry. When it hits the uncomfortable zone, I tense, then it hurts sharply, eliciting a squeal from me around Braeden’s dick. At that point, it stops but doesn’t retreat. I’m still trying to suck while waiting to see what happens next when I feel a pressure inside my ass and what sounds like the bulb of a blood pressure cuff being pumped up.

Rex, bless his informative heart, protests, "She's never had anything in her ass. You're hurting her." Kill me now, could this be any more embarrassing? Braeden grunts in surprise. Yes, yes it could.

“She should have thought about that before refusing to answer." Dickface Marcus continues his narrative. "This is an inflatable trainer. It only goes up to a small size, but it will get you used to it and allow for a larger sized inflatable next time. Two, pump it until you can see it spread her about a half inch in diameter from the outside." I'd kick Emmett if I had a free leg. Probably why they're restrained, I muse. Why the hell can't I concentrate? "One, get to work with your mouth, then work up to three fingers in her pussy. Three, you have six strokes to get balls deep.” Um, what? That thing ain't gonna fit. I'm gonna puke.

With Marcus' directives complete, my ass inflates, Rex starts licking my clit and slides a finger in me, while Braeden takes my head in both hands. "Breathe shallowly, and swallow when you want to gag." Brade whispers to me.

I'd glare at him, but since my view is currently of his taint, it wouldn't have much impact. At least his dick sucking advice is coming from experience. I get the breathing part down, but as soon as he hits the back of my throat and holds there, I gag involuntarily. It results in my ass and pussy flexing around the intrusions in them, sending shockwaves through me.

On the second attempt, I swallow, and he makes it halfway in before my throat closes, refusing to take more. My jaw hurts from being opened so wide, and I don’t know if I can get this fucking anaconda down my throat. On the fifth try, he’s holding and still pressing forward, coaching me to relax as he pushes my head back further. A quick slide forward, and he’s in, and now I can’t breathe at all. I panic, gurgling a noise out. He instantly pulls out, trailing saliva, and Marcus appears with a basin right on time for me to heave up phlegm into. My mortification is complete.