Page 12 of Lark

Chapter Eight

An Embarrassing Reality

We slowly make our way out of the room. The guys offer me the shower first, and I don’t even pretend to argue about it. I shower as quickly as I can, considering the state of my muscles, and tenderness of other parts. They were nice enough to let me go first and are in similar conditions. I gently wash between my legs, and the cloth comes back with streaks of pink. I’m not surprised, but hope I don’t have to be touched down there before it heals. I get out and wrap up in my towel, heading straight for the bedroom. I don’t want to make any of the guys wait to get clean for me to dress in there.

Braeden is up next and gives me a wan smile as he passes me on his way into the bathroom. I slide more clothing on under my towel in case the others walk in. Not that they haven’t seen literally every part of me now, but I feel more modest outside that room. For some reason I wasn’t as hesitant as I’m feeling now. I drink most of a bottle of water before I come up for air and get started on the tangles in my hair with the brush I'd found in the mirrored cabinet. Rex and Emmett come in as Braeden is coming out, and I can’t look at any of them as Emmett speaks to Brade.

“Hey, man. I found Tylenol and ibuprofen. Which would you rather?” Braeden takes one of the bottles and shakes some tablets out before handing them over to me. I get up to grab the other bottle too and shake out two of each. Smarties should know you can take both of those together, even if it's not great for you, and I’m taking advantage of that fact. I say as much when all three complain about mixing them. Instantly, they’re all taking two of whatever they already hadn’t, and I can’t keep a giggle from slipping out. They just looked so desperate for it. “I also found this in the cupboard. I’m going to shower, and I’ll leave it in the bathroom, I saw gloves on the back of the toilet.” Waving the tube at us, now red in the face, Emmett goes into the bathroom and closes the door behind him.

“Birdie baby, how are you doing?” Braeden comes to hold me, easing us both down on the bed.

Burying my head in his chest I mumble, “Like I got fucked for hours and then managed to get road rash up my ass at the end.” He chuckles before groaning at the jarring movement. I peek up and see Rex shifting from foot to foot, trying to get comfortable.

Soon, the water shuts off, and a few moments later, a yelp sounds out from behind the bathroom door. Rex rushes to it, and since none of the rooms other than that torture chamber we were in earlier have locks, he barges right in.

I wish he had knocked first. I’m for sure Emmett wishes he had knocked first. He’s holding his rear, his gloved-up hand between his legs. I look away as soon as it registers what I’m seeing.

“Get the fuck out, Rex! Ever hear of privacy, or knocking? For fucks sake, shut the door!” Poor Emmett is horrified.

“Sorry, man. Thought you fell or something.” Rex is mortified. I’ve noticed we’re all avoiding certain topics like they’re the plague, which is odd to me considering none of us objected much at all while it was happening.

Emmett’s voice comes muffled through the door, “I didn’t know it was going to sting. I should have realized, although now that it’s been a minute, it’s feeling better.” He opens the door dressed and acting like nothing has happened at all. The federal agent façade is firmly in place. Rex takes his turn, and the shower starts again. Emmett looks from me to Braeden and then walks out of the bedroom without a word.

In the quiet of the water being turned off, a muffled curse comes through the door. A few moments later, Rex comes out walking almost normally. I guess the stuff must work if he can stand straight without grimacing. He also leaves the room and closes the door behind him. Braeden rubs my back then sits back to look at me.

“Why don’t you go try some?” I don’t want to tell him that I’m hurt. It’s not bad, but if the guys had a bad time, and I’m assuming they don’t have my issue, I don’t want to know how it will feel with scuffed up, open spots.

“I think I’m alright. The painkillers are helping.” He looks at me like he knows there’s something else but decides not to pursue it. Gently, he sits me down on the bed and goes into the bathroom. I don’t hear anything until the sink turns on, then he comes back out with a glove and a tube in his hand.

“If you won’t do it yourself, I will. It’s instant relief.” I shake my head no. “Then drop ‘em.'” He better not mean what I think he does.

“I’m not letting you do that. You’re my best friend!” I’m shocked that he would want to. Not that he wouldn’t want to take care of me, but that he’d go so far to do so.

“I’ve had my dick in your mouth, we’ve seen each other naked, I’ve fucked, been fucked, and I'm sure, will watch you get fucked. I think I can apply some medication for you.” He forgot to add fucking me too, or maybe he left that out on purpose.

“I can’t.” I cross my arms and stare past him.

“Why not? Do you not trust me?” Now he looks hurt.

“I have some, um— abrasions.” I say it as quietly as possible. He looks confused. “I’m afraid it will hurt them, they need to heal.” Understanding dawns.

“How bad? Are you bleeding or just roughed up a little?”

“The wash cloth was pink when I cleaned up.” I’m mortified and don’t want to discuss this.

“That fucker, he was too rough with you. Let me see.”

“No, I’ll be fine, it just needs a bit to heal up.”

“You may not have that kind of time. I need to know how bad it is. I’m not new to accidental rear end injuries.”

Fuck my life.

“Fine, but in the bathroom. I don’t want the others to walk in.” I get up carefully and go into the bathroom with Brade right behind me closing the door.

“Alright, easiest would be to lean over the sink.” Without a word and my features as blank as possible, I drop my pants and bend over. Braeden gets on his knees behind me. My eyes well up when he parts my cheeks. This is not how it’s supposed to be. “Just relax, little bird. It’s only me.” He wets a cloth in the sink and presses it against me. It’s still slightly pink, but less than it was. “I think it’s ok. I’m going to put some of this stuff on it. Take a deep breath. It only stings for a second.” He puts it around my opening then slips a generous amount inside. My ass is on fire, but I was prepared for the sting and keep quiet. Thankfully, it doesn't take long before the discomfort dissipates. I refuse to think about Braeden touching me this way. We’ll get out of here and never think of this again. He helps me with my pants and gets me back to bed, tucking me in. “I’ll be back in a few minutes.”

I lay there trying to sleep and just start crying, unable to stop my tears. I muffle it in my pillow, not wanting anyone else to hear me.