Page 2 of Lark

Chapter Two

A Lie on Top of a Lie

“She shouldn’t have been anywhere near us when it went down,” are the first words I hear whispered as I drift back to consciousness, but I can’t place the voice right off. I’m still too fuzzy-headed. I know something's wrong, really wrong. It’s just not coming back yet.

“What the fuck are we going to do now? They took both of them. I can’t concentrate on this with them here. We were warned how bad it was going to be, but she didn’t sign up for this. Neither of them did.”

“We have to tell them. If our cover is blown, we’ll all be killed, and so will anyone else they think is involved.” What the hell are they talking about? My head hurts, and my mouth feels like it’s been stuffed with cotton balls. I hear a pained moan, realizing there’s a third person near me. I try to force my eyes open to see where I am. Turning my head, I manage to get them to open up a little, and the light hurts my eyes. As they adjust, I realize there isn’t much illumination, but it’s enough to make the little dwarves that have taken up residence in my head increase their mining efforts on my brain.

As my focus comes in, it registers that I’m on a concrete floor, and it's cold. My head is resting on something cushy, and I’m covered with something that feels like fabric, I'm guessing a blanket. I take in concrete walls, no windows, and three men. Rex, Emmett, and Braeden. Braeden is the one moaning, lying not far from me. Rex and Emmett are sitting up against the walls across from me, still zip-tied. I realize then that I’m also bound. This instantly pisses me off, and as what I heard when I first woke up begins to register, my fury increases.

“Are you telling me you know how I ended up here?” My voice is rusty and weak, yet I still manage to convey my scorn for the two men propped on the wall. “Someone better start explaining.” As I try to sit up, I realize my head is laying on bundled up fabric, and I'm covered in an old flannel shirt. I’m thankful, but it doesn’t do a thing for the anger coursing through my veins. As soon as I regain my equilibrium, I'm going to kick some serious ass.

“Lark, baby...”

“Don’t fucking ‘baby’ me, Rex. You said we were over.”

“Lark, I’m sorry. This is why. I had to. I didn’t want to chance you being involved with this.” He looks nervously at the door like he’s waiting for someone to walk in. Based on our treatment so far, I don’t doubt that it’s not going to be a good thing.

“Explain. Now.”

“Yeah, someone tell me why in the big blue sky I am tied up in a cell.” Braeden's voice comes out, low and raspy. I start scooting over on my bottom in an awkward crab crawl across the floor to check on him.

Rex sighs. “I'm going to be blunt here. We don’t have long before we’re monitored. Lark, Braeden, I’m so, so sorry you got caught up in this. Emmett and I are actually undercover agents. Being investigative reporters is our cover.” He winces at my surprised inhale. He knows he's fucked up and not just from the sharp glare I affix to replace the betrayal I know was written all over my face a moment ago. He continues his explanation. “We were supposed to be ‘kidnapped’ in three days as part of our new assignment. Only it’s way too early, and now you’ve both been pulled in too.” Rex pauses and closes his eyes. Very quietly, so I can hardly hear, he says the next part, “They’re a human trafficking ring that deals in the sex trade. The victims get kidnapped, trained, and then sold at auction every six months. I stumbled onto it after Donnie took off; it wasn't willingly. Emmett and I were supposed to get as much intel as we could and then the agency we work for would ‘buy’ us. Frankly, I still shouldn’t tell you all this, but since you’re here, too, I just don’t see a way to get you out without most likely getting you killed. Baby, I’m sorry, but if you want out alive, you’re going to have to play along.” I hear a sharp intake of air from Braeden. Yeah, buddy, I feel the same way. I don't think I can make it a day, let alone have to continue to be a kidnappee for six months until I can get sprung.

“Rex, are you telling me that if I don't cooperate with being trained as a sex slave, I'll be killed? You’re fucking insane if you think I’m not going to fight that shit, and you know it. I’ll keep my mouth shut about what you’re here for, but I will remove the balls from any asshole that tries to touch me. I’m not keen on being murdered, but I’m also sure as fuck not sitting there and taking it like a goddamned whore.” I’m yelling now, and all three men are shushing me. Maybe I shouldn’t be so loud, but this shit is not happening. I want off the boat and I want off now.

I return my attention to Braeden, noting that he looks okay for the most part, just a little bruised up. “You okay, Brade?”

“Yeah, I think so. Really sore, might have some nasty bruises come morning.” Braeden pauses to take a breath. “So, you two were going undercover to infiltrate a sex and human trafficking ring and somehow managed to get the two of us kidnapped with you? Am I following, correctly?” His voice has turned dark and angry.

“It wasn’t on purpose, dude. Rex, I told you to take care of this earlier. If you had, they wouldn’t be here.” Emmett is just so sensitive. What an ass. Wait, he was saying something earlier about this, that means…

“You were just breaking up with me for this? Really, you couldn’t have just said, ‘Hey Lark, I’m gonna go fuck some people for my job, I’ll let you know when I’m back in town?' I would have been pissed, sure, but you didn’t need to make me think I did something wrong, you ass!” I know I’m not making much sense as I hear the words come out of my mouth and still want to smack him, instead I turn to Braeden.

“Hey Brade? You think we should be proper kidnapped slaves, or try our luck at trading these two?” Holding up my hand, I silence the two in question as they begin to object. I love Rex, and I care about Emmett to a point. This doesn’t change that, but I’m pissed. They could have handled it differently.

“Honey, I think we’d all be killed. I think for now, we resist where we can and make a good show out of it. Just don’t push anyone to hurt you. I don’t think I could stop myself from retaliating.” Braeden looks resigned.

“ slaves. Since this is your gig, do you know who I’m going to be forced to fuck?” My words as well as my gaze are venomous and directed at both Rex and Emmett. I'm still not believing this shit. I'm waiting on someone to jump out from a reality show.

Rex rubs the back of his neck. “See, about that— we were entering as a pair already selected out for a lady that runs the Eastern Europe branch of this. We were— well, um—Lark, I'm pretty sure Emmett and I were designated as a pair intended to fuck each other, and I’d imagine a woman would have been tossed in for 'training' as needed.” Rex closes his eyes with the last part. He should be ashamed of himself. Taking the assignment in the first place and breaking up with me over it. I can see where I rate. Directly below his job and partner.

Emmett pipes in. “Only way I see to salvage this is for our contact, who is also supposed to be our trainer along with his assistant, to add you two to the equation. And Lark, this isn't our usual type of gig. Most times we're more of a get in, get out, no hanky-panky nonsense. Rex thought he was doing you a solid by not cheating.” Emmett is direct and to the point. And not a bit repentant about it from the tone of his voice. Sketchy asshole. Thinking about the scenario, I flush from my chest to the roots of my hair and bury my face in my hands with a groan.

“This is not happening. I’m never dating again.” I look up, and my gaze touches on each one of them. “I’m going to be fucking you all, and you’re all going to be fucking each other and possibly two others. You guys are nuts.” I'm incredulous that this is happening, and about two seconds from freaking the fuck out.

“That about sums it up. I’m sorry, baby. I never meant for you to even have a chance at this touching you. I love you.” I stare at Rex. I still love him too, but I’m not about to say it right now. Instead, I flip him off and ignore him, choosing to speak to my bestie instead.

“Brade, sweetie, I’m sorry, but you're going to have to figure out how to get it up for me. Better you than some gross stranger, anyway.” He rolls his eyes at me.

“Thanks, honey, glad to know I rate right above perverted men,” Braeden says dryly, recognizing my lame attempt at levity well enough to not be hurt.

Turning a glare on the other two, I demand, "Which one of you is done and ready to fess up?" Neither answers me. "Fuck." It's not a joke.

Still speaking to him and ignoring the others, I ask, “So, you with me on this?” I’m not gonna lie. I’m nervous and scared as all get out. If I think about it too much, I might have a panic attack. In this room, I’m scared, but I know I’ll be terrified once something actually happens. Right now I’m trying to keep it together the best I can. Fake it ‘til you make it is a thing for a reason, right?

“You know I’m with you all the way, honey. Never going to let anything separate us.” He’s hugging me with his body the best he can, and I take some small comfort in it. As I think about it, I realize it really doesn’t matter how I ended up here. Even if it wasn’t Rex and Emmett’s fault, it still could have happened; shitty things happen on the daily in the news. I hear the scuff of shoes outside the door and a beep, then the lock disengaging as my breathing gets shallow. I have no control over what happens to me from here, and I know it. I’ll eventually get free, but what will be left of me when I do?