Page 15 of Lark

Chapter Nine



Waking to my shoulder being shaken, I blink bleary eyes open to see Brade and start to smile at him until I remember where we are. He gives me a small smile in return.

“Hey, sleepy bird, it’s time to get up and ready.” He seems nervous. “I may have spoken with the guys so that I could tell Apollo that you need a timeout on all this. Him and Marcus just came in to get us ready for tonight. They brought the doctor along with them.” He sees the horrified look on my face and quickly speaks before I do. “Rex and Emmett tried to stop me from talking to Apollo until I told them you weren’t going to be at a hundred percent for a while. After that, they let me go talk to him, but he wanted a reason why, and I didn’t see any way around it. He, or maybe Marcus, decided to bring the doctor. I’m sorry, I just don't want you hurt more.” He looks like a kicked puppy. I want to be mad at him, but I know he was just trying to help.

“It’s alright, Brade. I really would have been fine though,” I gripe. I excuse myself to the bathroom, do my business and brush my teeth. At least I don’t have to worry about a period while I’m here. Braeden and I have separate bathrooms at home, so other than PMS he doesn’t have to deal with that sort of thing. Most women don't have them often on the shot, but I'm one of those weird ones that occasionally do. I brush my long hair out and put it up in a ponytail with a hair tie I found in the closet earlier. Going back out, I see Rex and Emmett have joined us.

“Braeden, you coming with me?” I ask, noticing the disappointed look on Rex’s face when I don’t acknowledge him. Braeden nods and follows me out of the room.

I'm turning into the common area when Braeden grabs my elbow, redirecting me back toward the ‘white room’ as I’ve dubbed it in my head. I pause, not wanting to go back in there, before giving in when Braeden nudges me again.

The door is unlocked when we reach it, and we go right in. Rounding the last corner I see Dr. Martins is setting some things out on the counter, and Apollo and Marcus are at a closet I didn’t notice before. The door is flat without an obvious knob, but my curiosity flees as Dr. Martins speaks.

“Ms. Jones, I hear you have some rectal bleeding.” Oh, freaking kill me now. Did he have to say that out loud?

Hoping to avoid this altogether, I try, “I suppose, but don’t think it’s enough to warrant a visit to the doctor.”

“I disagree. You need to be in top shape for any presentations, or so I’m told, and you have your first one in a couple hours. I need to assess if you are well enough to participate. Is that the only area of concern?” I nod my head in the affirmative. “Then please remove the clothing from your lower half. Your companion can stay or go, that’s your decision.” I don’t want anyone here for this, even if it is just Braeden.

“Brade, you can go. I’ll be fine.” He looks like he wants to disagree, but he just nods and tells me to let him know if he’s needed. I’m not sure how to do that unless he’s staying close, and, knowing him, he won’t go far. I have a feeling this room is soundproof. After he leaves, I wait for the other two now standing closer and observing, to leave as well.


“Ms. Jones, please remove your clothing and get on the table,” Dr. Martins directs me again.

“Aren’t you two leaving?” I address Apollo and Marcus. Marcus answers for them both.

“No, we’re not.” No explanation, just a refusal.

My arms cross in defiance. I didn’t want to do this in the first place. In response to my mutiny, Marcus comes towards me, stalking my retreating steps until my back hits the chair.

He flips me up on it and pins my arms. “Take them off, or I will.” He’s such a dick I know he’ll do it. Glaring at him, I shimmy out of my pants and underwear. Dr. Martins comes up, now wearing a pair of green exam gloves, and places my feet in the stirrups. My knees are still closed, and he pushes the feet up and back to spread them. I want to close them again, but I suspect I’d just get restrained. I fume, refusing to look at anyone. Suddenly, the table under my bottom drops away leaving it hanging out in the air. Again. Awesome, just awesome. The doctor pulls a table with supplies over. Taking a piece of gauze and placing it against my sorest hole he tells me to bear down some as he swipes with the gauze. It must come back with some pink on it because the next thing I know I feel a cool wetness and something small and thin entering me. I jump and wiggle back.

“Hold still, please, Ms. Jones, so that I may finish what I am doing.” A hint of irritation has entered his voice. Fuck him and his snooty ass.

“Next person to touch me without asking or even bothering to explain what needs to be done, doctor or not, I’m going to kick your ass. I’ve cooperated so far, even though I had to force myself to do it. I’m done. Explain or fuck off!” During my tirade I’ve pulled myself up and off the chair dislodging the implement. Marcus heads towards me with, I’m sure, the intent to put me back up there and restrain me, but he’s going to be in for a big surprise if he touches me.

I make sure to keep the other two in my sight as I back away from him. He speeds up, impatient, and tries to grab me. Instead of pulling back, I step forward, swinging the fist opposite the arm he went for. With his lunge forward and my abrupt change of direction, along with his height, he sets me up for the perfect throat punch. There’s the sound of flesh on flesh, then Marcus is bent over retching, holding his abused throat. Apollo and the doctor look pissed.

I open the first drawer I reach and grab blindly. coming out with a handful of metal balls. I start launching them and hit Apollo in the face. The doctor has ducked behind one of the chairs. The next drawer holds two coiled whips. Normally a person would have a fifty-fifty chance to wield them correctly. But I dated a circus performer one summer and traveled with him, let's just say Braeden didn't approve. He happened to be the guy with the whips, and I got to be the girl with the cigarette in her mouth. Apollo speaks to me.

“Now, Lark, put those down before you hurt yourself.” He holds his hands up like he means no harm, but it’s too late for that.

I smirk and coil one whip over my left shoulder and transfer the other to my left hand. I’m accurate with both hands with a whip, but throw better with my right. Opening the next drawer while Marcus is still bent double, trying to breathe, reveals batteries wrapped in groups with cellophane. I grab a package of four D batteries and chuck them at Dr. Martins' head as he’s trying to circle around the room to get behind me, but he ducks back to his position and narrowly avoids my makeshift missile.

"Lark, what the heck is going on?" At all the noise Braeden pops in, concern in his voice. Taking one look at the situation, he runs for the door. "Rex, get your ass in here!" I hear him yell a moment later.

During that time, I throw the rest of the D batteries and move on to the next drawer. So far I’m holding them off. I know I’ll have to incapacitate them eventually or face getting caught. I’m not going down without one hell of a fight though. This drawer has big flexible dildos, and I indiscriminately throw them until I see a tray of glass dildos and large glass butt plugs that Braeden’s ass would be hard pressed to take. What the fuck is wrong with these people that they want to shove huge shit in people?

I start launching the plugs first, and they explode into chunks all around the three very pissed off men in the room. As I throw the last one and grab a glass dildo that could double as a javelin, all three of my guys come running in. My guys? I suppose so. I shrug at my internal debate. Rex is half worried, half amused, Braeden bends over laughing his ass off at the scene, which I guess from the outside might be amusing, and Emmett is looking on in horror. Pussy.

Marcus has finally straightened up— he comes at me with murder in his eyes, trying to yell at me. He only gets out, "Bitch," in a horrible scratchy, croaky voice.

I swing the whip in warning, just grazing the jeans he has on. The tip splits the jeans, and he jumps back before I can do too much damage to the skin underneath. Apollo tries coming at me at the same time, and he gets the ‘javelin’ nearly in his face before blocking it with his forearm. It only slows him down for a moment, but it gives me enough time to unfurl the other whip and wrap it around his ankle in a quick strike. The instant it wraps, I give a yank and bring him down on his back with a thump. The whip slackens enough that I’m able to flick it loose. I keep it going in random movements around me to deter anyone else from trying anything while holding the other at the ready. The doctor goes to help Apollo up, but no one makes a move for me. Braeden has mostly calmed himself, and Emmett looks rather impressed now. Rex is the first to attempt to get me to surrender.