Page 14 of Lark

"She's a little firecracker in the sack, isn't she?" My eyes narrow on my best friend and housemate as he goads me. "I remember that one time coming home from an assignment and she was going to town on your dick. Kind of like she did Braeden's today."

Jaw tight, and quelling the urge to punch my partner in the face, I grit out, "What's your point, Emmett?" He's sporting a devious expression, and I'm thinking we might tussle yet.

"Just saying, man, if you're trying to push her straight into his arms you're doing an excellent job. You think he hasn't been waiting— for years— to have the opportunity to be her one and only? I know I wouldn't have passed it–" Emmett cuts himself off, features morphing into contriteness, but it's too late for that.

"Passed what up, Em? Taking my girl?" Emmett wants Lark? I'll kick his ass. He rises to the bait.

"Not your girl anymore, and what a bang-up job you did of taking a break with her so you could come here." He shakes his head as he waves his arm out to encompass the room, before changing the direction of the conversation slightly, away from dangerous territory. "Just saying that if for some reason you two didn't work out, I can't swear I wouldn't have tried to swoop in. As for Braeden, while he's outwardly gay— and I believe he really is at least to a point— have you ever noticed more than a hook up or friends with benes' around?"

Thinking back, I can't recall anyone long-term being around or mentioned. In fact..."I'd say the same about you. Why is it, Emmett, that you've not had a real girlfriend since I met Lark? And the one at the time disappeared rather quickly, now that I think about it." My suspicions are confirmed by my friend's uncharacteristic bashfulness. Incredulous at my revelation, I continue, "Dude, are you hooked on my girl?" My world has gotten beyond wobbly, first having to break-up with Lark, then her getting mixed up in this, and now finding out my best friend, who may as well be family, has a torch for her. The sense of surreality is hard to take.

"Man, I can't believe it's taken you this long to notice. How the hell did you ever get her to date you? You have to be the luckiest son of a bitch that she did, and that we're like family; otherwise, I'd have had to take my chances." What the hell? Emmett and Lark?

"You never tried–" He cuts me off before I finish my accusation.

"Nah, man. She thinks I'm weird. Besides, she's hung up on you like crazy— or was. You need to figure it out as soon as we abort this shit show."

I'm in full agreeance with his advice— only figuring out the how part is going to be tricky with a pissed off Lark. Woman can hold a grudge, and it's not like my dumbass did something small like forgetting to put the lid back on the peanut butter or leaving the toilet seat up. Actually, it may have been close to when she fell in, in the middle of the night. The aftermath hadn't been pretty.

"Alright, bro. I get it, I'm wiped and ready for bed. See you when we get up?" Slightly dejected I leave Emmett, heading for the bedroom. Lark appears to be sleeping when I check on her, but as I go toward her for a closer look, I get stopped short by Braeden’s arctic stare. Shaking my head at his alpha male display, I climb into my own bed.

“She’ll eventually need you. She’ll need both of us.” Braeden's declaration is quiet. I don’t acknowledge him, but he’s right. I just need to get over my ego and pride right now.