Page 11 of Lark

"The smallest ball, for the rear, is a half inch across, the next is more than double that at an inch and a quarter, with the last coming in at two inches. That last one is going to hurt." His recital and warning has me ready to hyperventilate. I want to go home, and barring that, I want to go to bed. He blithely finishes his descriptions. "And that’s the smaller side. The other rod sports balls half again of each in diameter, with the lengths of both at eight, insertable inches." He starts moving them inward without warning. Up and up they go until he reaches the first, but it's actually not bad so far. The rods themselves are maybe the diameter of my pinky. When he hits the first of the balls, they sink in easily, squeezing the area between my anus and vaginal opening as they pass through simultaneously. The next he goes slower, and the pinch is sharper, causing me to dread the final ones. These meet resistance, and he steadily holds pressure, drawing it out as that flesh in between is flattened, bringing about a burning pain that is inescapable.

Tears prick my eyes by the time they’re finally seated fully. Marcus rocks it around, causing me to groan with discomfort. I feel insanely full right inside my openings. I relax my face from its grimace, blinking my eyes open, and realize Apollo is, yet again, almost in my crotch, just watching.


I glance around the room as Braeden withdraws his wet dick from Rex, leaving his ass hanging open and leaking a mess, slowly shrinking up after the massive invasion it has endured. I can only imagine I’m about to look the same down there. What the hell, why hadn't Brade been wearing a condom?

Rex and Braeden are both watching me now, and I close my eyes again in shameful, embarrassment. Marcus picks up a metal bullet vibrator that he clicks on. Running it around the edges of my openings, it turns some of the pain into pleasure. I moan, shifting my hips as much as the restraints allow. Apollo takes over teasing up and down my swollen flesh as Marcus withdraws the rods. The balls coming out together feel exquisitely overwhelming with the vibrations isolated under the hood of my clit. Apollo pokes the bullet in my ass when the rod has been removed, my sphincter closing over the vibrating intrusion, as he catches my clit in his teeth. He flicks his tongue on the captured nub, and I feel an impending orgasm rapidly approaching. He pulls the bullet out and lifts his head away. The two work in tandem— Marcus pushing the rod back in and pulling it out slowly, as Apollo repeats his actions with the bullet and sucking.

That’s it for me. I cry out and my ass and pussy clench and pulse. Surprising Apollo with the intensity, the bullet sucks into my ass and Apollo dives in after it with his fingers. The pinch of pain along with the sudden intrusion bring on another round of spasms, making my whole body stiffen with the back-to-back orgasms. He pulls his fingers out and gives me a final lick to the clit before putting his tongue into my pussy, literally licking out the fluid I'd released. It's too much for my oversensitive pussy, and he finally relents.

Apollo sits up and pulls Marcus in for a sloppy kiss, tongues and teeth clashing, liberally sharing what he's collected. It's the hottest thing, the guys making out, not the weird oversharing. I’m fairly surprised at the intensity of the encounter with the man that seemed so cold before. He and Marcus are definitely lovers. I’m now curious if Apollo is the one that introduced him to this. Before I have much time to think on it, Apollo is walking away to the sink to wash up, and Marcus is unhooking me before he moves to release Rex.

I attempt to stand on wobbly legs as pins and needles spread over the unconfined limbs. I move like I’ve been beaten, and I feel like I have been too. My body hurts so badly, inside and out. Now that the excitement is over my ass feels overused and extremely sore. I can only sympathize with the guys though. I wasn’t used quite so harshly as they were. The beginnings of a headache is putting painful pressure behind my eyes, and my mouth is extremely dry. Rex looks as rough as I feel and is walking very gingerly while Marcus ushers us to the door.

“I’ll be in here cleaning up. All of you go get washed up and rest. There are painkillers in the kitchen area above the sink and in the hall closet. There’s also some numbing cream you may want to use for some relief. Get your rest, we have a showing tonight for prospective buyers of Three and Four, but since you’re all being trained together, you’ll be shown together.” I’d assumed it was night already, but with no clocks or windows it made it difficult to judge the time. I actually have no idea how long it’s been since we were taken. I would guess four or five days, but that’s only because of the length of the leg and underarm hair I had declined to shave. I’m sort of embarrassed about that now. “It’s morning now,” he says, seeing the confusion on our faces. He looks at a watch I hadn’t really noticed before but has to push something on the side to make it light up. “A little past nine. I brought you in around five. You did well for the first portion, but the rest won’t be so easy.” He gives an asshole smirk with the parting shot.

Easy my aching ass. Fucking twat.