Page 10 of Lark

Chapter Seven

You're Putting That Where?


“Shit!” Lark passed out, and the way her throat convulsed around my cock every time she choked, made me start to come. I’m so worked up from the deep throating and watching the scene play out that I wasn't paying attention. Gripping the base of my dick, I withdraw quickly so I don’t drown her with my semen. I'm horrified at the dark thrill I got— the sensation her constricting throat evoked as she struggled for air flat did it for me— shame fills me, even though I was made to do it.

Unfortunately, it's too late not to come and as soon as I’m clear of her mouth my tip is aimed right at Rex, shooting my load straight into his face. Oh, fuck. I just jizzed right in my best friend’s boyfriend’s mouth. It’s so not my fault that he was yelling about Lark clamping on his fingers and his mouth happened to be open. Rex and Emmett both look at me in shock. “I’m sorry. I tried to stop it. I was afraid she would choke when she passed out.” I stumble out my apology.

Rex wipes his tongue on his arm, glaring at me, while Emmett hands him a couple wipes to help clean up. Apollo is in his chair, laughing his ass off, with Marcus smirking as if he'd planned all of this. No one is that good. He goes on with his instructions, unconcerned about Lark.

“Three, go get in the chair right there.” Marcus is indicating the one next to Lark. He’s gone around to her head and is lifting the support back into place. Rex is cleaning her up now too. I'm glad he's at least taking care of her. “One, get in the chair next to three.” Emmett is just standing there with a hard dick and a plug in his ass, watching. I guess we all have full asses, now that I think about it. It makes walking uncomfortable for sure. I gingerly ease into the chair, avoiding pressure on my backside by leaning back. Rex does the same, although he’s pussyfooting a lot more than I am. Not that I blame him if he’s never had anything in his backdoor.

Marcus secures us both and positions us the same as Lark, but with our heads and torsos slightly elevated. Guess we won’t be sucking dick— yet. Our positions are indicative that we’re supposed to watch what happens. I can see the end of the little black plug poking out of Rex. It’s hard to take my gaze from it, but then Marcus steps between my legs with a glove on again. He grips the ring at the bottom and starts working the plug out. It’s almost as bad as it was going in, now that it’s had time to get dry in there. The lube was silicone-based at least. When it finally pops free, I sigh in relief only to groan when he immediately enters me with three fingers full of lube, generously rubbing it around. He withdraws, handing Emmett a condom and indicating the lube. So that’s the next step, getting fucked. My dick twitches a little in anticipation. I’ve always thought Emmett was hot, but I never knew he might swing that way. His dark angel looks just do it for me, and I'll take whatever perks are to be found in the situation. Marcus moves away as Emmett lines his dick up with my hole.



I come back to consciousness slowly and open my eyes to see Apollo sitting in a new spot. One where he has a full-on view of all my lady bits. I’m not sure how I feel about that when I notice his attention is not on me, but on the scenes next to me.

Marcus and Rex are both watching as Emmett lines his condom-covered dick up with my best friend’s ass. Emmett makes contact and widens his stance before pressing forward. He’s actually about the same size as Rex, long and not too wide. As he spreads his legs, I notice the plug is still in him; it flexes with every movement. I can’t imagine having to walk around with it in. He presses in, and there is little resistance from all the lube I see shining on them both under the industrial lighting. He pauses a little ways in, and when Braeden relaxes, he thrusts in until their pelvises meet. Braeden lets out a moan with his face pinched. I can’t tell if he likes it or not. Emmett pulls all the way out, and I see Braeden gaping open as his anus slowly starts to close. Before it’s completely closed again, Emmett plunges back in. He continues for several minutes until I see Braeden getting hard again, at which point Emmett changes it up and keeps up a steady, bruising pace. His face is a mask of concentration, and his beautiful muscles are well-defined by the hard flex he's maintaining. I’m surprised to feel myself getting worked up again from watching.

Movement brings my attention over to Rex and Marcus. Marcus is removing his plug, using a long syringe to apply lube on his stretched rim, then sinking it deeply after the toy comes out, to administer it inside. He repeats the process of lubrication twice more until it's dripping out of Rex. That’s a lot of lube.

Marcus grabs something and goes over to the other couple, making them pause. They’re both slightly trembling. Marcus takes a leather ring with a strap and buckle around it. He fits the ring over Braeden’s cock then slips it over his balls as well. Threading the end around, he tightens it and fastens it with the buckle. I know my eyes are as wide as Braeden’s. He winces a little when his cock twitches with Emmett still in him. What the hell is that? I’ve heard of cock rings, but this looks like nothing I’ve ever seen. Can he even come with that on? Marcus pulls out a measuring tape, holding it up to Braeden’s dick. Walking away, he indicates for Emmett to resume.

I watch with rapt curiosity as Marcus pulls out a drawer, reading the print on a package inside before opening it to reveal a black dildo. Appearing to be glass, it’s definitely not flexible, and it’s roughly the length of Braeden's dick, but not the width. Maybe about half of it. Rex looks nervous as Marcus moves in. Marcus doesn’t hesitate when he gets to Rex; as he was walking, he'd coated the dildo in lube. This place must spend a fortune on the stuff. The glass is slightly pointed and breaks right into Rex’s anus, spreading it wide without a hiccup. He keeps pushing up until Rex is straining the bonds holding him and making noises in the back of his throat. He stops there for a moment, then pushes in and out in short strokes, working it deeper each time. When it looks as if the last inch just isn’t going to go in, Marcus reclines Rex’s torso back some and changes the angle of his legs. Still holding the base of the dildo, I see him apply more pressure, the gritting of Rex’s teeth becoming almost audible.

I can feel I’m wet again, and I can’t take my eyes off Rex being penetrated so fully that it makes my own ass feel hollow. Not something I'd have thought to notice or experience before today. Slowly, it slides in the last bit, and Marcus just holds it there to let Rex acclimate before rotating it and rocking it back and forth without ever withdrawing it. Rex is still hard, so he can’t be hating it too badly. Eventually, Marcus starts working it all the way out, then back in again, gradually picking up speed until he notices that Emmett is losing his rhythm. He abruptly pulls the dildo out, setting it aside and leaving Rex's stretched hole empty.

Rolling his stool over behind Emmett, he reaches between his legs to massage his balls, and at the same time he starts pulling the long plug out. With the sounds Emmett is making he’s in the throes of one heck of an orgasm. He’s buried to the hilt, hips pumping forward every other second, while his ass holds its grip on the plug until Marcus finally drags out of him. For a moment, he collapses partially over Braeden after it's over, catching his breath. Marcus is impatient, unstrapping Braeden before pulling Emmett upright and out of his behind. Letting Braeden up, Marcus doesn’t bother to clean him up. Instead, Marcus leaves his asshole sloppy with all the lube. Such a nice guy to let him clean up. I wince in sympathy at the red, tender-looking skin between Brade's cheeks. Marcus tells Emmett to take the chair Braeden has just vacated. I wrinkle my nose at him not even bothering to clean the mess off before Emmett collapses on it.

Marcus unhooks the cock ring and rubs lube on Braeden's dick, which is standing at full attention. Going back over to Rex, he puts another tube of lubrication in him. What the hell, is he planning to stick a foot in there? Is that a thing? I hope that's not a thing.

“Three, you’ll be fucking One, if that isn't obvious by now.” Not a foot, then. Phew, but with the bat my bestie is packing there's no such thing as too much lube. I wonder if Marcus purposely did this because of the group dynamic?

Rex is vocal about his feelings, "You're going to, what? No way, he's not putting that in me— pick someone else." His mutiny is short-lived when Marcus flicks a sharp glance in my direction. "You've got to be kidding me, right now." He mutters, thumping his head back onto the headrest in defeat.

I'm gonna fuck him up for using me to control them. I'm fuming at the antics, and then of course my formerly level-headed best friend has to join in. Quietly, Braeden addresses Rex.

“I’m going to enjoy plowing your ass for what you've done to Lark.” He says it with that smirk on his face, the one he gets when he’s looking for trouble. He's considerate like that, it usually takes a lot to make him lose his cool. Unless you fuck with his family, i.e. me.

My bestie is the best, but I’m kinda worried he might do damage to Rex and regret it later. “Brade!” I hiss. They both glance over at me, as if they only now realize I'm awake. Sometimes, they’re such idiots. Rex looks ashamed, and Braeden rolls his eyes but says nothing else.

“Get to it, boys.” Marcus is barely paying attention, sorting through his drawers of torture tools again. Braeden moves up to Rex and starts dragging the head of his dick in small circles on Rex’s asshole. I watch the scene in fascinated horror. Brade applies some pressure, and I see it slowly begin to widen. It doesn’t go any further though, and it looks like someone trying to put on a beanie two sizes too small. He holds the head there and begins to work the end of his finger around the edges of the skin and muscle of Rex’s lube-soaked entrance. Rex is groaning and gritting his teeth as Braeden’s dick sinks in right past the mushroomed tip and he pauses for Rex to catch his breath. The taut skin blanches when he presses slightly further, causing Rex to make an odd noise. His dick has gone flaccid, so it’s obvious to everyone that he is not enjoying this part, at least. Rocking back a tad, then pushing a bit forward, Braeden keeps trying to work his way in. With just a couple inches to go, Rex’s flag is beginning to wave again. Braeden reaches up, grabbing Rex’s shoulders, then curls his hips under and lunges up, breaching Rex completely and pulling a hoarse scream from his throat. Braeden mutters a sorry and holds very still. With Rex’s cock half hard and deflating again, Braeden fills his palm with yet more lube to begin stroking Rex; using a twisting motion at the top before traveling back down to the base. Rex starts to relax, and Braeden begins to work in and out in long, slow strokes

I glance over, observing Apollo who is glued to the show. Emmett is half asleep, but the goings on have him at half-mast as well. Marcus turns his attention back to me and pulls out a skinny U-shaped metal rod with a handle. Seriously, dude?I'm so done. My limbs are aching, my throat is scratchy, and I can't decide what is more chafed; nether regions or nipples. I need something to drink, a shower, and the bathroom. Instead, Marcus is coming at me with this thing. One side is larger than the other and both have three balls on the ends graduating in size. Marcus greases them up, and I see the balls move inside the clear sleeve type thing housing them. Oddly enough the sizes change order when they're manipulated. On the upstroke, the largest end is at the top, on the way down it switches to last. As he gets closer, I realize it’s not metal encased in clear silicone, but some kind of encapsulated gel bead clusters. I can't quite figure out the engineering behind the size changes. Maybe the pockets fill and escape through the channels depending on the pressure. I have a feeling I know who these are for. Apollo moves closer and leans in to sniff my crotch, to enjoy it as he inhales. My eyes go wide at the action.

“Would you mind?”

“Would I mind, what?” WTF? How do I answer that after he scented me?

“I wish to taste you.” He's so proper and reserved in his speech. I doubt saying no would stop him. Don't rock the crazy boat, birdbrain. That's what Braeden would tell me— if he weren't boning my ex at the moment.

“Umm...okay I guess?” Seriously, dude. What the fuck else am I gonna say? 'No, Mr. Scary-and-Nuttier-Than-Squirrel-Shit, you may not?' Righht— cuz that would go over well. Trying to ignore him, I look over to the guys, and they’re fully occupied. The little bit of attention Emmett’s managing to muster up is also on those two. Fucking, peachy. I’m essentially alone with Marcus and Apollo while my best friend pounds Rex with skin-slapping noises. I don't understand why none of us are more concerned. I frown, thinking about it, but get sidetracked with the man between my spread and cramping legs.

Apollo leans over and gives me one long lick. From my opening to my clit, his tongue flat and firm. He lifts his head up, gazing at me, then leans in, holding eye contact, as he deliberately swirls his pointed tongue around my asshole. He takes his time, giving me a thorough rim job, before forcing his tongue in my back entrance. Fucking my ass with his tongue seems to be enjoyable for him as he keeps it up longer than I thought anyone would be interested in. He repeats the process on my pussy then sucks my clit like he'd suck on a nipple. He sits back with eyes dark and licks his lips. Holy, fuck, that felt good. Also, I'd best not get a UTI from the swapsies. I’ve never had a tongue in my ass. Might have to take that up with a guy if I ever date again. Marcus moves in on his stool, pushing a dazed Apollo out of the way. He'd really got off on eating my ass out. Marcus interrupts my thoughts again by pressing tubes of lubrication in both holes at the same time, depressing the plungers and filling me with cool gel. He doesn't waste any time bringing the rods up, sinking the tips in. The sadistic bastard narrates each detail as the ends rest, unmoving, just inside my abused sex and anus.