“That’s for your husband to decide,” Flora replied. “We should wrap this up so I can finish up with Victoria. I’m sure the two of you are eager to start your weekend.”

I knew a brush-off when I saw one.

I didn’t have a choice, so I followed her through the door, down a short hall, and into Victoria’s room. Victoria was sleeping when Flora turned the dome off and lifted it. When Victoria opened her eyes and looked at me, she offered me an open, honest smile for the first time and said, “Hey! You look like you again!”

“I do?” I asked and touched my face self consciously. The skin was smooth and warmer to the touch than normal. I had looked stunning in the mirror, but inside I still felt the same. Confused, angry, and hollow, as if somebody was trying to rob me of my identity.

“You do,” she said and jumped up, threw her arms around me, and said, “Finally! Are you ready to party? Do we really have you back?”

And at that moment, I knew what she needed from me and what I needed to do in order to survive this strange and ugly world.

I giggled, hugged her back, and said, “You know it, girl.”

She relaxed noticeably and hugged me tighter. “Oh, thank god,” she whispered fiercely into my hair.

Then it passed, and she released me. She stepped back, looked Flora up and down, and lifted a perfectly sculpted brow. “Are you done with her? I want to go.”

“Yes,” Flora said, then turned to me. “I’ll have your new pills sent to your room. They’ll be ready for tonight’s dose.”

“Thank you,” I replied and followed as Victoria grabbed my hand and dragged me from the building.

“I can’t wait to see Alexander’s face when he sees your face,” she laughed maniacally. “Seriously, you were looking so Lower I was afraid he was going to call off the wedding. If his family didn’t need your family, he probably would have.”

“Wait,” I said, and when she kept dragging, I said it louder. “Wait!”

But she dug her nails into my wrists like claws and pulled me behind her. As we exited the modern research building, it was like stepping back in time. The gothic spires on the surrounding buildings seemed to curve inward menacingly as we made our way through the courtyard.

I knew where we were going, and she released me from her grip as we approached the stairs going down to the men’s side of the college.

“They’re going to die,” she whispered harshly, with a gleeful edge to her voice. “You look like you again. It’s so crazy.”

I didn’t think there was that much of a difference to warrant her heightened excitement, but I followed silently, playing my part.

When we turned the corner to the group of guys gathered around, I noticed a familiar blonde head already in the crowd.

Grace was there ahead of us. As we walked up, none of the guys or the girls noticed our approach.

They were too busy watching Grace as she slow danced with somebody.

I realized it was Alexander and felt a flare of rage burst inside my chest. I wasn’t jealous that she was with him because I didn’t even want him, but I was furious that she thought she could take what was mine.

I pulled my hand back to strike her, and the small group parted in shock as I threw myself at the two of them.

But before I could do anything, Rome grabbed me by the wrist and growled, “Control yourself. This isn’t what it looks like.”

And before I could react to that, he pulled me into his arms and twirled me into a slow dance of our own.

I wanted to fight him, but when our eyes locked, I was lost, and I was his.

And Alexander, Grace, Victoria, every one of them melted away like snowflakes under the sun.


“Alexander didn’t notice your fist,”Rome said, looking down at me as we danced. “You’re off the hook, princess.”

“Does it matter? He’s grinding on the one girl I can’t stand around here,” I muttered back. “She’s obnoxious as fuck and deserves a bitch slap.”

“This isn’t about her,” Rome hissed in my ear as he leaned over me, holding me in his arms. “This is about him. If he saw you behave like that, you would be in danger.”