Ember smirked. “What do you as his so-called Pair think?”
The answer was obvious. “He believes in the balance. He would never approve of this.” I lifted my chin, proud of him and his convictions.
“And you’re not to tell him,” Mother snapped. “You’re to stay away from him else you’ll never see a drop of magic from me. Being paired is weak; it steals everything from you and gives you nothing in return. I need your full powers for our plan to work. Anything else is out of the question. Understood?”
She gave me a dark look, as if she already sensed my faltering loyalty. I forced myself to rearrange my expression into one of submission and nodded. But my outward compliance couldn’t change the rebellion simmering inside of me.
Mother wanted me to stay away from Darius? Then the first step to untangling myself from her was to seek him out as soon as possible.
Chapter 29
Iescaped to the forest to summon Darius, only to discover him already waiting for me, leaning against a gnarled oak, arms crossed and wearing a grave expression. Despite the panic from my predicament and the hurt from Mother’s true feelings towards me, warmth filled me. Darius was here. He always would be.
He straightened the moment he saw me, his eyes hungrily searching mine, as if looking for something he’d lost. Concern filled him the moment he noticed my pain. “What happened?”
I tugged my empty dream dust locket from beneath my dress and held it up. He gaped at it before releasing a long sigh.
“So they did suspend you after all.”
I nodded as I stepped closer, needing to bridge the distance between us. “There’s more, so much more.” I could barely speak past the tears clogging my throat.
He opened his arms and I fell into them with a strangled sob. He cradled me so tenderly and securely, enfolding me in his caramel-scented warmth, protecting not just me but also my bruised and battered heart. Despite everything, I knew nothing could harm me as long as we were together.
“I’m here, darling,” he murmured. “I’ll always be here for you.”
He’d made such a promise before, but I felt the full impact of his tender words now. They embraced my wounded heart, acting as a light in the darkness currently suffocating me. And it was that light that kept me afloat rather than allowing me to drown as I had after my last suspension. With its beacon came hope that despite my current circumstances everything would be alright, somehow.
I traced the spiderwebs threading his face and he leaned against my fingers before twisting around to kiss my palm. The gesture was so sweet I felt I’d melt.
“You’re here.” This time I was the one to supply the words so that he’d know that I would never doubt his devotion ever again.
“I’m here, Eden,” He murmured, continuing to kiss first my palm, then my wrist.
I smiled through my tears. “And you always will be.” It wasn’t a question any longer. The binding connection of our hearts provided me the absolute certainty that I needed, making it impossible to doubt any longer.
“Always.” He kissed my palm once more before cradling my face and staring deeply into my eyes, his green ones ablaze with his earnest sincerity. “I’m here no matter what, no matter what happens.” The corner of his mouth lifted as he searched my gaze. “You believe me.”
I pressed my forehead against his. “I do. I’ll never doubt again.”
“I know.”
We remained in this position for some time, basking in the completeness that came from being together. Darius stroked my hair and I melted into his comfort with a contented sigh.
“Please tell me what happened.”
Unlike before when every confession I made to him had been given in fear that my words would cause Darius to realize that it wasn’t worth being connected with me and cause him to push me away, I no longer believed that.
So I did. I told him about my suspension, Mother’s true feelings towards me—which required several pauses in my recitation as Darius comforted me and dried my tears—to the full extent of her plan, ending with the truth I knew would hurt Darius the most.
I took a wavering breath. “Your mother is involved.”
Darius stiffened. I hastily explained.
“She suspended me at my mother’s wishes so that I’m completely reliant on my mother for all my powers.”
Darius didn’t say anything, but devastation filled his eyes. I embraced him, and after a moment he released a long breath as his arms tightened around me to draw me closer.
“I’ve wondered whether Mother was involved for quite awhile, as has Father. Shade is unsurprisingly oblivious.” He shook his head before forcing a smile that didn’t reach his eyes. “But please don’t worry, Eden. Her choices are not your fault.”