I couldn’t resist my girlish grin at the thought of anext time. I reached up to caress his cheek before giving it a little poke.
His lips twitched. “What are you up to?”
“Just ensuring you’re real,” I said. “I can never be sure since the last time I saw you at such an hour, it was right after I’d woken up from a rather frightening nightmare.”
He sighed. “I’m never going to be forgiven for that, am I? Trust me, if I’d realized who you were, that nightmare would have been much less frightening.” But his easy grin quickly returned. “As disgruntled as you are in the mornings, I admit I’m rather enjoying myself. I still find it fascinating that you need sleep, though admittedly it’s also rather inconvenient. But I have no doubt I’ll get used to waking you up.”
My heart warmed at the thought of a future filled with mornings like this. “I’ll be more willing to cooperate in the mornings if you make it worth my while.”
“And I will, for as I told you, I’m here to cheer you up. I know you’ve been having a difficult time and are in desperate need of the comfort only I, the amazing Darius, can render, and because it’s for you, I’m all too happy to provide it.” He smiled so sweetly, causing my heart to flutter in the way only he could make it.
“How are you planning on cheering me up?” I asked.
“I think you’re failing to grasp the concept of asurprise, Nemesis.”
The thought of going anywhere with Darius woke me up a little more, allowing the excitement that had kept me up last night to return...along with additional questions. “How did you know where I lived?”
His cheerful expression darkened. “I followed you back the day your mother interrupted our near-kiss and dragged you away.”
I gasped. “Mother!“ I looked wildly around, fully expecting to see her spying on us from the doorway. Thankfully, she was nowhere to be seen, but surely it was only a matter of time before she heard us talking and discovered Darius was in my bedroom.
Darius cradled my cheek. “Don’t worry, I ensured she was gone before I snuck in. It’s just you and me.”
The tension filling me melted away and I relaxed. My sleepiness finally fully dissipated, making me fully realize that this wasn’t a dream. Darius had come, just as he’d promised he would. I leaned against his hand tenderly stroking my cheek. “You’re here.”
He grinned and pressed his forehead against mine. “I’m here. And I always will be.” Despite his sweet words he withdrew, leaving me yearning for his touch. “Are you ready for an adventure, Nemesis?”
I scooted to the edge of the bed where I yawned and stretched, all while Darius watched with a rather fascinated look, as if he found my quirk of needing to sleep nothing but endearing. “I hope whatever destination you have in mind is worth my waking up so early.” Not that I was complaining to be doinganythingwith him.
“Anything I plan promises to be wonderful. Trust me, you’ll love it.”
I yawned again. “If you say so.”
I groggily stumbled as I hopped off the bed. His hands looped around my waist to steady me and for a moment we stared at one another. His touch pressing against my back warmed me, and suddenly I felt very much awake and acutely aware of every wonderful sensation rippling over me. My hands slid to his shoulders as I nestled against him.
His arms tightened around me to hold me closer. “Are you alright, Eden? With your guilt over the lava nightmare release and all the repercussions from that...I know you’ve been having a difficult time.”
“Things have been so hard.”
He nestled against my hair. “I know. I wish more than anything I could help you.”
“You are, you’re here.” I peered up at him. “Whyare you here?”
“Because you need me.”
“I do.” It was a relief to allow myself to admit it.
“As I need you. More than you know.” He cupped my chin and started to lean closer. My heart fluttered and felt on the brink of taking flight as I leaned up towards his lips...
“What’sSpiderwebdoing here?”
I closed my eyes in disbelief at Stardust’s shriek from the doorway and actually groaned in disappointment. “Why now?”
Darius sighed. “Perhaps it’s for the best, at least until you’re ready. I’d hate to rush you.” He lightly pressed his lips to my brow and released me. I nearly seized him again in order to keep him close, not ready to end our moment just yet. I turned to our interrupter to find Stardust gawking at us, somehow looking both disgusted and pleased by our proximity.
“Good morning, Glitter Ball,” Darius said with more cheerfulness than I thought was warranted after her poor timing.
She narrowed her eyes at him. “I’m surprised to see you here. Just what are you doing with my Eden?”