“Yours, of course,” she said briskly. “I’m sleuthing for any clue that can untangle you from the mess you currently find yourself in, disguising myself as all manner of clever things in order to do so. I’m determined to help you and prove once and for all that you’renota Nightmare.”
I closed my eyes and allowed myself to bask in her sweet belief in me. Even after all we’d been through, she still saw more in me than I currently did in myself. I hoped that her faith and confidence in me wasn’t misplaced, and that one day I could come to see myself in the same way she did.
“Why do you believe that?” I asked, needing to once more hear her faith, one of the things I’d most yearned for during her absence.
“You’re unhappy here,” she said. “Light can’t dwell in darkness. Thus you’re not a Nightmare. The conclusion is so obvious even an amateur could have deduced it.”
Her words further nourished the hope that had been planted within me, still a small seed but alive all the same.
Stardust continued. “While I’ve investigated the many mysteries about your current situation—and have discovered all sorts of juicy tidbits, just wait till you hear them—my primary purpose has been to uncover indisputable proof that Spiderweb didn’t betray you.”
I raised my brows skeptically and she hastened to explain.
“Whether or not I like him myself, I can’t deny his innocence is what would bring you the most joy. Naturally, with Detective Stardust on the case, it has now been solved. I’m pleased to report that I’ve discovered the true criminal mastermind behind your unjust suspension. Now that I’ve finally found irrefutable evidence, I’ve come to present it to you.”
She bristled smartly. I opened my mouth to tell her that I’d already solved this particular case but paused at the excited gleam shining in Stardust’s eyes; the last thing I wanted was to ruin this moment for her.
She morphed into her detective notebook and cleared her throat. “I began by looking at the reasons why you believed Spiderweb was one who framed you and examined each point from a different angle, a common tactic amongst professional detectives.”
She flipped to a blank page so she could write each point one by one as she stated them. Although this promised to be one of Stardust’s typical long orations, for once I didn’t mind. I’d even secretly missed them; they were a part of my friend and I loved her all the more for it. So I leaned back and watched her pronouncement with bemusement.
She cleared her throat and, eyes gleaming, promptly launched into presenting her case point by point. The evidence was nothing new to me, but I listened to Stardust’s recitation attentively.
“...considering it seemed strange for Spiderweb to betray you only to risk his own neck trying to clear your name, I asked myself: is it possible someone else could have had the same opportunities Spiderweb had in order to frame you? The answer is clear: therewassomeone who was always with Spiderweb.” She swelled herself up importantly in preparation for the big reveal. “Bolt.”
I made an exaggerated effort to widen my eyes in surprise. “Boltis the one who betrayed me?”
“He is indeed.” Stardust looked so proud of herself she seemed fit to burst at the seams. It was so adorable I couldn’t resist continuing my act.
“But why would he do that?”
“Under your horrible mother’s orders, of course,” she said. “It’s all a scheme to tear you away from your true home.”
I shook my head. “What a conclusion. I’m grateful my best friend is such a skilled investigator.”
She beamed brightly, looking as if she’d swallowed the sun. “I am rather incredible, aren’t I? There’s no sleuth quite like me.”
I hugged her. “You are indeed. Thank you for helping me.”
“Although I did it because I love you, I do think such stellar work deserves a reward.” Her eyes glistened as she examined my full locket. “Now that you’re no longer a magical pauper, I can end my diet. Might I have some moonbits?”
A rush of affection for my eccentric but adorable cloud washed over me. I squeezed her closer, not keen on letting her go. “I really missed you, Stardust.”
She nuzzled deeper into my arms. “I missed you, too. I’ll never leave you again.” She placed a fluffy, airy kiss on my cheek.
As we ended our embrace, I suddenly noticed two watery blue eyes peeking over the rim of the bed, the only part of Stormy’s body not currently invisible.
Stardust noticed him too and narrowed her gaze. “Is that your fake cloud? Now that I’ve returned he can find somewhere new to live.”
He gave a tiny whimper and ducked out of sight. Pity filled my heart, an emotion easier to feel now that Stardust’s return had softened me. I released her and crawled off the bed to peer beneath it. Though I couldn’t see him, I could hear him sniffling.
“Can you come out, Stormy?”
He didn’t answer. I wriggled further beneath the bed and reached out blindly until my hand settled on his invisible quivering body. I stroked him soothingly.
“You don’t need to be afraid; I won’t ask you to leave.”
“But your new cloud doesn’t like me,” he whimpered. “Youdon’t like me.”